Welcome to our May
edion of ANZROC
(Vic) Newsleer. Its
great to be free from
lockdowns and the
wearing of masks in
most cases and to go
about living our lives to near normal
circumstances. Victorian weather has
been at its Autumn best, allowing us to
be out and about enjoying the sunshine
with lile if any rain. However, we feel
for our ANZROC Members in Queensland
and NSW who have endured torrenal
rains and oods, and our thoughts are
with them.
At this point in me, Id like to welcome
2 new Members to the ANZROC (Vic)
Commiee, namely Elina Law and Paul
Elina has worked be-
hind the scenes for
ANZROC for many years
contribung her IT skills
to the club and her un-
seen contribuon has
been signicant. She
brings all these skills with her to the
ANZROC Commiee.
Paul Tovey is a long me
ANZROC Member well
versed in the operaons
of ANZROC (Vic). He
brings a long-term Bank-
ing career with him espe-
cially with IT and Proper-
ty Management.
To you both, welcome aboard.
Wellbeing Team
ANZ Retired Officers’ Club Victoria
Inside this issue:
Presidents Message
Committee News
Letters from Members
Matter of Interest
Next Meeting
May 2022
Ron Adams
Vice President.,
M’ship Officer
Reny Frighetto
John Hudgson
03 9580 9063
Joan Nathan
0432 187 454
0408 136 100 0437 080 333
0419 318 498
0411 155 446
041467 9627
Unfortunately, we say good-
bye from the Commiee to
Con La Fauci (Life Member)
who for personal reasons has
elected to stand down from
the Commiee, again Con
thank you for your contribu-
on over 16 years.
Our May Luncheon Meeng was a very popu-
lar event at the William Angliss Instute with
61 Members aending.
Again, our Guest speaker
was Major Brendan Nole
from the Salvaon Army
accompanied by his wife,
Sandra, who also plays an
important part in the Salva-
on Armys Bourke Street
team. Brendans address was riveng espe-
cially cing the plight of many unfortunate
street people who require assistance/help on
a Daily/Nightly basis.
ANZROC (Vic) donated $500.00 to the Salva-
on Army Red Shield appeal and our mem-
bers present also contributed a signicant
amount swelling the total to $2,295.
Members aending not seen for a while in-
cluded Linda Davidson, Jim and Tina
Karabatsos, Bob Lyon, Brian Palmer, Geo
Perdriau, Cheryl and Past President Neville
Pearson and Bill Robinson.
We are looking forward to our next Lunch-
June and we have arranged a very interesng
Guest Speaker, Mr. John Noonan, who was a
Police Member for 35 years; 20 years as a
Commissioned Ocer. John worked as a Tac-
cal Invesgator in the Criminal Invesgaon
Bureau for 26 years and was the Ocer in
Page 2 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Charge of the Task Force invesgaon of the Walsh St. Police shoongs on October 12, 1988. No doubt, he has
many more interesng stories and experiences to tell us on the day.
Ken Pason, President.
David Abell, Annee and Graeme Baldwin, John Brown, Sandra Brown, Sue Brown, Fred Campbell, Robin Cates,
Lawrence Cox, Mike Devlin, Kevin Dynon, Debbie Ellio, Aldo and Karen Faella, Jeanee Fleming, John Gietman,
Ray Gill, Teresa Goldsbrough, Val Goldsworthy, Frank Haield, Hartley Hodgson, Ann and John Hudgson, Jack
Lepedjian, Geri Macgregor, Gary Mason, Bruce Mathrick, Lynne McMillan, John Morgan, Dominic Moscatello,
Phi Nguyen, Noelene Noonan , Doris Philp. Gail Townsend, Kathy Trace, Doug Watson, Julie Wilkins.
A Video of the luncheon speech by Brendon Nole has been uploaded to Vimeo and can be accessed
here: hps://vimeo.com/709514835/da7de64886
Photos taken at the event by Vicky Genius and Eamon Veaney have been uploaded to our website and Facebook
page. hps://www.anzroc.com.au/roc-noce-board/1026-photos-from-william-angliss-lunch-may-2022
A selecon from the photos is shown below.
