TRADING PATH - journal of the Durham Orange Genealogical Society - Table of Contents
1 1 2 Winter 1990 The Southern Quaker Migration
The Quaker migration through the south
1 1 6 Winter 1990
Research In Other States - Virginia, Land
and Property
A discussion of the various ways land was distributed in
1 1 9 Winter 1990
The Durham County Library - The North
Carolina Collection
A brief description of the North Carolina Collection in 1990.
1 1 10 Winter 1990
The Durham Family History Center - An
Introduction To The International
Genealogical Index
An index published by the LDS Church of 148 million
deceased persons. Births, christening, marriage and LDS
Temple Ordinance information.
1 2 3 Spring 1990
Research In Other States - Georgia, Land
And Property
A discussion of the various ways land was distributed in
1 2 6 Spring 1990
Durham Family History Center - The Parish
And Vital Records List
The Parish and Vital Records List shows which records have
been indexed and listed in the International Genealogical
1 2 12 Spring 1990
Member Research
A list of surnames being researched by members of the
Durham-Orange Genealogical Society.
1 3 1 Summer 1990
Tennessee Military Records
Service and Pension Records of Tennessee for the
Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, and Civil War.
1 3 3 Summer 1990
North Carolina Vital Records Vital Records for North Carolina
1 3 6 Summer 1990
Family History Center News
Updated information of what is available in LDS Family
History Centers
1 3 9 Summer 1990
African American Family History Day
A summery of an event which happened at the Family History
Center with lists of surnames researched by attendees.
1 3 16 Summer 1990
Ancestry Charts 5 generations of the family tree of Eleanor McCauley Worley.
1 4 1 Autumn 1990
Perestroika, German Reunification, and the
Search For Ancestors
An excerpt from an article by Edward David Luft in Vol. VI,
No. 2, of Avotaynu, The International Review of Jewish
Genealogy regarding previously closed archives in Eastern
1 4 5 Autumn 1990
Items Of Interest From The Durham Daily
Items of genealogical interest from the Durham Daily Sun
1 4 10 Autumn 1990
A Member Writes… The last will and testament of Joseph Hines written in 1861.
1 4 17 Autumn 1990
Ancestry Charts 4 generations of the family tree of Patricia M. Hutchins.
2 1 2 Winter 1991
The Family Bible of John Neville and Emily
Items found in the family Bible, dated 1856. Pages found in
the member file in the North Carolina Collection under
2 1 3 Winter 1991
More items of interest from The Durham
Daily Sun
Miscellaneous newspaper items of interest to Durhamites.
2 1 7 Winter 1991
Orange County "Negro Cohabitation
Certificates" 'Years 1866 - 1868"
"Freedman's Marriage Record"
State of North Carolina - Orange County Man and his wife,
lately slaves, but not emancipated, declare before me George
Law, clerk of Orange County Courts that they now live and
cohabit together as man and wife and have so lived and
cohabitated since the year or thereabouts therefore and
consequently by the laws of North Carolina are now husband
and wife. Abstracted by Elizabeth Moorman.
2 1 8 Winter 1991
Member Ancestor Charts 5 generations of the family tree of Trudie Davis Long.
2 1 9 Winter 1991
Member Ancestor Charts 9 generations of the family tree of Dr. A. Douglas Rice.
2 2 91-33 Spring 1991
Expanded Data On Mary Jane Harris - from
an item of interest from the Durham Daily
More details for Mary Jane Harris including ancestral
2 2 91-33 Spring 1991
Death notice from the Durham Daily Globe Death notice for Robert Faucette aged 66 of Hillsboro.
2 2 91-34 Spring 1991
Items from the Durham Tobacco Plant from February 14,
2 2 91-35 Spring 1991
A short sketch of the history of Durham relating to mainly
2 2 91-35 Spring 1991
Reproduction of the home and likeness of William Thomas
Blackwell from the Durham County Public Library Durham
Historical Photographic Archives
2 2 91-36 Spring 1991
A Blank Orphan Bond form
2 2 91-37 Spring 1991
Orange County "Orphan Bonds"
190 orphan bonds were recorded found bound in Orange
County between 10 November 1868 and 1880. They were in
a preprinted journal. George Laws, probate judge, signed the
2 2
Spring 1991
Genealogical Items Of Interest From "The
Hillsboro Weekly Recorder"
Items of genealogical interest from the Hillsboro Weekly
Recorder 1820-1911.
2 2 91-41 Spring 1991
List Of Letters Remaining In The Post Office
In Hillsborough, N. C. March 31, 1820
The names of letters left unclaimed in the Post Office in
Hillsborough, N. C. March 31, 1820.
2 2 91-42 Spring 1991
Orange County "Negro Cohabitation
Certificates" 'Years 1866 - 1868"
"Freedman's Marriage Record"
State of North Carolina - Orange County Man and his wife,
lately slaves, but not emancipated, declare before me George
Law, clerk of Orange County Courts that they now live and
cohabit together as man and wife and have so lived and
cohabitated since the year or thereabouts therefore and
consequently by the laws of North Carolina are now husband
and wife. Abstracted by Elizabeth Moorman. Continued from
the Winter 1991 Quarterly.
2 2 91-44 Spring 1991
Information Taken From The Morgan P.
Gibbs Family Bible In Washington, N. C. July
7, 1948.
Births, Deaths, and Marriages taken from the Morgan O.
Gibbs Family Bible.
2 2 91-45 Spring 1991
Member's Chart
7 generations of the family tree of DOG's member Clayton P.
Mann of Burlington, N. C.
2 3 91-57 Summer 1991
Robert Abercrombie Of North Carolina
A history of Orange Co., N. C. and the surrounding area with
the focus on Robert Abercrombie and his descendants in
Orange Co. and beyond in the South.
2 3 91-61 Summer 1991
Orange County Orphan Bonds
190 orphan bonds were recorded found bound in Orange
County between 10 November 1868 and 1880. They were in
a preprinted journal. George Laws, probate judge, signed the
bonds. Continued from the Spring 1991 issue.
2 3 91-66 Summer 1991
Harris Family Bible
Entries from the family Bible probably belonging to Marcus
Harris, a salesman for the American Bible Society. The
entries include births, deaths, and marriages beginning in
2 3 91-69 Summer 1991
Member's Chart
8 generations of the family tree of DOGs member Bobby
Eugene Honeycutt.
2 3 91-70 Summer 1991
Maplewood Cemetery
Information from the burial cards of Maplewood Cemetery.
The names are possibly from the Potters Field Cards or from
General Lots. Continued from the July 1991 Newsletter.
2 4 91-87 Fall 1991
Untangling The Anderson Family
Taken from a letter sent to the Orange Co. Clerk of Courts
Office. Reprinted in hope that someone will provide answers.
By Leigh Lore Gabsky
2 4 91-92 Fall 1991
Orange County Orphan Bonds
190 orphan bonds were recorded found bound in Orange
County between 10 November 1868 and 1880. They were in
a preprinted journal. George Laws, probate judge, signed the
bonds. Continued from the Summer 1991 issue. This the end
of the first book of Orphan Bonds.
2 4 91-96 Fall 1991
Maplewood Cemetery
Information from the burial cards of Maplewood Cemetery.
The names are possibly from the Potters Field Cards or from
General Lots. Continued from the July 1991 Newsletter and
the Summer Quarterly.
2 4 91-100 Fall 1991
Member's Chart
9 generations of the family tree of DOGs member Florence
Lockhart Foster.
3 1 7 Winter 1992
Two Faces of Scotland
A discussion of the Highlanders versus the Lowlanders as they
migrated away from Scotland and to this country.
3 1 11 Winter 1992
Carrington Cemetery, Mississippi
A list of persons buried in the Carrington Cemetery in Cayce,
Mississippi. The author's family eventually came to
Mississippi from Orange Co., N. C.
3 1 12 Winter 1992
A blank Probate Form for Orange County, N. C.
3 1 13 Winter 1992
Administrative Bonds - Orange County
A listing of the Administrative Bonds from 1868-1877 from
originals microfilmed by the N. C. Dept. of Archives and
History. Abstracted in the North Carolina Collection in the
Durham County Library.
3 2 33 Spring 1992
Patterson's Mill Country Store
A brief story about Patterson's Mill Store, opened in 1973.
Located in the store are a pharmaceutical collection and
tobacco memorabilia collection,
3 2 35 Spring 1992
Taxable Property in St. Mary's District,
Orange County, N. C. in 1780
An abstract in 2 parts of the taxable property in St. Mary's
District, Orange County. The first is a detailed record and the
second is a summery with names and total taxable property.
The names are often revised between the sections with the
tax lister revising his spelling.
3 2 39 Spring 1992
Administrative Bonds - Orange County
A listing of the Administrative Bonds from 1868-1877 from
originals microfilmed by the N. C. Dept. of Archives and
History. Abstracted in the North Carolina Collection in the
Durham County Library. Continued from the Winter 1992
3 2 40 Spring 1992
Probate Court October 1868 State Of North
Carolina Court Of Probate Orange County
20th October 1868
The application by Richard S. Leigh for letters of
administration on the estate of Willis Marcom, deceased,
who died without a last will and testament.
3 2 42 Spring 1992
Bits And Pieces From The Hillsborough
Interesting bits of information abstracted by Randall Austin
from the Hillsborough Recorder on 9 January 1878.
3 2 45 Spring 1992
Member's Chart
6 generations of the family tree of DOGs member Ralph Louis
Cole of Hillsborough, N. C.
3 2 46 Spring 1992
Orders And Decrees Of Probate Court
March 1869 North Carolina Probate Court
Orange County 24 March 1869
Nelson P. Hall, Guardian of Calvin Robinson Plaintiff against
William W. Allison and John J. Allison, Defendants.
3 3 59 Summer 1992
Have You Finished Your Family History?
A handy guide to estimate the total numbers of direct
ancestors in each preceding generation.
3 3 61 Summer 1992
Nichols Family Bible
Entries from the family Bible belonging to George P. and
Mary E. (Harris) Nichols . In possession of a grandson, J.
Fletcher Woodall. Submitted by Barbara Farthing Bonham of
Cupertino, California.
3 3 64 Summer 1992
Stephen Moore Cemetery
A record of the burials in the graveyard at the Stephen Moore
home in the current Person Co.
3 3 66 Summer 1992
Mt. Tirzah United Methodist Church
A record of the burials in the graveyard at the Mt. Tirzah
United Methodist Church in Person County.
