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The European Construction Sector Observatory(ECSO) aims to inform European
policymakers and industry stakeholders on the market conditions and policy developments
through regular analysis and comparative assessments. Visit the ECSO website and gain
access to a wide range of industry data and analysis. ECSO contains all the information you
need to stay up to date with the latest news and practical analyses about the construction
sector in Europe.
28 Country Fact Sheets, 135 Policy Fact Sheets, 7 Analytical Reports and 3 Trend Papers
are now online.
New Analytical
4 Updated Country
Fact Sheets
construction events
Late Payment in the construction sector
Late payments and long payment terms aect the European construction sector in particular,
causing administrative and nancial burdens especially to SMEs. In turn, businesses
experience loss of income, indebtedness and cashow issues that limit their sustainable
growth and expansion, and their ability to hire employees. This newsletter focuses on the
issue, with a view to provide you with further statistics and analysis to meet the challenge.
New Analytical Report is online
Download the Analytical Report
Executive summaries in EN, FR, DE,
Late payment in the construction
The report provides an analysis of the state of
play and impact of late payment on the
European construction sector, by analysing in
detail the situation with late payment inve
countries: France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the
United Kingdom. The report draws attention to
the impacts of the implementation of the EU
Directive 2011/7/EU on Late Payments and the
impact of other hard and soft regulations on the
payment discipline of companies and public
authorities in the sector.
The analytical report looks in detail at causes of
late payment in the construction sector, and
notably their links with the fragmentation of the
construction supply chain and the specics of
payment processes or disputes in the
construction sector. There is also an analysis of
policy initiatives taken by public authorities to
address late and long payment across the EU
Member States, as well as in third countries.
Those initiatives relate to the adoption of stricter
regulations, ensuring transparency of payment
practice, better invoice management, dispute
resolution systems & sanctions as well as
awareness- raising. Finally, the report provides a
set of lessons learnt from policymakers on how
to tackle the issue in the EU.
Find more about late payment in the construction
sector in the new Analytical Report of the
European Construction Sector Observatory.
Updated Country Fact Sheets are online
Four updated Country Fact Sheets are now available for download, focusing on the
construction markets of Germany, Hungary, Romania and Spain. The reports supply an
analysis of key gures, macroeconomic indicators, economic drivers, issues and barriers,
innovation, the national policy and regulatory framework, and the status and national
strategy to meet Construction 2020 objectives.
Country Fact SheetGermany
In 2019, 77% of German businesses faced issues
with delayed payments and 52% of German
businesses considered longer payment terms
as a key area of concern. This issue is observed in
both business-to-business and public authorities-
to-business transactions. In turn, late payments
caused limited cash ow and reduced
investments, threatening the sustainable
development of the sector, and especially its
SMEs. Read more about the future of the
construction sector in Germany in the Country
Fact Sheet.
Download the Country Fact Sheet
Country Fact Sheet Hungary
Late payment is not considered a critical issue for
Hungarian companies, even though there was a
slight increase in 2019. That year, business-to-
business and business-to-public authorities
transactions allowed for 24 to 31 days of
payment terms respectively, compared to 21 and
23 days in 2018. In addition, the time actually
taken to pay is longer than the terms of payment
agreed, standing at 25 to 39 days respectively.
Discover more about the construction sector in
Hungary in the Country Fact Sheet.
Download the Country Fact Sheet
Country Fact Sheet Romania
Payment terms in the Romanian construction
sector dropped from 25 days in 2018 to 19 days
in 2019. Likewise, payment terms in business-to-
business and business-to-public authorities also
fell from 36 days and 48 days respectively in 2018,
to 33 days and 27 days in 2019. However, even
though companies and public authorities
payment behaviours seem to improve, almost
80% of the Romanian companies are
concerned about receiving payments past
their due date. Learn more about the
construction sector in Romania in the Country
Fact Sheet.
Download the Country Fact Sheet
Country Fact Sheet Spain
In Spain, nearly 90% of construction companies
reported being adversely impacted by late
payment in business-to-business (B2B)
transactions. In fact, payment terms in B2B
transactions are the third longest in Western
Europe standing at 48 days. This issue will need
to be addressed to ensure the sustainable growth
of the construction sector. Find out more about
the construction sector in Spain in the Country
Fact Sheet.
Download the Country Fact Sheet
Upcoming events
Construction is changing rapidly, with new business models, concepts and technologies being
introduced to best respond to new demands and requirements. To keep you aware, please
nd below a quick summary ofupcoming events.
The High Level Tripartite Strategic Forum on Construction
17 June 2020 | 10:00 12:30| Virtual meeting
The 8th (virtual) meeting of the Forum will focus on the short-term responses to
COVID-19 and how the Recovery Package including the Renovation Wave can
support the construction ecosystem to recover, repair and emerge stronger from
the crisis. Participants are invited to discuss how to increase the construction
ecosystem’s capacity and resilience to deliver appropriate solutions in the short to
medium term for a sustainable built environment.
You will receive the joining instructions once your participation has been
conrmed. The deadline for registrations is 15 June.
European Construction Sector Observatory
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