May Lunch Meting Apologies/Photos
Presidents Report (Cont)
Norris Gale, Peter Chubb, Graeme Randall, Bill Robinson, Julia Bayer,
Pauline Speed, David Ross, Rob Newman.
Glyn Parry-Jones, Owen Philp, Andrew & Debra Kelly, Bob
Lamb, Wayne & Bernadette Hulbert, Neville & Cheryl Parson,
Janet Parry-Jones.
Des Shady, Jim Karabatsos, Bob Lyon
Ken Pattison, Ron Adams, Brendan Nottle
Paul Tovey, John McPhee, Bruce Sanderson, Gaye Reynolds, Leanne Parker, John Moore, Joe Romano, Aldo Calvo, John Carazza,
Peter Saville.
At the ANZROC commiee meeng held before our lunch a Review of our exisng policy of posng death noces
in the Herald Sun was an agenda item raised for discussion in view of the high costs incurred. Our target audience
for Obituaries is and should be our members. Not all read the newspaper anymore but for those who do it is not
necessarily the Herald Sun.
Since we have been personalising tributes within our exisng internet sources, the responses from members have
been very posive and oen triggers commentary that can be shared in subsequent issues of our regular ANZROC
As such, aer much discussion, commencing on July 1, 2022, the Commiee elected to disconnue the current pol-
icy of subming the Obituaries to the Herald Sun as happened with the AGE a few years ago. This date will coin-
cide with the roll out of the new website which has a separate obituary secon.
Member Obituaries would connue to be reected in our:
-ANZROC Newsleer,
-ANZROC Website,
-ANZROC Facebook page,
-Via a bulk ANZROC Member email.
The decision is in line with our very successful EBirthday card policy. We recently migrated to Ebirthday cards
generang a very posive response from our members. While some Members choose to receive a card through
the post the majority now receive an Ecard.
Further to our advice in the April newsleer and as advised at the commiee meeng on 12/05/2022, Past Presi-
dent Ken Crawford conrmed that the Rered Ocers Benets have now been revised and approved by the Bank.
To recognise the longevity of service, rered ANZ sta who have completed 30 years or more connuous perma-
nent service will be entled to some Sta Banking benets. Rered Ocers may also be entled to other oers as
part of ANZ Seniors Program. See ANZ Seniors Banking soluons
For all those ANZROC members (30 years or more service with ANZ) that are entled to access sta benets, the
following contact paths should be followed:
1. Telephone 1800 269 757, select opon 2.
Opon 2 is for rered ocers and will connect you to the appropriate Sta Banking team who will ad-
dress your need. The usual idencaon process of the caller will occur.
2 Use the Mailtab in Internet Banking and detail your query/need.
These are now the only two avenues permied for secure communicaon with the Bank for rered ocers'
Page 3 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Committee News
Page 4 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
benets. Sta Banking benets for eligible Rered Ocers cannot be accessed through the branch network
or standard customer channels.
Important Informaon:
*Insurance products are excluded from Rered Ocer benets.
*ANZ Sta Cheque Account and ANZ Rered Ocers Cheque Account products are grand-
fathered, however Rered sta who currently hold one of these products will not be
aected by the grandfathering of these products.
*The relevant product terms and condions connue to apply to any product for which a
Sta Banking benet is applicable.
*For a copy of the terms and condions for Sta and Rered Ocer Cheque Accounts please
contact ANZ.
*Terms and Condions for other ANZ products reected on this page can be found on
*Sta Banking benets are subject to applicaon and will be applied aer approval.
*Sta Banking benets which are available on exisng products will not be applied retro-
specvely and will only apply to the product from approval, or as otherwise specied.
*The Sta Banking benets described in this document are only available on ANZs Australiia
For further informaon contact Ken Crawford on 0439 432 280 or
Ron Adams on 0408 136 100
Wellbeing Team member Joan Nathan has asked Commiee and Club Members not to aend Luncheons or
Meengs if they are suering from Flu or Cold like symptoms. While COVID lockdowns and most restricons have
been lied in Victoria, the daily count of Covid infecons is sll high and taking simple precauons will go a long
way to ensure the safety of members aending our funcons.