3 3 67 Summer 1992
Information On Williams And Gibbs
Information on William Benner Gibbs, his wife, Elizabeth
Gibbs, Granberry Williams, and their descendants of Beaufort
3 3 68 Summer 1992
Excerpts from the Hillsborough Recorder
May 24, 1820.
Items of interest from the Hillsborough Recorder from May
24, 1820.
3 3 70 Summer 1992
Bible Records Of Thomas Lambert Jordan
Records from the family Bible owned by Thomas Lambert
Jordan of Orange County, N. C., in possession and submitted
by Rosalyn Sumner of Lake Park, Ga.
3 3 71 Summer 1992
Member's Chart
9 generations of the family tree of DOGs member James
Enoch Sykes of Morehead City, N. C.
3 4 88 Fall 1992
Taxable Property in St. Mark's District,
Orange County, N. C. September 1780
A listing of taxable property in St. Mark's District Orange
County, N. C. transcribed by Gwyneth Duncan recorded in
September 1780.
3 4 90 Fall 1992
Appointments Of Postmasters Compiled By
Shirley Jones Mallard
A sampling from a publication by Shirley Jones Mallard of a
list of Postmasters, many in small communities
3 4 91 Fall 1992
Voices From The Field
A review of a book by Eddie L. Smith and Ben Patrick on the
history of Camp Butner.
3 4 92 Fall 1992
Durham County Cemetery Survey
A review of a book published by the Historic Preservation
Society of Durham entitled "Durham County, North Carolina:
Church and Family Cemetery Data to 1985". A listing from
the book of the locations of Dunnagan/Dunnegan family
graves, reprinted with permission.
3 4 97 Fall 1992
Member's Chart
4 generations of the family tree of Pat Stansbury of Sierra
Vista, Arizona.
4 1 7 Winter 1993
When Was That? (A Brief History Of Time)
By S. R. Austin
An essay on the adjustments to the calendar during the
Colonial period as well as variations on dates and dating
across cultures and countries.
4 1 10 Winter 1993
Area's Churches Placed In Historical
A reprint of a column by Clarence Jones written for the News
of Orange County in Nov. 1992 from the Hillsborough
4 1 11 Winter 1993
Mount Bethel United Methodist Church
Bahama, N. C.
An article by Shirley Mallard on Mount Bethel United
Methodist Church, the oldest Methodist congregation,
organized in 1750, in Bahama in what is now Durham County.
4 1 12 Winter 1993
Ancient Knap Of Reeds Baptist Church Has
Fine Record Of Christian Service
Am article by Carl H. Ragland on the Knap of Reeds Baptist
Church in what is now Durham County.
4 1 14 Winter 1993
St. Philip's Episcopal Church, 1878
An article by Howard Parker, Professor Emeritus of History at
Duke University on the history of St. Philip's Episcopal
Church, founded in 1880.
4 1 16 Winter 1993
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. A
Short History.
An article by Fred Kull, with information from a Parish
Information Book, on the history of Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church of Durham.
4 1 18 Winter 1993
Orange County Church Records On
Microfilm At The N. C. State Archives
A listing of available microfilmed Orange County church
records in the card catalog of the N. C. State Archives, copied
by Gwyneth Duncan.
4 2 32 Spring 1993
20 Cole Burials Pleasant Green Cemetery
A listing of Cole family burials in the Pleasant Green
Methodist Cemetery on Pleasant Green Rd. in Orange
County, compiled by Ralph L. Cole.
4 2 33 Spring 1993
14 More Cole Burials Cedar Hill Cemetery
A listing of Cole family burials in the Cedar Hill Cemetery,
originally owned and maintained by Erwin Cotton Mills for its
employees and their families, compiled by Ralph L. Cole.
4 2 34 Spring 1993
The Little River Presbyterian Church
A history of the Little River Presbyterian Church by Pat
4 2 35 Spring 1993
Surnames Found In The Little River
A list of surnames found in the graveyard of the Little River
Presbyterian Church followed by the names of those buried
with their dates of birth and death, where readable.
4 2 37 Spring 1993
Obituary From The Norfolk Journal And
The obituary of Mrs. Molly Markum, who died February 19,
1941, wife of the Rev. Edian Markum, pastor of Union Bethel
Church, later St. Joseph's A.M.E. Church.
4 2 38 Spring 1993
Orange United Methodist Church 1220 Rd.
Chapel Hill, N. C.
A history of Orange Methodist Church on Airport Rd. in
Chapel Hill, by Shirley Mallard.
4 2 40 Spring 1993
Deed Of Thomas Ross To Dorris Ross
A copy of the deed which conveyed land to Dorris Ross from
his father, Thomas Ross for land in Wake County in 1817
submitted by Clayton P. Mann of Burlington, N. C.
4 2 42 Spring 1993
Church Records On Microfilm In The North
Carolina State Archives
A listing of available microfilmed Orange County church
records in the card catalog of the N. C. State Archives, copied
by Gwyneth Duncan. Continued from the Winter Quarterly.
4 2 43 Spring 1993
Member's Chart
5 generations of the family tree of DOGs member Janice Pile
Lee of Jamestown, Tennessee.
4 3 58 Summer 1993
The Family Of Joseph Stubbins And
Elizabeth Beckwith - Emigrants From
Connecticut To North Carolina In 1785
The descendants of Joseph Stubbins and Elizabeth Beckwith
of New London, Ct. who moved to Orange County, N.C. and
then to Tennessee.
4 3 60 Summer 1993
Thomas Burke, Patriot submitted by the
Hillsborough Historical Society
A biography of Thomas Burke of Orange County, N. C. He
was a signer of the Halifax Resolves, a delegate to the
Continental Congress, and Governor of North Carolina.
4 3 62 Summer 1993
Rufus Johnson Makes Living In Ancient
Chatham Tannery
An article from the Durham Herald-Sun of March 15, 1942
about Rufus Johnson of near Siler City.
4 3 64 Summer 1993
The Durning Family by Amy Durning
A genealogy of the Durning family of Orange County, N. C.
4 3 66 Summer 1993
Church Records On Microfilm In The North
Carolina State Archives
A listing of available microfilmed Orange County church
records in the card catalog of the N. C. State Archives, copied
by Gwyneth Duncan. Continued from the Spring Quarterly.
4 3 67 Summer 1993
What Does It Mean???
Definitions of words used in legal documents. Continued
from several newsletters.
4 3 68 Summer 1993
Member's Ancestry Chart
7 generations of the family tree of DOG's member Ethel Mae
Dorrity Kaplon of Belmont, N. C.
4 3 70 Summer 1993
Chatham/Cheatham/Chittam Some research on the origins of the surname Chatham.
4 4 87 Fall 1993
Appointments Of Postmasters In Durham
County 1877-1929
Appointments of Postmasters in Durham County from 1877-
1929 compiled from microfilm in the North Carolina Room at
Wilson Library.
4 4 95 Fall 1993
Where To Research
The beginning of a new series to let the reader know where
and what material is available in the area starting with North
Carolina Central University Library.
4 4 96 Fall 1993
John E. Clark Dies
The Obituary Of John Edward Clark of Chapel Hill, a member
of Orange University Methodist Church.
4 4 97 Fall 1993
In The News… August 20, 1896
Interesting bits of information from the Durham Daily Sun of
August 20, 1896.
5 1 7 Winter 1994
Notes On Two Richard Williams Families Of
Orange County, North Carolina
Information on the families of two Richard Williams in early
Orange County, N. C.
5 1 10 Winter 1994
How To Use Your Public Library by Anne
Berkley North Carolina Room - Durham
County Public Library
Some suggestions for genealogy researchers before using any
5 1 11 Winter 1994
Thoughts For Researchers By Lee Albright,
Division Of The State Library, Raleigh, N. C.
Research suggestions for using any library for genealogical
5 1 12 Winter 1994
Cane Creek Baptist Church, Orange County,
N. C. Membership Rolls
Abstracted information from microfilmed reels of
membership rolls of the Cane Creek Baptist Church in Orange
County, N. C. from May 21, 1899 to August 1856.
5 1 21 Winter 1994
Two Grave Markers At Gilgal Methodist
Church Near Due West, S. C.
Information from grave markers for Elvirah Talitha Greene
and James Henry Greene at the Gilgal Methodist Church near
Due West, S. C.
5 2 40 Spring 1994
Orange County 1880 Federal Census Special
Schedules Of Manufacturers Nos. 5 &6
Lumber Mills And Saw Mills
A listing of a Special Schedule for Orange County, N. C. - The
actual column headings were: Name of
Corporation, Company or Individual producing to the
value of $500 annually, capital, real and personal
invested in
the business.
5 2 42 Spring 1994
Agriculture Schedule Hillsborough
Township, Orange County, N. C. Begun 8
June 1880
Agriculture Schedule Hillsborough Township, Orange County,
N. C. Begun 8 June 1880. To be continued.
5 2 44 Spring 1994
1860 Federal Census Schedule 4 -
Productions of Agriculture In Orange
County, N. C. Begun 8 June 1880
A listing of names of owners, managers, or agents of farms in
Orange County, N. C. from the 1860 Federal Census -
Schedule 4, Productions of Agriculture
5 2 46 Spring 1994
Ad For Durham Found In The Durham Daily
Sun 20 August 1896
An advertisement in the form of a poem touting the benefits
of living in Durham, N. C.
5 2 48 Spring 1994
African American Genealogy: A Select
Lists of sources for African American Genealogy to be found
in the Durham County Library February 1994 compiled by
Ann Berkley North Carolina Reference Librarian Durham
County Public Library.
5 2 51 Spring 1994
Family Group Medical Chart
A blank form for tabulating medical information for a family
5 2 53 Spring 1994
From The Files Of Roger Babson Foushee
Durham, N. C. On Maternal Family Of
James Cheek
Additional information relative to the Cane Creek Baptist
Church Records published in the Winter 1994 quarterly
volume of the Trading Path Journal.
5 3 59 Summer 1994
Orange County Poor House Records
November 1856 To September 1857
Taken from the microfilm records of the Orange County Poor
House from Nov. 1856 to Sept. 1857
5 3 65 Summer 1994
Durham City Directory 1887 Names from the Durham City Directory for 1887
5 3 67 Summer 1994
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Cedar Grove, Orange County, N. C.
An explanation of the items found in the 1920 Federal Census
for Cedar Grove, Orange County, N. C. with a list of names
found in the Census.