For those of you on Facebook, we have updated the banner to provide current informaon regarding ANZROC. We
have updated the photo on our banner.
The link to Facebook is hps://www.facebook.com/anzrocvictoria
Here are the reports on acvies of the ANZROC organisaons in other Australian States, NZ, and UK
that we periodically update on our website as newsleers are received. The link to the most recent newsleers
received is:
ANZROC (Vic) Meeting Schedule for 2022
Committee News (Cont)
Page 5 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Barbara was in the inaugural group of
Naonal Sports Museum Volunteers
who started in 2008 and was a regular
in the Tuesday team. Barbara was an
MCC Member and also volunteered in
the MCC Museum for several years
unl she rered in 2019.
In her working career, Barb worked at
the ANZ Bank for many years, and was an excellent
typist. Barb also volunteered at the Commonwealth
Games in 2006, she was very well travelled and a keen
Bombers supporter.
Everyone who knew Barb would agree that she was a
very kind, gentle and intelligent person, and a pleas-
ure to spend me with.
Sue Peaield phoned to advise of the passing of hus-
band Robin aged 77 years on 14/05/2022 aer strug-
gling with a severe chest infecon. Robin was well
known to many ANZers spending me in London and
Melbourne where I used to oen see him at the ANZ
funcons. Robin and Sue le the bank and moved to
South Gippsland to become dairy farmers unl they
returned to Mount Martha to be with family. Robin
had a quick mind and a dry wit. He will be missed.
Membership Ocer Reny Frigheo emailed Very
sad news. Robin was a delight to be around, and his
humour was very catchy.
David Jones emailed He was a character Eamon. Rob-
in le ANZ to become a dairy farmer which he dou-
bled with being a lecturer at one of the Gippsland ed-
ucaonal instuons. Bob Benne coaxed him back to
ANZ in the early 80s and he took over from Ron Cashin
as senior manager running the Queens Road training
centre. He also got the top job as the head of global
HR along the way.
Eamon Veaney emailed I rst met Robin in London
when I joined the Bank in 1967 working in Cashbook.
Robin was on a graduate transfer from Australia at the
me from recollecon. Our paths crossed years later
when he was appointed to a Senior role in London in
the 1980's. More recently Robin aended our
ANZROC lunches in Geelong and Mount Martha. He
will be missed.
From the tribute in The Age
newspaper, I quote A passion-
ate life, full of faith, friendship,
volunteering, travel and her Es-
sendon Bombers”. Barbara will
be dearly missed by many. For-
ever in our Hearts.
For many years Barbara was a
regular aendee to our ANZROC
lunches and a valued corre-
spondent contribung to our newsleer.
Eamon Veaney emailed Barbara Bruce had a heart-
warming funeral service at St Leonard's Uning
Church at Brighton with an excellent turn out of
family and friends. Barbara had planned the whole
service in a meculous manner including detailed
notes on her life which formed the basis of her eulo-
gy. We learned of her early family and school life
and her long-standing associaon with the church
including her me in the choir. She rered from a 40
-year career with ES&A and ANZ in 1990 when she
was PA to GM Internaonal, John Holberton. She
then returned part-me for another 5 years working
in Internaonal.
Barbara then spent me as a volunteer with the
MCG / MCC for a number of years and was an Essen-
don Bombers supporter for over 70 years. Their
theme song was played as she departed the church.
Her good friends Maria Natoli and Jill Paterson also
aended the funeral. Vale Barb.
Graham Holt emailed I had the pleasure of working
with Barbara in Internaonal Division in the 1970’s.
In more recent years Carole and I oen caught up
with her on the train home from an Essendon
match. Aer a win the discussion was always on
how good we were, however in more recent years
we talked about the days in Internaonal and Barba-
ra had a million stories to tell about her regular trips
to England. Memories of Barbara always are accom-
panied with a smile.
Kate Freer from Naonal Sports Museum Volunteers
emailed We recently received the very sad news
that one of our rered volunteers, Barbara Bruce,
died at the age of 91 on 13
April, aer declining
health in recent weeks.
Page 6 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
STEWART J.W. (JACK) 86 YEARS 19/03/2022
Andree Stewart-Speed, daughter of our Honorary
Member Jack Stewart emailed I am very sad to
advise that my dear father Jack passed away
peacefully at home on 19 March 2022 aged 86
He loved his career at ANZ which spanned 39 years
starng out at the age of 16 he loved work and
made many friends. We had a great photo of the
Sta at the 350 Collins Street Stock Exchange
branch at the service.
He also had a great me as relieving ocer in
country Victoria for a period and oen helped out
when needed for other dues.
It was funny to hear some of the things he did such
pung on the footy boots for Katamate
when they were a player short
serving behind the bar at a pub where he was
staying when the barman called in sick
playing the drums one night when the band
member couldnt make it
He was a great sportsman playing, cricket, football,
and athlecs and was a life member at Mulgrave
Football Club.
Jack also did his Naonal service in the Australian
Navy at age 18 for 6 months.
He enjoyed reading the newsleers and seeing fa-
miliar names. On a personal note, for me, I worked
at ANZ for 12 years and I also fondly remember
some of the names I read in the newsleers.
Phil Dunstan was my rst manager and I fondly
remember Paul McKernan, Roy Slogge, Dieter
Telburn, and Stephen Green.
Our condolences are extended to the families and
friends of Barbara, Robin and Jack.
Ian Fieggen emailed The funeral went well, and I
was pleased to have spoken with four of Dad's old
work colleagues who aended. My memory is
Bereavements (Cont)
blurred due to the events and emoons of the day but I
seem to recall that three were fellow programmers while
one was from the communicaons dept?
For some me, I've been considering doing something
worthwhile with Dad's early ANZ compung memorabilia.
I'll probably add a secon to my own website covering
this chapter in Dad's life.
Peter Harney emailed I was shocked at
hearing of the loss of Rob so suddenly aer
a short illness. Our banking careers almost
mirrored each other. Rob was in Horsham
in the early 70's, then we met up in Stawell
followed by transfers moving Rob and Cher-
yl to Wodonga and we were sent to
Wangaraa. Further transfers came up
with the Turnbull's to Kyabram and us to
Shepparton. We then went our separate ways for a num-
ber of year unl we nally came together again in Balla-
rat. Rob remained in the nancial eld aer we both re-
signed in 1993. I went carpet cleaning. He was a great
bloke and will be missed by many of his old banking ma-
Ron Adams (84), Bruce Avent (85), Daryl Bartle (81),
Les Beard (87), Brian Day (85), Norm Dibbin (89),
Graeme Findlay (81), Mike George (84),
Val Goldsworthy (88), Bill Lanigan (84), Neville Lewis (89),
Don Maguire (81), David Maunder (95),
Brian McGannon (83) Geo Menogue (88),
Geo Murrell (83), Ron OConnell (80), Alan Podger (90),
Allan Richardson (82), Barry Rogers (84),
Terry Stapleton (92), Malcolm Stevens (81),
Bill Stevens (82), Lyn Stevens (83).
Honorary Birthdays
The following Honorary members will
be enjoying a birthday during May
and we send them our congratulations
Malcolm Algie emailed
Thank you Anita for your mely Birthday wishes.
Your wishes nd me t, healthy and very acve; even
aer a bout of Covid. I look forward to receiving the
monthly ANZROC Newsleer and catching up on the
movements of old workmates.
Of parcular interest is the many photos now with
names idenfying the faces of members
Phillipe Alleume emailed Firstly, Geri, please accept
my profuse apologies for my tardiness in thanking you
for your kind wishes. Ginee and I are both well aer
having received our 4 Covid shots. We are due to head
north to Hervey Bay for a while and we are looking
forward to the warmer weather. Again, thank you and
please keep well.
Carole Bancro emailed my sincere thanks to you,
Anita, the President and members of the ANZROC
commiee for your much appreciated birthday wish-
es. As is oen the case, the day usually falls during the
Easter period. It is a great me to get together with
family and friends to celebrate, which I certainly man-
aged to do this year. I enjoyed a delighul lunch with a
very special and longme friend of both myself and
my late husband Graham from the old Emanza Central
Proof days, which, hard to believe, was some 60 years
ago. ANZ has certainly progressed a long way since
then. Again, I thank you all for your thoughulness.