5 3 77 Summer 1994
Cedar Grove Township from George W. Tate's 1891 Map of
Orange County, N. C.
5 3 78 Summer 1994
A map of the northern portion of Orange County, N. C. in
5 4 95 Fall 1994
The North Carolina Newspaper Project
A project to identify, locate, and microfilm copies of as many
of the newspapers in North Carolina as possible.
5 4 97 Fall 1994
Wanted!! Wanted!!
A list of the "Most Wanted" list of newspapers for Orange
County. These papers have some missing issues wanted by
the North Carolina Newspaper Project.
5 4 99 Fall 1994
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Hillsborough Township, Orange County,
N. C.
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for
Hillsborough Township, not the town of Hillsborough.
6 1 7 Winter 1995
About Our Name, The Trading Path
An article with an explanation of the name of the Journal
reprinted from the fist issue from Winter 1990.
6 1 9 Winter 1995
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For The Town of Hillsboro, Orange County,
N. C.
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for the
town of Hillsboro, Orange County, N. C.
6 1 16 Winter 1995
Ancestors of member Patti Myrtle Duke Critcher
6 1 17 Winter 1995
Ancestors of member Lexie Ervin Veasey
6 2 31 Spring 1995
Black Women United: A Look At Black Club
Women In Durham, North Carolina 1917-
A study of early African-American Women's Club movement.
Many of these organizations were formed to help provide
childcare for African-American children.
6 2 37 Spring 1995
Orange County Poor House Records
September 5, 1859
Abstracted information from microfilmed information from
the Orange County Wardens of the Poor Proceedings from
September 5, 1859.
6 2 38 Spring 1995
Orange County Poor House Records
September 1, 1861
Abstracted information from microfilmed information from
the Orange County Wardens of the Poor Proceedings from
September 1, 1861.
6 2 39 Spring 1995
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Little River Township, Orange County,
N. C.
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for Little
River Township, Orange County, N. C.
6 3 & 4 75
Summer and Fall
Autobiography Of Mrs. John Wilkes (nee
Jane Renwick Smedberg) Charlotte, N. C.
An autobiography, in the form of a letter to her descendants,
of Mrs. John Wilkes (nee Jane Renwick Smedberg) of
Charlotte, N. C.
6 3 & 4 80
Summer and Fall
Southern Conservatory Of Music
A series of photos from the North Carolina Collection Photo
Archives of the Durham County Library.
6 3 & 4 84
Summer and Fall
Orange County - Poor House Records
September 1, 1865
Abstracted information from microfilmed information from
the Orange County Wardens of the Poor Proceedings from
September 1, 1865.
6 3 & 4 85
Summer and Fall
Orange County - Poor House Records
September 1, 1866
Abstracted information from microfilmed information from
the Orange County Wardens of the Poor Proceedings from
September 1, 1866.
6 3 & 4 86
Summer and Fall
Ancestors of member Louise Tillman Overton
6 3 & 4 87
Summer and Fall
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For White Cross Precinct, Bingham
Township, Orange County, N. C.
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for White
Cross Precinct, Bingham Township, Orange County, N. C.
6 3 & 4 94
Summer and Fall
The Armstrong Family Cemetery In Orange
County, N. C.
A description of the Armstrong Family Cemetery in
northeastern Orange County with a listing of the burials.
6 3 & 4 95
Summer and Fall
A Resident Of Orange County - Sergeant
Samuel Gilston, North Carolina Line
A petition from David Gilston, heir of Samuel Gilston, a
veteran of the North Carolina Line during the Revolutionary
War who died in the service of his country.
7 1 2 Winter 1996
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Cheeks Township, Orange County, N. C.
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for
Cheeks Township, Orange County, N. C.
7 1 10 Winter 1996
North Carolina Tax Laws Through 1779
A summation of North Carolina Tax Laws through 1779 to be
used to help understand the information on the N. C. Tax
Listings for the period.
7 1 12 Winter 1996
Orange County 1779 Tax List, Part 1: A-E
The 1779 tax list is the second surviving tax list for Orange
County. This is a listing of the names from A-E on the Tax
7 2 18 Spring 1996
Research Information For Orange County,
North Carolina
An article summarizing printed, film, or data format
genealogical research materials relevant to Orange County
from its founding in 1752 through the 1800s.
7 2 23 Spring 1996
Orange County 1779 Tax List, Part 2: F-N
The 1779 tax list is the second surviving tax list for Orange
County. This is a listing of the names from F-N on the Tax
7 2 29 Spring 1996
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Eno Township, Orange County, N. C.
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for Eno
Township, Orange County, N. C.
7 3 36 Summer 1996
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Cedar Grove Township, Orange County,
N. C.
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for Cedar
Grove Township, Orange County, N. C.
7 3 42 Summer 1996
Corrections To The Previously Published
1920 Census Index For Orange County, N.
7 3 45 Summer 1996
Orange County 1779 Tax List, Part 3: O-Z
And Those Failing To List.
The 1779 tax list is the second surviving tax list for Orange
County. This is a listing of the names from O-Z on the Tax List
and those who failed to list their taxes.
7 4 52 Fall 1996
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Cates Precinct, Bingham Township,
Orange County, North Carolina
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for Cates
Precinct, Bingham Township, Orange County, N. C.
7 4 56 Fall 1996
British Tories Or Revolutionary Whigs In
Colonial Piedmont, North Carolina
An article about surviving records of the Colonial period in
the Piedmont of North Carolina, including the Regulators and
others who served with the British during the Revolution.
7 4 61 Fall 1996
Three-Fold And Four-Fold Taxes: Tax Law
Exemptions In Revolutionary North
An article on tax laws and how they effected various persons
and groups in Revolutionary North Carolina.
7 4 64 Fall 1996
My Weeks Harrell Montgomery Dilemma:
Research In Progress
A summation of the research done by the author to obtain
information about Joseph Weeks Sr. and related family.
8 1 2 Winter 1997
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Part Of Chapel Hill Township, Orange
County, North Carolina
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for part
of Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, N. C.
8 1 9 Winter 1997
Dunagan's Mill Creek
An article by Dick Dunagan about a mill which may have been
located on Dunnagans Mill Creek and owned by William
Dunnagan in 1762.
8 1 11 Winter 1997
Death Notices From The Durham Sun
Newspaper 1890 To 1925, Part 1: A - B
A listing of the Death notices found in the Durham Sun from
1890 to 1925 listing the name, cause of death, date of death,
date of notice, age, and location and comments. Part 1: A-
8 2 22 Spring 1997
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Part Of Chapel Hill Township, Orange
County, North Carolina
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for part
of Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, N. C.
8 2 29 Spring 1997
Pre-1790 North Carolina Census And Tax
List Indexes: A Comparison
A comparison between the North Carolina Census Records
and Tax List Indexes from before 1790 by counties extant to
that year.
8 2 34 Spring 1997
Death Notices From The Durham Sun
Newspaper 1890 To 1925, Part 2: C - D
A listing of the Death notices found in the Durham Sun from
1890 to 1925 listing the name, cause of death, date of death,
date of notice, age, and location and comments. Part 2: C-D.
Continued from the Winter 1997 Quarterly.
8 3 42 Summer 1997
Index Of Names In The 1920 Federal Census
For Part Of Chapel Hill Township, Orange
County, North Carolina
A listing of names found in the 1920 Federal Census for part
of Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, N. C.
8 3 52 Summer 1997
Extracts Relating To Bradfords From County
Records Of Orange County, North Carolina
Information extracted from various Orange County records
about those whose last name is Bradford.
8 3 54 Summer 1997
Death Notices From The Durham Sun
Newspaper 1890 To 1925, Part 3: E - Hi
A listing of the Death notices found in the Durham Sun from
1890 to 1925 listing the name, cause of death, date of death,
date of notice, age, and location and comments. Part 3: E -
Hi. Continued from the Spring 1997 Quarterly.
8 4 64 Fall 1997
Corrections To The Previously Published
1920 Census Index For Orange County, N.
Corrections and additions to the previously published index
to the 1920 Censuses for Orange County, N. C. by Township
found in the multiple quarterlies.
8 4 66 Fall 1997
More Extracts Relating To Bradfords From
County Records Of Orange County, North
More information extracted from various Orange County
records about those whose last name is Bradford. Continued
from the Summer Quarterly.
8 4 67 Fall 1997
The Will Of James Miles
Information from the will of James Miles of Orange County,
N. C. The recorded will filed in Orange County is incomplete
and the original document was filed in the State Archives.
8 4 68 Fall 1997
Death Notices From The Durham Sun
Newspaper 1890 To 1925, Part 4: Ho - Mo
A listing of the Death notices found in the Durham Sun from
1890 to 1925 listing the name, cause of death, date of death,
date of notice, age, and location and comments. Part 4: Ho -
Mo. Continued from the Summer 1997 Quarterly.
9 1 3 Winter 1998
A Letter Of Introduction of William P. Miles
Of Orange County
A letter of introduction for William P. Miles of Orange County
by several citizens of Mebaneville, N. C.
9 1 3 Winter 1998
Tinnan-Murray Family Bible
Records from the Tinnan-Murray Family Bible copied and
submitted by Robert Marsh Ray III of Gainesville, Ga.
9 1 5 Winter 1998
Death Notices From The Durham Sun
Newspaper 1890 To 1925, Part 5: Mu - S
A listing of the Death notices found in the Durham Sun from
1890 to 1925 listing the name, cause of death, date of death,
date of notice, age, and location and comments. Part 5: Mu -
S. Continued from the Fall 1997 Quarterly.
9 1 19 Winter 1998
1925 Sanford Mine Disaster, Extracts From
The Durham Sun by Gwyneth Duncan
Information from news articles and obituaries from the
Durham Sun about a mine disaster in Sanford from 1925 in
which many men died.
9 2 22 Spring 1998
Index - Orange County Inventories, Sales
And Accounts Of Estates
Indexes of names from microfilmed copies of Inventory,
Sales, and Account Books 1849-1856 in the State Archives.
9 2 28 Spring 1998
A Guide To Microfilms Of Orange County,
North Carolina Of Inventories, Sales, And
Accounts Of Estates
Information about how to use the indexes in the previous
9 2 29 Spring 1998
Death Notices From The Durham Sun
Newspaper 1890 To 1925, Part 6: T - Y
A listing of the Death notices found in the Durham Sun from
1890 to 1925 listing the name, cause of death, date of death,
date of notice, age, and location and comments. Part 6: T -
Y. Continued from the Winter 1997 Quarterly.
9 2 39 Spring 1998
North Carolina Wills And Estate Papers: An
Orange County Example: Part 1 - Wills
Taken from a talk at the DOGs meeting on North Carolina
Wills and Estate Papers. Two wills, both from Orange County,
were used as examples to illustrate points about wills of the
19th Century.