Daryl Bartle emailed 25 years of rerement, who
would have thought when I started out as a 15-year-
old. Thank you, Anita, for the welcome email for my
. A quiet year impacted by COVID, but now mobili-
ty and dietary issues following my last cancer. Aer a
gap of more than 2 years, Ronda and I did manage to
y to Brisbane at Xmas to have a family reunion with
son Peter, his wife Amber, our 3 grandchildren and
their partners (no GGCs yet).
Just recently Grandsons Flynn and Joel, not seen since
2018, ew in from Fiji and spent some me with us
before heading to the Gold Coast where Flynn has
work and Joel will commence at Bond University.
Daughter Tracy then arrived to stay while having med-
ical checkups, this was mely as in March and April
Ronda had 2 snts in Hospital following blood pres-
sure and cardiac problems. Her cardiologist is now
happy with her progress. Tracy has since returned to
their Business in Fiji alas, probably no more trips there
for us now. Best wishes to ROC members.
Bob Bell emailed Please thank Anita and the Com-
miee for their kind wishes on my recent birthday
which arrived by e mail, a great idea. Over the past 12
months there has been a great change to our life. We
sold our Mollymook home and bought into a new re-
rement village in Canberra a move that has brought us
closer to family. Health wise, both Carolyn and I have
escaped any problems. We have started bowls again
aer stopping during all the covid lockdowns.
Maurice Benson emailed Thanks Anita. Happy to re-
ceive electronic Birthday Wishes.
Alan Chapple emailed Thanks Anita and ANZROC
members, much appreciated.
Barry Coulthurst emailed Thank you Anita for the
birthday card and best wishes. It has been a mainly
good year parcularly since the long lockdown in Victo-
ria was lied late last year. We have been able to re-
sume most of our normal acvies and enjoy being
able to catch up with friends again. Most of the wine
groups I am involved with have begun regu-
lar meengs and tasngs. A recent highlight was a visit
to the Yarra Valley to celebrate my birthday which in-
cluded an excellent tasng at Yarra Yering, one of my
favourite wineries.
We have had a few short holidays in Victoria over re-
cent months - Phillip Island, Rutherglen, The Grampi-
ans, and Daylesford soon. No internaonal travel yet
but we are looking forward to a wedding in Bali later
this year. Bali is one of our favourite places, but our
last visit was in 2007 so there will have been some big
changes. Best wishes to you and all at Anzroc,
Don Davy wrote Thank you Reny and most sincerely to
Eamon Veaney and the ANZROC commiee for your
quality Birthday card upon the occasion of my 78
birthday. I was always very proud to be part of the ANZ
Bank team and endeavoured to make a valuable contri-
Steve Duke emailed Thanks Anita, appreciate the kind
Commiee member Vicky Genius emailed Hi Anita,
Thanx for the E-Card. Went to Eden NSW for Easter to
visit oldest friend Wendy. While I was in Eden, Michael
my house sharer caught Covid, he manages a restau-
rant, therefore has a lot of public contact. Instead of
back home, I went to my Sister Claires apartment in
Fitzroy for 9 days enforced exile. To keep the holiday
vibe going we went to lunch at Marios, Xieno Pho,
Heno en Mexico, The Napier Hotel, Rocksalt & Vinegar
and La Casa Pizza, that worked. My 70
BDay family
Page 7 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Letters from members
Page 8 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
dinner is postponed to Sunday the 7
, the chosen
venue being Spitjack across the road from home. City
Power are xing the cable/poles etc. so no power on
the 1
of May never mind, I can wait a week for the
Mike George emailed HI Anita. Thank you and the
commiee very much for my birthday card which is
very much appreciated. More than happy with the
electronic card and best wishes to you all.
John Harris emailed I shall be pleased if you will rec-
ord my thanks to Anita on behalf of the ANZROC Com-
miee for the good wishes for my birthday on Anzac
Despite a few health issues, Colleen and I welcome
the return to a more normal social life and parcularly
the ability to drive to Sydney to celebrate last Christ-
mas with our son Sco, his wife Kylie and their 3 chil-
dren. It is an arm of the family we had not seen for
some me.