9 3 44 Summer 1998
Index - Orange County Inventories, Sales
And Accounts Of Estates 1856-1865
Indexes of names from microfilmed copies of Inventory,
Sales, and Account Books 1856-1865 in the State Archives.
9 3 50 Summer 1998
Hall-Wynne Funeral Home Records Part 1:
1908 (Part), 1911
Civil records of deaths were not officially recorded in Durham
County until 1913. The Hall & Wynne Funeral Home at 1113
W. Main St. has some old records of deaths and funerals from
as early as January 1908. The records in this article are from
9 3 61 Summer 1998
The Descendants Of Littlebury Roach Sr. of
Ireland and Virginia Who Lived In Orange
County, North Carolina
A list of names from a larger summery of Mona Hura's Roach
no longer active mailing list .
9 4 66 Fall 1998
Orange County Register Of Deeds Retires
The retirement announcement of the Orange County Register
of Deeds, Betty June Hays. She had served in the office for 44
9 4 67 Fall 1998
Hall-Wynne Funeral Home Records Part 2:
Civil records of deaths were not officially recorded in Durham
County until 1913. The Hall & Wynne Funeral Home at 1113
W. Main St. records of deaths and funerals from 1912-1913.
Continued from Summer 1998.
9 4 78 Fall 1998
Durham Casualties From "The Big Battle",
September 29, 1918
Lists of Durham casualties primarily from letters written
home from the battle that broke the "Hindenburg Line", the
final offensive of World War I. These casualties were listed in
the Durham Morning Herald and the Durham Sun.
9 4 84 Fall 1998
The Tilly Family
An article reprinted from The Truth, a monthly publication
from the late 19th Century, published in Durham, N. C. by
Josiah Turner, in the July 1884 issue about the Tilly family.
9 4 85 Fall 1998
A Floor Goes Down Suddenly
A reprint from the Durham Sun of Dec. 23, 1912 about a fatal
incident in Greensboro where the second floor of the
Jonesville High School collapsed killing at least 6 and injuring
many others.
10 1 4 Winter 1999
Genealogical Abstracts From The Truth
Items of genealogical interest from the monthly publication
"The Truth", published in Durham.
10 1 8 Winter 1999
Local Men In WWI
A list of the 400 names of men from the greater Durham area
who served in World War I. The list includes men from the
local Light Artillery Unit as well as the Army, the Navy, the
Marines, the local National Guard Machine Gun Company,
Reserve Officers Training Corp at Ft. Oglethorpe, and those
who were transferred from Ft. Oglethorpe to other posts.
Transcribed from the Durham Morning Herald of July 8, 1917.
10 1 10 Winter 1999
Publications By DOGs Members
A listing of publications by DOGs members including: Jean
Bradley Anderson, Ann Veasey Davis, Weynette Parks Haun,
Tom Krakauer, Shirley Jones Mallard, Agnes Duncan Powell,
Durwood E. Powell, Jr., and Dr. Barnetta McGhee White.
10 1 12 Winter 1999
Hall-Wynne Funeral Home Records Part 3:
January To May, 1914
Civil records of deaths were not officially recorded in Durham
County until 1913. The Hall & Wynne Funeral Home at 1113
W. Main St. records of deaths and funerals from January to
May 1914. Continued from Fall 1998.
10 2 32 Spring 1999
Orange County Sheriff's Sale August 1823
Transcribed from the Hillsborough Recorder of 28 August
1823 a report of the Orange County's Sheriff Sale of land for
taxes due.
10 2 34 Spring 1999
Dead Letter Lists From The Hillsborough
Recorder, 1820
Lists of names of "Dead Letters" from the Hillsborough
Recorder on several dates in 1820.
10 2 37 Spring 1999
Genealogical Abstracts From The Truth Vol.
1 No. 3, April, 1884
Items of genealogical interest from the monthly publication
"The Truth", published in Durham from the April 1884 issue.
10 2 41 Spring 1999
Hall-Wynne Funeral Home Records Part 4:
June - December 1914
Civil records of deaths were not officially recorded in Durham
County until 1913. The Hall & Wynne Funeral Home at 1113
W. Main St. records of deaths and funerals from June -
December 1914. Continued from Winter 1999.
10 2 45 Spring 1999
World War I Letter From Tom Knight
A letter from Tom Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Knight of
Liberty St., in the hospital corps in the Navy during World
War I.
10 3 55 Summer 1999
Genealogical Abstracts From "The Truth",
Vol. 1, No. 4, May 1884
Items of genealogical interest from the monthly publication
"The Truth", published in Durham from the May 1884 issue.
10 3 64 Summer 1999
World War I Recruitment, As Reported In
The Durham Morning Herald
A brief synopsis of the start of recruitment of local men for
service during WWI. Including A Home Guard, Officer's
Training, Company M North Carolina National Guard, Battery
A North Carolina National Guard, Machine Gun Company
Third Regiment North Carolina National Guard, and Navy.
Lists of men who served from the Durham area are included.
10 3 78 Summer 1999 James McLennan In WWI Convoy
A short article from the Durham Morning Herald dated July 7,
1917 detailing the beginning of the service of James
McLennan doing convoy duty during WWI
10 4 83 Fall 1999
Freedmen's Marriage Records: Orange
County, 1866-1868 Part 1: A-D
Compilation of microfilm records entitled "Negro
Cohabitation Certificates 1866-1868" Part 1: A-D. The Clerk
of Court was George Laws.
10 4 89 Fall 1999
Genealogical Abstracts From "The Truth",
Vol. 1, June 1884
Items of genealogical interest from the monthly publication
"The Truth", published in Durham from the June 1884 issue.
10 4 95 Fall 1999 When Works Pass Into Public Domain
An explanation of when written material cease to be
protected by copywrite laws.
10 4 96 Fall 1999
Draft Registration List For Durham, 1917.
Part 1: 1-550 (Abele Through Cates with
one McBroom).
A list of draft eligible men who registered for the draft from
Durham. Part 1: numbers 1-550 (Abele through Cates with
one McBroom).
11 1 3 Winter 2000
Freedmen's Marriage Records: Orange
County, 1866-1868 Part 2: D-K
Compilation of microfilm records entitled "Negro
Cohabitation Certificates 1866-1868" Part 2: D-K. The Clerk
of Court was George Laws.
11 1 8 Winter 2000
Draft Registration List For Durham, 1917.
Part 2: 551-1800 (Cates Through Jones).
A list of draft eligible men who registered for the draft from
Durham. Part 2: numbers 551-1800 (Cates through Jones).
11 1 17 Winter 2000
Genealogical Abstracts From "The Truth",
Vol. 1, No. 7, July 1884
Items of genealogical interest from the monthly publication
"The Truth", published in Durham from the July 1884 issue,
Part 1.
11 2 36 Spring 2000
Freedmen's Marriage Records: Orange
County, 1866-1868 Part 3: L-Ray
Compilation of microfilm records entitled "Negro
Cohabitation Certificates 1866-1868" Part 3: L-Ray. The
Clerk of Court was George Laws.
11 2 42 Spring 2000
Genealogical Abstracts From "The Truth",
Vol. 1, No. 7, July 1884 Part 2
Items of genealogical interest from the monthly publication
"The Truth", published in Durham from the July 1884 issue,
Part 2.
11 2 47 Spring 2000
Draft Registration List For Durham, 1917.
Part 3: 1801-2989 (Jones Through Ryder).
A list of draft eligible men who registered for the draft from
Durham. Part 3: numbers 1801-2989 (Jones through Ryder).
11 3 77 Summer 2000 Mary Emeline Craig Diary, Part 1
Part 1 of the diary of Mary Emeline Craig (June 9, 1843 -
January 26, 1910) who lived in Orange County.
11 3 85 Summer 2000
Freedmen's Marriage Records: Orange
County, 1866-1868 Part 4, 1866: L-Reeves -
Compilation of microfilm records entitled "Negro
Cohabitation Certificates 1866-1868" Part 4 1866: Reeves-
Swain. The Clerk of Court was George Laws.
11 3 88 Summer 2000
Draft Registration List For Durham, 1917.
Part 4: 2990-3889 (Sally Through Tillman).
A list of draft eligible men who registered for the draft from
Durham. Part 4: numbers 2990-3889 (Sally through Tillman).
11 4 101 Fall 2000 Mary Emeline Craig Diary, Part 2
Part 2 of the diary of Mary Emeline Craig (June 9, 1843 -
January 26, 1910) who lived in Orange County.
11 4 107 Fall 2000
Freedmen's Marriage Records: Orange
County, 1866-1868 Part 5, 1866: Tapp -
Young, and 1867
Compilation of microfilm records entitled "Negro
Cohabitation Certificates 1866-1868" Part 5 1866: Tapp-
Young, and 1867. The Clerk of Court was George Laws.
11 4 113 Fall 2000
Draft Registration List For Durham, 1917.
Part 5: 3890-3900 (Tillman - end of list).
A list of draft eligible men who registered for the draft from
Durham. Part 5: numbers 3890-3900 (Tillman- end of list).
12 1 5 Winter 2001 Mary Emeline Craig Diary, Part 3
Part 3 of the diary of Mary Emeline Craig (June 9, 1843 -
January 26, 1910) who lived in Orange County.
12 1 11 Winter 2001 The Fitzgerald Cemetery
A brief recent history of the Fitzgerald Cemetery on Kent St.,
next to Maplewood Cemetery with a listing of name of those
who are buried in the cemetery from tombstones and mainly
death certificates in the Durham County Vital Records Office.
Written and collated by Jean B. Anderson.
12 1 14 Winter 2001
William Gaston Vickers, 1838-1924 And The
Vickers Estate Sale
A brief Biography William Gaston Vickers of Durham. He was
a prominent Durham resident and built homes and roads on
his land, including Vickers Ave. Also there are tables of the
cost of the houses built on the land with the names of the
purchasers and other data.
12 1 18 Winter 2001
U. S. Census Indexes - 1910 Connecticut
Generations Archives By Heritage Quest
Information about a software program.
12 2 33 Spring 2001
Relatively Speaking…
A new column written by Bebe Johns Fox about local family
12 2 37 Spring 2001 Mary Emeline Craig Diary, Part 4
Part 4 of the diary of Mary Emeline Craig (June 9, 1843 -
January 26, 1910) who lived in Orange County.
12 2 44 Spring 2001
Extract From: Session Minutes & Church
Records New Hope Presbyterian Church,
Chapel Hill, NC. Book 4: March 26, 1873 -
April 6, 1906.
Church records from New Hope Presbyterian Church in
Chapel Hill, N. C. including infants baptized, Elders, and
13 None 3 Summer 2003
1930 Census: Durham County, North
Partial information found in the 1930 Census of Durham
County, Durham Township Ward 2
13 None 7 Summer 2003
1930s map of downtown Durham Ward 2
13 None 8 Summer 2003
Old Durham Names
4 generations of the ancestry of Elizabeth Orpah May which
includes many family names familiar to Durham residents as
street names.
13 None 9 Summer 2003
Peed-Tilley Sisters at 1930s Durham Curb
Rebecca Peed Tilley and Iola Peed Tilley were instrumental in
the founding of the Durham Curb Market on Foster St. An
article about the Curb Market during the depression, written
by Larry Tilley, Iola Tilley's grandson, follows the initial
13 None 10 Summer 2003
In Memory Of Glenn Johnson
The obituary of Glenn Johnson, a Durham-Orange
Genealogical Society member.
13 None 11 Summer 2003
Dunegans At Little River Presbyterian
Names of Dunegans in the Church records and cemetery
records from the Little River Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
13 None 12 Summer 2003
Reverand John Archibald McMannen
Excerpts from "The Reverend John Archibald McMannen And
His Flights Of Fancy" by Mary-Jo Hall. John Archibald
McMannen (1812-1875) founded McMannen's Chapel
Methodist Episcopal Church. The article is accompanied by
portraits of John A. McMannen and his wife, Elizabeth Latta
13 None 22 Summer 2003
Print Periodicals: A Fresh Look
A fresh look at print periodicals and how to use them for
genealogical research.
13 None 24 Summer 2003
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement Part 1
A look at some of the original settlers of Orange County's
New Hope Settlement.
13 None 26 Summer 2003
The Tobacco Plant
Items of genealogical interest from the Tobacco Plant of
February 14, 1872.
13 None 28 Summer 2003
Thomas Lindley, Patriot
A brief biography of Thomas Lindley of Cane Creek, Orange
13 None 33 Summer 2003
"Extra Relatives" And What To Do With
A suggested filing system for extra people with family last
names so as not to loose your data for them.
13 None 37 Summer 2003
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
14 1 3 Winter 2004
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement
An extract from A Historical Sketch Of New Hope Church In
Orange County, N. C. Revised edition by Rev. D. I. Craig
14 1 5 Winter 2004
1930 Census Orange County, North
A compilation of the 1930 Census of Orange County, N. C.
Bingham Township.
14 1 9 Winter 2004
Part of an article about Surnames reprinted from "Facts and
14 1 10 Winter 2004
Tobacco Plant
Selections from the LOCAL Section of the April 28, 1875 issue
of the Tobacco Plant which are of local interest.
14 1 11 Winter 2004
For Everything There Is A Season…A Time
To Be Born, A Time To Die.
An article about the Turner Burying Ground on Cornwallis Rd.
in Durham and the Turner family.
14 1 17 Winter 2004
Orange County Deeds
A short list of Deeds from Orange County from the 19th
14 1 18 Winter 2004
A Story Unfolds
The story of the murder of John Hunt by William Sparrow
who was hanged on May 17, 1820.
14 1 19 Winter 2004
Colonel John Pyle MD Patriot Or Traitor
The story of Col. John Pyle MD of Orange County, who served
with the British Militia but took care of American wounded
during the Revolution.
14 1 23 Winter 2004
Daniel Webster's Dictionary Definitions of obscured, defunct, or unusual words.
14 1 23 Winter 2004
Captain William Bowling A biography and obituary of William Bowling of Rougemont.
14 1 26 Winter 2004
Census Day April 4, 1930
Items of interest from the Durham Sun newspaper from April
4, 1930, census day .
14 1 27 Winter 2004
1930 Census Durham County, North
Entries from the 1930 Census of Durham County
14 1 31 Winter 2004
Thomas Scarlett Family
5 generations of the descendants of Thomas Scarlett, born
1806 in Orange County.
14 1 32 Winter 2004
Gatherings On Veasey Ridge
A brief item about those from Veasey Ridge who were
displaced for Camp Butner.
14 1 33 Winter 2004
The Rose Of Sharon Baptist Church
An article about the Rose of Sharon Baptist Church founded
in Prattsburg, a part of Durham.
14 1 38 Winter 2004
Old Orange County Family History Day
An announcement about the Old Orange County Family
History Day which occurred on September 13, 2003.
14 2 45 Summer 2004
Tobacco Plant
Selections from the LOCAL Section of the September 8, 1875
issue of the Tobacco Plant which are of local interest.
14 2 46 Summer 2004
Freeland Genealogy In A Letter An incomplete letter outlining Freeland family genealogy.
14 2 47 Summer 2004
Excerpts From…A Church History
Portions of a booklet outlining the history of the Pleasant
Green Methodist Episcopal Church from 1953. Part 1.
14 2 50 Summer 2004
1930 Census: Orange County, North
Entries from the 1930 Census of Orange County
14 2 55 Summer 2004
Abstracting Deeds By The Genealogist's
A discussion about the utility and not of abstracted deeds
with pros and cons enumerated.
14 2 57 Summer 2004
Two Generations Of The Carden Family
Two generations of George Carden and Lucretia C. Gilbert
Carden's descendants.
14 2 60 Summer 2004
1897 Durham County Farmers And Land
Lists of farmers and land owners of Durham County taken
from the 1897 Durham County Directory. Part 1.
14 2 65 Summer 2004
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement Part III: Early History
Extracts from "A Historical Sketch of New Hope Church In
Orange County, North Carolina, part 3.
14 2 67 Summer 2004
Daniel Webster's Dictionary 1850 Definitions of obscured, defunct, or unusual words.
14 2 67 Summer 2004
Long Trip Home A Genealogist's Saga
The story of the author's quest to locate the descendants of a
picture found in a used mobile home.
14 2 69 Summer 2004
18th Century: Regulators
The re-print of an article taken from the "Virginia Gazette" of
June 13, 1771, about the Regulators.
14 2 71 Summer 2004
19th Century: Meeting At Mangum's Store
Taken from the Hillsborough Recorder of January 15, 1861
about a meeting of citizens of Granville and Orange Counties
at Mangum's Store for men to express their opinion about
the "current crisis".
14 2 73 Summer 2004
Surname index for volumes 14 of the Journal.
15 none 3 Winter 2008
Reverend James O'Kelly: A Hero Among Us
The Rev. James O'Kelly was a Methodist Circuit Rider from
1775 to 1792 who established The O'Kelly Chapel Christian
15 none 7 Winter 2008
Origins Of Welch Surnames
An article by Catherine Elias about the origins of surnames
from people from Wales. The article first appeared in the
Welch-American Genealogical Society Newsletter of Winter,
15 none 9 Winter 2008
Honoring The Past And Preserving For The
Future: Historical Burial Ground In Colvard
An article about the cemetery in Colvard Farms, a community
at the intersection of Durham and Chatham Counties near
Lake Jordan. The developers of the property took proper
care to maintain the integrity of the cemetery when
undertaking the developing. The cemetery is listed in the
Cemetery Census for North Carolina.
15 none 11 Winter 2008
African-American Genealogy Records From
The Freedmen's Bureau
The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
known more commonly as the Freedmen's Bureau, was
formed in 1865 at the end of the Civil War. After the bureau
fulfilled its mission and was disbanded, their records were
turned over to the National Archive.
15 none 12 Winter 2008
Durham County Library's North Carolina
Collection Welcomes Genealogists
An article by Lynn Richardson about the North Carolina
Collection including some of the materials and records
available to researchers.
15 none 14 Winter 2008
Durham Tobacco Plant September 8, 1875
Selected items of interest from the Durham Tobacco Plant for
September 8, 1875.
15 none 15 Winter 2008
A Window On Our Past: Durham Historic
Photographic Archives
An article about the Durham Historic Photographic Archives
accessed through the Durham County Library website.
15 none 16 Winter 2008
Lloyd Family Of Orange County, North
Carolina Bettie Lloyd's Diary
Transcript of portions of the diary of Bettie Lloyd of
Memphis, Tennessee about her trip to the 4th annual Lloyd-
Hogan family reunion in Chapel Hill, N. C. in 1939. With
photos of some of the Lloyd family relatives.
15 none 21 Winter 2008
Lloyd Family Descendance Chart
The descendants of Thomas Lloyd, born about 1715 in
Virginia up to about 1855. State Representative Carl Durham
is descended from a branch of this family.
15 none 23 Winter 2008
Veazey Family Milestones
Important events in the Veasey family from the Durham
Morning Herald from a scrapbook made by Annie Laurie Hall
15 none 24 Winter 2008
Orange County Land Records
The transcript of a deed between Alice Scarlett of Durham
County and Levi C. Scarlett of Orange County.
15 none 25 Winter 2008
Daughters Of William Dunnagan
Details of the will of William Dunnagan of Orange County
dated 15 Nov 1798. Also included are details of a lawsuit
between family members, including an article from the
Hillsborough Recorder dated March 15, 1820.
15 None 27 Winter 2008
A Genealogical Codicil: Have You Made
Plans For Your Family History?
Suggestions by a member regarding the fate of your
genealogical research and materials.
15 None 28 Winter 2008
1930 Census: Orange County, North
Entries from the 1930 Census of Orange County from
Enumeration District 68-1, Bingham Township, Orange
County, North Carolina
15 None 32 Winter 2008
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement Part IV: The Church
Extracts from "A Historical Sketch of New Hope Church In
Orange County, North Carolina, part 4.
15 None 36 Winter 2008
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
16 None 3 Spring 2008
Digging For Tombstones: How I Ended Up
Unearthing Some Graves In Florida,
An article by Virginia W. Thomas about a project to continue
a family history project started by the author's deceased
sister, Alice. This was the quest for family tombstones in the
Florida Cemetery in Missouri.