I have resigned from Rotary aer a membership span-
ning 27 years in 4 dierent Clubs and connue to play
tennis twice a week. We only play doubles; the stand-
ard is rather marginal, and it could be debated that
discussions in the Clubhouse are more rewarding than
acvity on the court.
Although I have rarely made it to ANZROC luncheons,
I do welcome the Newsleer and accounts of Member
acvies. My sincere thanks once again
Sheryl Heard emailed Thank you Anita and the Com-
miee for your warm wishes and rst ebirthday card.
So nice to be able to celebrate with friends and family
with the relaxaon of Covid restricons. The day was
spent receiving many well wishes and eang out local-
ly with friends.
Even got to claim back part of the bill thanks to the
Vic Govt entertainment rebate scheme. Birthday cele-
braons tend to go for some days so looking forward
to catching up with more people the rest of the
Graham Heenan emailed Thank you Anita for the
recent birthday wishes sent to me. Not a lot to re-
port for the last year with Covid restricons sll
eecng many things. We sneaked in a week at the
Bank's Unit at Phillip Island in between lock downs
and have made a few trips between Geelong and Mel-
bourne to visit family (Grandchildren's
birthdays etc.). Last year we had
hoped for a beer year - but let's try
again in 2022.”
Howard Hutchins emailed Thankyou
as always Electronic appears the way
to go. Thankyou Anita,
Kerry Jewell emailed Thank you for
the e-card……good iniave.
Des Kidd emailed Many thanks Anita
and to the Commiee for yet another
birthday card.
Not a lot to write about for the past
year but keeping up prey well.
Barry Kilmarn emailed Thank you
Anita once again for your birthday
wishes. I look forward to the News-
leer and the reports from my former
colleagues. Am happy to receive the
Card via Email.
Treasurer Graeme King emailed
Thanks Anita for my Ebirthday
Our family ensured my day was special,
with a most enjoyable family luncheon
last weekend and then Sandra and I
shared some quiet me with friends at
The RACV Cape Schanck.
All in all, a most pleasant week.
Gary Mason emailed Newsleer ap-
preciated. Three days of Rotary dues
coming up.
Next week I shall start working in ear-
nest on our 2.6 acres in Euroa! Country
bumpkin....and enjoying it.”....
Past President John McPhee emailed
thanks Anita much appreciated
Don Mercer emailed Thank you,
Anita! Very kind of you and ANZROC
commiee to send best wishes – these
days everything is electronic, and the
birthday card was well done and much
appreciated. Im hoping that this year
the Xmas funcon will actually happen
it is a wonderful opportunity to catch
up with old friends. Stay well!
Letters from Members (Cont)
Page 9 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Tony Middleton phoned Joan Nathan to thank Anita and
the Commiee and members of ANZROC for the birth-
day Card and the kind words. He spent his birthday qui-
etly at his Rerement Village in Blackburn with family
aer his big 90th birthday last year. He is very happy
there and enjoys painng and listening to classical music
and joins in the acvies at the Village, also does the
crossword each day, so life is prey good. His mobility is
becoming a problem, however no aches or pains, but he
would like to come to the Christmas party. Joan suggest-
ed he get a Cab, and we would make sure he could be
seated once he arrived.
Mike Nickell emailed Many thanks for the e greengs
received spot on me for my birthday this week. As I tell
my friends & family, theyre coming around far too
quickly now.
Very thankful for a healthy and relieved emergence from
the 2-year disrupon to our lives and we did manage to
enjoy 3 or more short caravan get aways when not in
lock down. Despite being conned to within State bor-
ders, we really enjoyed exploring the towns and regions
within Victoria which in the past weve just passed
straight through. There is so much locally on oer that
we have dismissed due to the aracon of foreign and
interstate tourist lures. Thank you once again for your
kind wishes.
President Ken Pason emailed Thanks Anita, one of
the beer ideas from ANZROC. Much appreciated.
Tony Pompilio emailed Thank you Anita and the
ANZROC Commiee for my Birthday card. I'm happy to
receive birthday greengs either by Card or Electronical-
ly so leave it to whatever suits you.