16 None 4 Spring 2008
Recollection Of Harvest Days
The recollection of a trip taken by the author, Charlotte
Marquardt Hyer, and her family to her grandmother's farm in
Town Grover, Marinette County Wisconsin in the 1940s.
16 None 6 Spring 2008
The Scots-Irish In North Carolina
An overview of the settlement of the Scots-Irish in North
16 None 9 Spring 2008
Finding The Records: Planning An Effective
Repository Visit
An overview of requirements to work effectively during a visit
to a large repository of records, like the State
Library/Archives or the Library of Congress.
16 None 12 Spring 2008
Local Repositories - Durham County
Register Of Deeds And Other County
The second in a series of articles about genealogically related
repositories in Durham and Orange County. Records
contained at the Durham County Register of Deeds Office
include: birth, marriage, and death, as well as land deeds and
some military records.
16 None 13 Spring 2008
From The Archives - September 28, 1773
Virginia Gazette
Items from the Virginia Gazette dates September 28,1773 of
genealogical interest.
16 None 14 Spring 2008
Durham Tobacco Plant February 14, 1872
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated February 14, 1872.
16 None 15 Spring 2008
Early Durham Enterprises - Wright's
Automatic Machinery Company
An article on the founding and history of Wright's Automatic
Machinery Company of Durham. It includes the obituary of
an long-time employee, William Thomas Vaughan Sr. who
died in 2003.
16 None 17 Spring 2008
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement Part V
Extracts from "A Historical Sketch of New Hope Church In
Orange County, North Carolina, part 5.
16 None 24 Spring 2008
1939 Register Of Virginia Military Institute
Cadets From Selected Local Areas
This information was abstracted from "Register of Former
Cadets", Centennial Edition, Virginia Military Institute,
Lexington, Virginia, 1939. Includes names from Chapel Hill,
Durham, Enfield, Fayetteville, Goldsboro, and other localities.
16 None 27 Spring 2008
Durham County Farmers And Land Owners
Part 2 of the list of owners of property in Durham County in
1887 continued from Volume 14, Number 2. The original list
is from the Durham City Directory for 1887.
16 None 30 Spring 2008
Pleasant Green: Excerpts From "A Church
Part 2 of an article about the Pleasant Green Methodist
Episcopal Church begun in Volume 14, Number 2.
16 None 32 Spring 2008
1930 Census: Orange County, North
Entries from the 1930 Census of Orange County from
Enumeration District 68-1, Bingham Township, Orange
County, North Carolina. Continued from the Winter 2008
16 none 36 Spring 2008
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
17 None 3 Summer 2008
Memories Of Home
An article about the history of the home of the Carney
Andrews family on N. Greensboro St. in Carrboro including
photos of some of the families who lived there.
17 None 5 Summer 2008
Appalachian English: An Archaic Variety
The history of the English spoken in Appalachia which is a
variant of Seventeenth Century Scots-Irish- English. Including
some history about the people who settled in Appalachia.
17 None 9 Summer 2008
Love Spills Over Into Her Garden
An article about Mrs. Casey C. Jones of Roxboro Rd. and her
17 None 10 Summer 2008
Two Faces of Scotland
A reprint of an article about Scotland that originally appeared
in the Trading Path in Volume 3, No. 1 Winter 1992.
17 None 13 Summer 2008
Durham Tobacco Plant April 28, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated April 28, 1875.
17 None 14 Summer 2008
Olivia Raney Local History Library
An article about the Olivia Raney Library in Raleigh. It was
originally opened in 1901 on Fayetteville St. and is solely
devoted to historical research in North Carolina.
17 None 16 Summer 2008
Hillsborough Recorder
Excerpts from the Hillsborough Recorder of April 26, 1820 of
historical and genealogical interest.
17 None 17 Summer 2008
History Of The Amed Tilley Home And Farm
The history of the Amed Tilley Farm written by the youngest
son of Amed and Beckie Tilley.
17 None 19 Summer 2008
Archived Records In The Recently
Renovated North Carolina State Archives
An article about the renovated State Archives in Raleigh with
a detailed listing of many of their holdings.
17 None 24 Summer 2008
Durham County Farmers And Land Owners
Part 3 of the list of owners of property in Durham County in
1887 continued from Volume 16. The original list is from the
Durham City Directory for 1887.
17 None 28 Summer 2008
Old Soldier's Home Residents In 1900 And
An article about the Old Soldier's Home for Confederate
Veterans which was started in October 1890 and closed when
the last resident departed in August 1938. A listing of the
residents for the years of 1900 and 1910 are included, taken
from the Federal Census and included their marital status and
17 None 31 Summer 2008
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement Part VI
Extracts from "A Historical Sketch of New Hope Church In
Orange County, North Carolina, part 6.
17 None 34 Summer 2008
1930 Census: Orange County, North
Entries from the 1930 Census of Orange County from
Enumeration District 68-1, Bingham Township, Orange
County, North Carolina. Continued from the Spring 2008
17 none 39 Summer 2008
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
18 None 3 Fall 2008
Stephen Logan Veasey - A Tribute
A Biography of Stephen Logan Veasey born in Granville Co. in
18 None 4 Fall 2008
Trinity College: Historical Papers - Old
Durham Traditions
A brief history of Durham County taken from: The Archive, an
Annual Publication of Historical Papers, Published: Historical
Society of Trinity College, Durham, North Carolina Series VI
pp 27-32 , 1906.
18 None 7 Fall 2008
Dr. Edwin Kelsey Regen, A Powerful
A biography of Rev. Dr. Edwin Kelsey Regen of First
Presbyterian Church between 1941 and 1960.
18 None 9 Fall 2008
Genealogical Resources In the State Library
Of North Carolina
A listing of some of the resources in the State Library of
North Carolina in Raleigh including Family histories; Abstracts
of county, state, and federal records; Census Records on
microfilm; and other microfilmed records.
18 None 15 Fall 2008
Census Secrets Hints and ideas to unlock information in the Federal Census.
18 None 16 Fall 2008
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of April 19, 1820.
18 None 18 Fall 2008
Durham Tobacco Plant
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Durham Tobacco Plant of February 14, 1842.
18 None 20 Fall 2008
Special Collections In Wilson Library The
University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill
An overview of the special collections in Wilson Library at
UNC with special emphasis on the North Carolina Collection
and the Southern Historical Collection.
18 None 22 Fall 2008
The Plight Of The Carolina Huguenots Part
1: Persecution And Flight
An overview of the Huguenots history. The Huguenots were
a Protestant sect which originated in France and was
persecuted there. Eventually, they migrated to the New
World and settled in several places, including the Carolinas.
18 None 25 Fall 2008
Our Hidden Ancestors: Finding Them In
The Published Genealogies Of Other
Tips for locating information about your family in the
published genealogies of other, usually related families.
18 None 27 Fall 2008
A Reported Death Wherein Mrs. Veasy Was
Not Dead
Taken from the Durham Daily Sun of April 10, 1912 is the
story of Mrs. Elvira Veasy, whose death was reported to her
children. She was not dead when they arrived for her
18 None 31 Fall 2008
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement Part VII
Extracts from "A Historical Sketch of New Hope Church In
Orange County, North Carolina, part 7.
18 None 34 Fall 2008
Durham County Farmers And Land Owners
Part 4 of the list of owners of property in Durham County in
1887 continued from Volume 17. The original list is from the
Durham City Directory for 1887.
18 None 39 Fall 2008
Hillsborough's Bingham School In The 1870
A listing of the boys attending Bingham School at the time of
the 1870 Census along with the teachers and their families.
18 none 41 Fall 2008
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
1 3 Winter 2009
Coconut Cake And Sour Pickles
An article by Gail Veasey Rumler about some of her Veasey
family in this part of North Carolina.
19 1 8 Winter 2009
Moving Doctor Durham
A re-print of a chapter of "Durham Tales: The Morris Street
Maple, The Plastic Cow, The Durham Day That Was And
More" by Jim Wise about the establishment of the Durham
Depot and Dr. Durham.
19 1 10 Winter 2009
Trinity College: Historical Papers - The
Pinhook Settlement
Re-printed from: The Archive, an Annual Publication of
Historical Papers, Series VI, pp 32-36. Published by: Historical
Society of Trinity College, Durham, North Carolina, 1906.
19 1 12 Winter 2009
Genealogical Research In Duke's Perkins
The Perkins/Bostock Library is the main academic library of
the Duke University Library system and is the repository most
likely to have material of interest to genealogists. There is no
specific genealogy collection, nor does Perkins collect
genealogical material (as such) in depth, but there are many
local histories and family histories, for example.
19 1 16 Winter 2009
Hillsborough Recorder
More articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of April 19, 1820.
19 1 18 Winter 2009
Durham Tobacco Plant
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated February 14, 1872.
19 1 20 Winter 2009
Reading The Trice Family Bible
An article about interpreting documents using the Trice
Family Bible as an example.
19 1 27 Winter 2009
The Plight Of The Carolina Huguenots Part
II: Settling In The New World
An overview of the Huguenots history. The Huguenots were
a Protestant sect which originated in France and was
persecuted there. Eventually, they migrated to the New
World and settled in several places, including the Carolinas.
Continued from Volume 18. A descendant of immigrant
Huguenot families includes Francis Marion "Swamp Fox" of
the Revolutionary War fame.
19 1 30 Winter 2009
Tools Your Ancestors Might Have Used A history of tools and tool making over time. Part 1.
19 1 34 Winter 2009
Ancestral Places Orange County's New
Hope Settlement Part VIII
Extracts from "A Historical Sketch of New Hope Church In
Orange County, North Carolina, part 8. Includes references
for the entire series.
19 1 43 Winter 2009
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
19 2 47 Spring 2009
Blue Denim & Blue Devils, Durham In 1892
Before there was Durham, there was Pin Hook. Pin Hook was
located on the ridge between the Neuse and Cape Fear
basins in what's now called Old West Durham (100 yards
southwest of the former Erwin Mills area off Ninth Street). It
served as a traveler's rest between Hillsborough and Raleigh.
In 1892 Erwin Cotton Mills and Trinity College arrived and
Durham was changed forever.
19 2 49 Spring 2009
A Visit To The Midwest Genealogy Center
A report of a visit to the Midwest Genealogy Center in
Independence, Missouri by DOGs member Catherine Elias.
19 2 50 Spring 2009
Early History Of The Allison Family Line
A review of the early Allison families of Orange County,
including a brief overview of their migration from Scotland to
Ireland to America.
19 2 52 Spring 2009
Veasey Obituaries
Re-printing two Veasey obituaries from the Oxford Public
Ledger from 1895 and 1910.
19 2 54 Spring 2009
North Carolina Quakers
A history of the Society of Friends from the beginnings in
England to migration to various places in America. Part 1
19 2 60 Spring 2009
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of April 26, 1820.
19 2 62 Spring 2009
Durham Tobacco Plant April 28, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated April 28, 1875.
19 2 64 Spring 2009
Charles Dunnagan Sr. Of Orange County,
North Carolina
A biography of Charles Dunnagan Sr. of Orange County, N. C.,
brother of William Dunnagan Sr. including a family group
sheet and maps of the area.
19 2 68 Spring 2009
The Welch In North Carolina A brief article about Welsh settlement in North Carolina.
19 2 70 Spring 2009
Prince Madoc, The Welshman
A retelling of the legend of the Welsh Indians of North
19 2 71 Spring 2009
Tools Your Ancestors Might Have Used -
Part 2
A history of tools and tool making over time. Part 2.
19 2 76 Spring 2009
The Dilemma Of Nicknames Part 1
A discussion of how nicknames have been used over time
with a table of female nicknames with a possible full names.
Part 1.
19 2 83 Spring 2009
Durham Morning Herald Index, 1930-1969
An index created by staff at Perkins Library of names of
prominent people of Durham and Duke University found in
issues of the Durham Morning Herald, from 1930 to 1969.
This index is found in a multi-volume set of books in the
North Carolina Collection of the Durham County Library. Part
19 2 87 Spring 2009
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
19 3 91 Summer 2009
The Southern Conservatory Of Music, In
A history of the Southern Conservatory of Music in Durham
with photos of one of the buildings and some of the students.
19 3 93 Summer 2009
North Carolina Quakers: Part 2
A history of the Society of Friends from the beginnings in
America to the expansion of their settlements. Part 2.
19 3 96 Summer 2009
The Turrentine-Ray Family Bible
A transcription of entries in the Bible given by Thomas
Jefferson Kilby to his daughter, Louisiana Kilby Turrentine.
19 3 98 Summer 2009
The Trial Of The Slave, Anderson 1846
A transcription from the originals of the slave, Anderson
accused of stabbing another slave, Daniel in 1846 in Orange
19 3 103 Summer 2009
Searching For Turrentines
Application of suggestions by the author to apply techniques
found in Volume 18 of The Trading Path of an article entitled
"Our Hidden Ancestors: Finding Them In The Published
Genealogies Of Other Families" to locating sources of
information about the Turrentine family.
19 3 104 Summer 2009
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of March 1, 1820.
19 3 106 Summer 2009
Durham Tobacco Plant April 28, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated April 28, 1875.
19 3 108 Summer 2009
WWI Distinguished Service Cross
Recipients: North Carolina
Brief biographies of WWI Distinguished Service Cross
Recipients from Durham, Franklin, Granville, Harnett,
Johnston, and Wake Counties, listed by counties.
19 3 113 Summer 2009
The Dilemma Of Nicknames Part 2
A discussion of how nicknames have been used over time
with a table of male nicknames with a possible full names.
Part 2.
19 3 118 Summer 2009
Robert Abercrombie Of North Carolina
A re-print of an article about the history of Orange Co., N. C.
and the surrounding area with the focus on Robert
Abercrombie and his descendants in Orange Co. and beyond
in the South from Volume 2, No. 3, page 91-57.
19 3 123 Summer 2009
Durham Morning Herald Index, 1930-1969
An index created by staff at Perkins Library of names of
prominent people of Durham and Duke University found in
issues of the Durham Morning Herald, from 1930 to 1969.
This index is found in a multi-volume set of books in the
North Carolina Collection of the Durham County Library. Part
19 3 126 Summer 2009
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
19 4 131 Fall 2009
My Journey Home
The story about locating information about her Durham
family by Gwendolyn Olson. Her ancestral surnames include:
Turrentine, McMannen, Lipscomb, and Harris. The articles
include a transcription of a number of family wills.
19 4 139 Fall 2009
Nannie's Story - Nancy Margaret Veazey
Latta - 1990-1993
The story of Nancy Margaret Veazey Latta and her family and
includes her obituary from the Raleigh News and Observer
from May 3, 1993.
19 4 141 Fall 2009
The Purchase Of The Slave Phillip
A transcription of the legal documents pertaining to the sale
of slaves including one who was later known as Phillip
Lipscomb including a photo presumed to be of Mr. Lipscomb
in later life.
19 4 142 Fall 2009
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of March 22, 1820.
19 4 144 Fall 2009
Durham Tobacco Plant April 28, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated April 28, 1875.
19 4 146 Fall 2009
More WWI Distinguished Service Cross
Recipients: North Carolina
Brief biographies of WWI Distinguished Service Cross
Recipients from Alamance, Guilford, Person, and Rockingham
Counties, listed by counties.
19 4 150 Fall 2009
North Carolina Maps
A digital project is making it easier than ever to access rare
maps of our state. North Carolina Maps
-- available online at
ncmaps/ -- is a comprehensive resource for the study and
enjoyment of historic maps of the Tar
Heel State. The project is the result of a collaboration
between the North Carolina State Archives,
the Outer Banks History Center, and the University Library at
UNC-Chapel Hill.
19 4 154 Fall 2009
Durham Morning Herald Index, 1930-1969
An index created by staff at Perkins Library of names of
prominent people of Durham and Duke University found in
issues of the Durham Morning Herald, from 1930 to 1969.
This index is found in a multi-volume set of books in the
North Carolina Collection of the Durham County Library. Part
19 4 161 Fall 2009
When Was That? (A Brief History Of Time)
By S. R. Austin
A re-print of an essay on the adjustments to the calendar
during the Colonial period as well as variations on dates and
dating across cultures and countries from Volume 4, No. 1,
page 7.
19 4 163 Fall 2009
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
19 1 3 Winter 2010
Trains, Trolleys, And Cars: How
Transportation Affected Durham's
A re-print of an article about how changes in transportation
affected Durham and its neighborhoods by John Schlep from
the Herald-Sun of September 25, 2008.
20 1 6 Winter 2010
Mathew McCauley Of Orange - A Man
Among Men
A biography of Captain Mathew McCauley of Orange County
and his family. Includes genealogical information about his
20 1 12 Winter 2010
North Carolina And The WPA
Selections from the American Guide Series, written by the
Federal Wrights' Project of the Works Progress
Administration, 1935-1941.
20 1 16 Winter 2010
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of March 22, 1820.
20 1 18 Winter 2010
Durham Tobacco Plant April 28, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated April 28, 1875.
20 1 20 Winter 2010
A Visit To Camp Fisher
A letter to the Hillsborough Recorder from the Rev. John
Archibald McMannen, A Methodist Circuit Rider of Orange
County dated October 1861. Includes a photo of the Camp
Fisher Memorial Plaque
20 1 22 Winter 2010
The History Of Erwin Road
A history of Erwin Rd. which was named after Erwin Cotton
Mills on Durham's Ninth St.
20 1 24 Winter 2010
Black Women United: A Look At Black Club
Women In Durham, North Carolina 1917-
A re-print of a study of early African-American Women's Club
movement. Many of these organizations were formed to
help provide childcare for African-American children from
Volume 6, No. 2, page 31.
20 1 30 Winter 2010
Durham Morning Herald Index, 1930-1969
An index created by staff at Perkins Library of names of
prominent people of Durham and Duke University found in
issues of the Durham Morning Herald, from 1930 to 1969.
This index is found in a multi-volume set of books in the
North Carolina Collection of the Durham County Library. Part
20 1 35 Winter 2010
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
20 2 39 Spring 2010
Braxton Bynum Lloyd, Country Doctor
The article was copied from an old newspaper clipping about
Dr. Braxton Bynum Lloyd.
20 2 42 Spring 2010
Johnnie Ema Veazey Hall 21 August 1887-
12 September 1978
A biography of Johnnie Ema Veazey who married Atlas
Monroe Hall. The article includes Johnnie's obituary which
was published in the Durham Herald Sun in September 1978
and that of Atlas published in the Herald Sun on July 19, 1945
and some photos.
20 2 48 Spring 2010
Orange Marmalade…Tales Of Old Orange
Reminiscences of slavery days as told by "Aunt" Nellie
(Strowd) Strayhorn.
20 2 50 Spring 2010
The Court System Of North Carolina Before
The Revolution
Taken from An Annual Publication Of Historical Papers .
Published by the Historical Society of Trinity College, Durham,
N.C., Series IV. Under the Supervision of the Department of
History, 1900.
20 2 56 Spring 2010
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of March 22, 1820.
20 2 58 Spring 2010
Durham Tobacco Plant April 28, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated April 28, 1875.
20 2 60 Spring 2010
Proposed Immigration Of German Refugee
Transcribed from the Herald-Sun Paper 23 April 1939, the
report of a bill in Congress to promote admission of refugee
children from Germany.
20 2 61 Spring 2010
Volunteers From The Raleigh-Durham Area
Who Served In The Spanish-American War
Following is a roster of volunteers from the Raleigh area who
mustered into the First Regiment of the North Carolina
Volunteers of the Spanish-American War in 1898. This
information is taken from the files of the Olivia Raney Local
History Library.
20 2 66 Spring 2010
U. S. Passenger Arrival Records 1820-1957
Tips on searching arrival records of ships to search for your
ancestor's arrival in America.
20 2 67 Spring 2010
The Science Of Keeping Records
A list of do's and don't's for storage of your genealogical
20 2 67 Spring 2010
Tho' They Were Poor, They May Have Been
Rich In Records
A listing of records for those ancestors who didn't own
property or who didn't leave a will listing children.
20 2 68 Spring 2010
Durham Morning Herald Index, 1930-1969
An index created by staff at Perkins Library of names of
prominent people of Durham and Duke University found in
issues of the Durham Morning Herald, from 1930 to 1969.
This index is found in a multi-volume set of books in the
North Carolina Collection of the Durham County Library. Part
5. Continued from Volume 20 No. 1.
20 2 71 Spring 2010
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
20 3 76 Summer 2010
Orange Marmalade…Tales Of Old Orange
Remembrances of author Bebe Johns Fox about her time
growing up in the Chapel Hill area with photographs.
20 3 82 Summer 2010
The History Of New Hope Road
The history of New Hope Rd. which is in part now University
Drive with a map.