Up unl the commencement of COVID restricons part
of our rerement has been to regularly visit our son and
family in America. Whilst thankful for Zoom it is not the
same as physical visits and we look forward to seeing
them come to see us later this year
Past President Peter Pritchard emailed: Anita and Com-
miee. Many thanks for the electronic birthday card.
This is a great iniave. I am now rmly established in
Brisbane and enjoying the weather and frequent week-
end trips to various towns in Southeast Queensland.
There is much to see and do. Have found numerous res-
taurants and cafes which we regularly partake. My birth-
day was celebrated in style with the family at home. My
two granddaughters are keeping us busy, and we were
delighted to learn that we have another grandchild on
the way, due November. We have joined the local Pro-
bus club which is very acve. Also have joined the
Queensland Rered Ocers Club and our rst com-
miee meeng is soon.
Denis Rice emailed Thank you Anita for the birth-
day card, like everyone I am sll recovering from the
last two years”.
Allan Richardson emailed Thank you Anita for your
card. Good to be kept in the loop. Recovering from
back Surgery. Hoping to hook a sh or hit a golf ball
in the near future
Wayne Rogers emailed Thanks Anita and please
pass on my appreciaon to the ANZROC Commiee.
Our son and his family came from Adelaide to visit
us over Easter and, along with our daughter and her
family, we all went out for lunch at The Naked Racer
Cafe near Moorabbin Airport. They have an amazing
collecon of motor bikes and other strange decor
(including a skeleton) which kept the young ones
interested. The food was good, the service was ex-
cellent, and the company was great, making it all
very enjoyable.
Despite the rather raunchy name, everyone was ful-
ly ared, just as well since it was quite cold and wet
John Saery emailed Thanks Anita for the birthday
wishes on behalf of ANZROC. Always enjoy the
newsleer and appreciate the me and eort to
keep all in touch.
James Uren emailed Anita, please pass on my
thanks to the ANZROC President and Commiee for
my Birthday wishes. Future Birthday Cards by e/mail
are OK by me. Again, thank you for my Birthday
Mike Vallence emailed Greengs Anita, please
thank the commiee for my birthday greengs. My
birthday was spent playing golf at Rich River Golf
Resort, Moama, most enjoyable. I am very happy to
receive my birthday wishes electronically.
Greg Watson emailed To Anita and the commiee,
thank you for your kind wishes on my birthday.
Birthday cards by email are mely and most wel-
As for my news, I am sll working overseas but came
back to Australia for a brief break. Although COVID
is sll with us, there is no longer mandatory quaran-
ne when coming back into Australia. I had earlier
undertaken quaranne on numerous occasions, and
this had involved spending two weeks in isolaon
Letters from Members (Cont)
Page 10 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
each me in a hotel in Brisbane. Being conned like
this was not much fun, (nor was the $2,800
cost)! Despite COVID and aer more than 50 years in
the industry, I am sll enjoying my work each day, ei-
ther in the oce or working from home with the assis-
tance of Zoom. There is always lots to do. Best wishes
for the year ahead to all my former ANZ colleagues.
Keith Weybury emailed Hi Anita. Many thanks for
the electronic Birthday wishes. Fabulous idea.
AND: Gordon Blair, Bryden Davis, Bob English, Hart-
ley Hodgson, Ian Lee, Bill Luscombe, Doris Philp, Jim
Poer, Peter Saville, Des Shady,.
Our next oung will have a
change of scenery. Rather than
the west coast, we are looking
to base our acvies in Inver-
loch. A booking has been made at the Leongatha Golf
Club, a twenty-minute drive from Inverloch, for the
aernoon of Tuesday, November 22nd. Leongatha is a
hilly course so 12 carts have been reserved.
The RACV resort in Inverloch has a variety of accom-
modaon. As well as resort rooms, there are villas and
cabins (which can be shared) and a well-equipped car-
avan park. Regardless of which accommodaon peo-
ple are in, everyone has full use of the resort facilies.
Recently the RACV resort has been very busy, so if
youre interested in staying its suggested that you
make your bookings early. Cancellaons can be made
up to 2 days before your stay at no cost should cir-
cumstances change.
For planning purposes, if you plan to join us in Inver-
loch or Leongatha please let Glyn Parry-Jones know at
glyn.janet@gmail.com or on 0411 256 322.
Letters from members (Cont)
Matters of Interest
Meeting/event schedule for 2022
Ma will talk about Commonwealth
Government aged care packages that
his business administers.
John Brown
Formang and Graphics
Page 11 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
JUNE 2022
from 12 noon at MULGRAVE COUNTRY CLUB, 58 Whites Lane GLEN WAVERLEY
(Just o Wellington Road /Jells Road crossing) (Phone 9582 4800)
To be held in the Clubs large funcon room.
GUEST SPEAKER FOR JUNE Meeng at Mulgrave Country Club
John Noonan Rered Detecve Inspector of the Major Crime Squad will talk about the Walsh Street shoongs and
the events leading up to it. John is the brother of our member Noelene Noonan.
John was a Police member for 35 years; 20 years as a Commissioned Ocer.
He worked as a Taccal Invesgator in the Criminal Invesgaon Bureau for 26 years involved with invesgaons
into Major Crime, Homicide, etc.
Detecve Inspector John Noonan was appointed Ocer in Charge of the Task Force invesgaon in the Walsh St
Police shoongs on 12 October 1988.
John moved on to be Ocer in Charge of the Special Operaons Group.
John rered from the Police Force in 2006 and took on the role of President of Security for the Linfox Group. John
returned to university to study part me and graduated as Master of Business Law and Master of Risk Manage-
John then moved to become President of Security and Compliance for the Toll Group in Australia and 50 countries
world wise. He rered aer three and a half years in August 2021.
A luncheon fee of $30.00 will apply to parally cover the catering costs at Mulgrave Country Club.
Currently Covid restricons in place for hospitality requires check in and proof of double vaccinaon, but it is no
longer mandatory for customers to wear masks
Partners of members, partners of deceased members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited to this lunch.
Members have the opon of prepaying their lunch by transferring the $30 luncheon fee directly into the
ANZROC account. The only thing we ask is that you ensure your name is provided on the funds transfer so we
can credit you with the payment.
Bank account details are A/C: ANZROC (Vic) BSB: 013 350 A/C No: 3064 51947
To register your acceptance to the luncheon contact Joan Nathan by phone on 0432197454.
or email jknat[email protected]et.au or mail to 7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429.
if contacng by post, an acceptance form follows for compleon.
When advising Joan of your acceptance please let her know if you have any special dietary re-
quirements that can be passed on to the people at Mulgrave Country Club.
Please remember that only those with double vaccinaon cercaon will be allowed entry
A reminder that you have the opon on the acceptance form to allow or decline to have your name(s) listed on the aendees list that will be
posted on the current ANZROC (Vic) website.
Please advise your acceptance by Friday 3
June 2022 to Joan Nathan, Mobile 0432197454 by
e-mail jknat[email protected]u or by mail to the address on the aached acceptance noce.
ANZROC (Vic) Next Meeting Thursday 9 June 2022
Ron Adams
Newsleer Editor
Page 12 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
June 2022 FROM 12 noon at Mulgrave Country Club
TO: Joan Nathan
7 Lightwood Drive Sunbury 3429. By post or Phone 0432197454. or email [email protected]
I/we will be aending the Luncheon funcon.
I/we have direct credited the amount of $30 per person to ANZROC bank account on …………...
I have the following dietary requirements…………………………………………………………………….
If you do not wish to have your name(s) published on the ANZROC (Vic) website Acceptance and Apologies list,
please state this when advising your booking/apology.
NAME (S)……………………………………………………………………………………….
Objects of the Club
a. to foster fellowship and harmony among members
b. to do all such things as in the opinion of the Committee will contribute to
the welfare
and benefit of Retired Officers
c. to maintain a definite link with Australia and New Zealand Banking
Group Ltd.
We are on the Web - https://anzroc.com.au/
We have a Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/anzrocvictoria
ANZROC (Vic) Next Meeting Thursday 9 June 2022 Acceptance