20 3 86 Summer 2010
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of March 22, 1820.
20 3 88 Summer 2010
Durham Tobacco Plant April 25, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated April 25, 1875.
20 3 90 Summer 2010
Those Mysterious Manuscript Materials
A review of what constitutes manuscript materials by Lynn
Richardson of the North Carolina Collection, including some
examples in the Collection.
20 3 94 Summer 2010
The Origins Of North Carolina County
A discussion of the origin of the names of the central North
Carolina counties. It includes a map.
20 3 97 Summer 2010
Volunteers From The Raleigh-Durham Area
Who Served In The Spanish-American War
Following is a roster of volunteers from the Raleigh area who
mustered into the Second and Third Regiments of the North
Carolina Volunteers for the Spanish-American War in 1898.
This information is taken from the files of the Olivia Raney
Local History Library.
20 3 101 Summer 2010
Colored Troops In The Spanish-American
Excerpts from: History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-
American War, and Other Items of Interest, by Edward A.
Johnson. Raleigh: Capitol Printing Company, 1899.
20 3 104 Summer 2010
Durham Morning Herald Index, 1930-1969
An index created by staff at Perkins Library of names of
prominent people of Durham and Duke University found in
issues of the Durham Morning Herald, from 1930 to 1969.
This index is found in a multi-volume set of books in the
North Carolina Collection of the Durham County Library. Part
6. Continued from Volume 20 No. 2.
20 3 107 Summer 2010
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
20 4 111 Winter 2010
The Role Of Log Cabins In Colonial Times A discussion of the log cabin and pioneer life in America.
20 4 114 Winter 2010
Orange Marmalade…Tales Of Old Orange
"That Old Time Religion" - a discussion of the life of a circuit
rider in central North Carolina.
20 4 120 Winter 2010
The Markums And The Founding Of St.
Joseph A.M.E. Church
A biography of Edian Markham, his wife, Molly, and the
founding of St. Joseph's A.M.E. Church. All of this material
may be found in the booklet, The Life of a Great Man, Rev.
Markum and the Founding of St. Joseph
A.M.E. Church, Durham, North Carolina
(Boston, 1941). Written by William Benjamin
Markum, son of the founder. The booklet can
be found in the NC Collection in the Durham
County Main Library.
20 4 122 Winter 2010
Area Churches Placed In Historical
RE-printed from a column written for the News Of Orange
County, November, 1992 by Clarence D. Jones of the
Hillsborough Historical Society.
20 4 122 Winter 2010
Kitchen Memories: Heavenly Pies To Candy
Holiday memories of John Wesley Snipes, as recorded and
preserved in Documenting the American South: Contributed
be Bebe Johns Fox. Photos included.
20 4 125 Winter 2010
The Death Of The Last Confederate War
Veteran In North Carolina
Transcribed from the Durham Morning Herald of March 9,
20 4 126 Winter 2010
Hillsborough Recorder
Articles of historical and genealogical interest from the
Hillsborough Recorder of March 22, 1820.
20 4 128 Winter 2010
Durham Tobacco Plant September 8, 1875
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated September 8, 1875.
20 4 130 Winter 2010
Letters From The Great War
A letter from Tom Knight, son of Mr. And Mrs. R. A. Knight of
Liberty Street, who is now in the Hospital Corps in the Navy,
printed in the Durham Morning Herald on July 8, 1917, with
20 4 134 Winter 2010
Local Men IN WWI
The article, originally printed in the Durham Morning Herald
on July 8, 1917, estimated that over 400 Durham area men
were in various branches of the service. All of these were not
listed, some because the author did not have the information
(including black troops), and some (e.g. Company M) because
the men enlisted in that company were already well known
to the community.
20 4 137 Winter 2010
North Carolina In World War I
Information from 5 dates in 1918 about war activities in
North Carolina.
20 4 137 Winter 2010
In The Kitchen During The Great Depression
A series of memories from the book "Stories and Recipes of
the Great Depression of the 1930's" by Rita Van Amber.
20 4 140 Winter 2010
Durham Morning Herald Index, 1930-1969
An index created by staff at Perkins Library of names of
prominent people of Durham and Duke University found in
issues of the Durham Morning Herald, from 1930 to 1969.
This index is found in a multi-volume set of books in the
North Carolina Collection of the Durham County Library. Part
7. Continued from Volume 20 No. 3.
20 4 143 Winter 2010
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
20 None 5 January 2015
The Durham County Will Index - Surnames
Beginning With "A"
The following names were extracted from the Durham
County Will Index which has been digitized from microfilm by and is part of their digital collection. Each
list contains the Devisor Name, the Devisee Name (recipient),
a No., the Will Book Volume and Page, and the date filed.
21 None 8 January 2015
Watts Street Baptist Church - 1942
Member Directory
A history of the Watts Street Baptist Church, located on the
corner of Watts and Urban Streets in Durham and a listing
from the 1942 church directory, along with some photos.
21 None 20 January 2015
Durham Tobacco Plant of January 19, 1876
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Tobacco Plant dated January 19, 1876.
21 None 38 January 2015
1917 Hill's City Directory
Surnames from the 1917 Hill's City Directory beginning with
21 None 49 January 2015
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
21 None 4 April 2015
The Slaves Of James Sims
An accounting of the known slaves of James Sims originally of
Culpepper Co., Va. and later of Nicholas Co. of West Virginia.
Includes the manumission documents of Isaac Sims and
biographical information for after being freed.
23 None 13 April 2015
Grandma Eddie - The Daughter Of A Slave
A biography of Mrs. Eddie Lee Rosanna Savannah Louisiana
Ivery Lewis with photos
23 None 16 April 2015
Durham's Blizzard Of April 1915
The story of a historic blizzard which occurred in Durham in
April 1915 with photos.
23 None 20 April 2015
The Durham County Will Index - Surnames
Beginning With "B"
The following names were extracted from the Durham
County Will Index which has been digitized from microfilm by and is part of their digital collection. Each
list contains the Devisor Name, the Devisee Name (recipient),
a No., the Will Book Volume and Page, and the date filed.
Continued from Volume 21.
23 None 29 April 2015
1917 Hill's City Directory
Surnames from the 1917 Hill's City Directory beginning with
"B". Continued from Volume 21.
23 None 65 April 2015
Miscellaneous Obituaries From The
Durham Herald Of 17 November 1970
The obituary of Junius H. Sparrow taken from the Durham
Herald dated November 17, 1970.
23 None 66 April 2015
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
23 None 4 July 2015
A History Of The Orange County
A history of the Orange County "Agricultural Fair" which was
first held in 1854.
24 None 7 July 2015
Building Intuitive If Not Definitive Family
Groups: Linking The U. S. Census Films And
Find A Grave Resources To Fill In Details
A how to with three suggested websites to fill out details of
family members on your tree.
24 None 8 July 2015
Durham Recorder January 2, 1889
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Recorder dated January 2, 1889.
24 None 13 July 2015
Orange County Deed Index
Orange County Deed Index Grantors, A, Ba-Bz taken from
24 None 32 July 2015
Taxable Property In St. Mary's District,
Orange County, 1780
Information about and some names taken from the taxable
property lists for St. Mary's District in Orange County in 1780.
24 None 39 July 2015
Orange County, North Carolina Marriage
Registers Volume 1, 1851-1866
Marriage licenses came into use in 1851. They were issued
by the clerk of court in the county in which the bride and
groom intended to marry. They were not made mandatory
until 1872. This is an indexing of 1851-53.
24 None 53 July 2015
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
24 None 3 October 2015
Olde Orange County Formation Map
A map of Olde Orange County and the counties that were
broken off from it with the dates of their formation.
25 None 7 October 2015
Durham Recorder January 2, 1889
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Recorder dated January 2, 1889.
25 None 38 October 2015
Orange County Deed Index
Orange County Deed Index Grantors, A, Ba-Bz taken from
microfilm. Part 2. Continued from Volume 24.
25 None 59 October 2015
Orange County, North Carolina Marriage
Registers Volume 1, 1854-1856
Marriage licenses came into use in 1851. They were issued
by the clerk of court in the county in which the bride and
groom intended to marry. They were not made mandatory
until 1872. This is an indexing of 1854-56.
25 None 67 October 2015
Surname index for this volume of the Journal.
25 1 4 January 2016
Stuart Dunaway's Land And Road Books
A listing of books of genealogical interest by Stuart Dunaway
and reviews of said books.
26 1 9 January 2016
Orange County Deed Index
Orange County Deed Index Grantors, A, Ba-Bz taken from
microfilm. Part 3. Continued from Volume 25.
26 1 18 January 2016
Durham County Will Index - Surnames
Beginning With "C"
The following names were extracted from the Durham
County Will Index which has been digitized from microfilm by and is part of their digital collection. Each
list contains the Devisor Name, the Devisee Name (recipient),
a No., the Will Book Volume and Page, and the date filed.
Continued from Volume 23.
26 1 27 January 2016
1917 Hill's City Directory - Surnames
Beginning With "C"
Surnames from the 1917 Hill's City Directory beginning with
"C". Continued from Volume 23.
26 2 3 April 2016
The Breeze School
An article about the Breeze School of the Walnut Grove
Community of Orange County, North Carolina with photos
from the school.
26 2 6 April 2016
Orange County Deed Index
Orange County Deed Index Grantors, A, Ba-Baz taken from
microfilm. Part 4. Continued from Volume 25.
26 2 20 April 2016
Durham County Will Index - Surnames
Beginning With "D"
The following names were extracted from the Durham
County Will Index which has been digitized from microfilm by and is part of their digital collection. Each
list contains the Devisor Name, the Devisee Name (recipient),
a No., the Will Book Volume and Page, and the date filed.
Continued from Volume 26 No. 1.
26 2 23 April 2016
Durham County Will Index - Surnames
Beginning With "E"
The following names were extracted from the Durham
County Will Index which has been digitized from microfilm by and is part of their digital collection. Each
list contains the Devisor Name, the Devisee Name (recipient),
a No., the Will Book Volume and Page, and the date filed.
26 2 25 April 2016
1917 Hill's City Directory - Surnames
Beginning With "C" (Continued)
Surnames from the 1917 Hill's City Directory beginning with
"C" (continued). Continued from Volume 26 No. 1.
26 3 3 July 2016
Durham Recorder January 9, 1889
Items of genealogical and historical interest from the Durham
Recorder dated January 9, 1889.