Lectures on Operating Systems (Mythili Vutukuru, IIT Bombay)
Practice Problems: Concurrency
1. Answer yes/no, and provide a brief explanation.
(a) Is it necessary for threads in a process to have separate stacks?
(b) Is it necessary for threads in a process to have separate copies of the program executable?
(a) Yes, so that they can have separate execution state, and run independently.
(b) No, threads share the program executable and data.
2. Can one have concurrent execution of threads/processes without having parallelism? If yes, de-
scribe how. If not, explain why not.
Yes, by time-sharing the CPU between threads on a single core.
3. Consider a multithreaded webserver running on a machine with N parallel CPU cores. The server
has M worker threads. Every incoming request is put in a request queue, and served by one of
the free worker threads. The server is fully saturated and has a certain throughput at saturation.
Under which circumstances will increasing M lead to an increase in the saturation throughput of
the server?
Ans: When M < N and the workload to the server is CPU-bound.
4. Consider a process that uses a user level threading library to spawn 10 user level threads. The
library maps these 10 threads on to 2 kernel threads. The process is executing on a 8-core system.
What is the maximum number of threads of a process that can be executing in parallel?
Ans: 2
5. Consider a user level threading library that multiplexes N > 1 user level threads over M 1
kernel threads. The library manages the concurrent scheduling of the multiple user threads that
map to the same kernel thread internally, and the programmer using the library has no visibility
or control on this scheduling or on the mapping between user threads and kernel threads. The N
user level threads all access and update a shared data structure. When (or, under what conditions)
should the user level threads use mutexes to guarantee the consistency of the shared data structure?
(a) Only if M > 1.
(b) Only if N M .
(c) Only if the M kernel threads can run in parallel on a multi-core machine.
(d) User level threads should always use mutexes to protect shared data.
Ans: (d) (because user level threads can execute concurrently even on a single core)
6. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding user-level threads and kernel threads?
(a) Every user level thread always maps to a separate schedulable entity at the kernel.
(b) Multiple user level threads can be multiplexed on the same kernel thread
(c) Pthreads library is used to create kernel threads that are scheduled independently.
(d) Pthreads library only creates user threads that cannot be scheduled independently at the ker-
nel scheduler.
Ans: (b), (c)
7. Consider a Linux application with two threads T1 and T2 that both share and access a common
variable x. Thread T1 uses a pthread mutex lock to protect its access to x. Now, if thread T2
tries to write to x without locking, then the Linux kernel generates a trap. [T/F]
Ans: F
8. In a single processor system, the kernel can simply disable interrupts to safely access kernel data
structures, and does not need to use any spin locks. [T/F]
Ans: T
9. In the pthread condition variable API, a process calling wait on the condition variable must do
so with a mutex held. State one problem that would occur if the API were to allow calls to wait
without requiring a mutex to be held.
Ans: Wakeup happening between checking for condition and sleeping causing missed wakeup.
10. Consider N threads in a process that share a global variable in the program. If one thread makes a
change to the variable, is this change visible to other threads? (Yes/No)
Ans: Yes
11. Consider N threads in a process. If one thread passes certain arguments to a function in the
program, are these arguments visible to the other threads? (Yes/No)
Ans: No
12. Consider a user program thread that has locked a pthread mutex lock (that blocks when waiting
for lock to be released) in user space. In modern operating systems, can this thread be context
switched out or interrupted while holding the lock? (Yes/No)
Ans: Yes
13. Repeat the previous question when the thread holds a pthread spinlock in user space.
Ans: Yes
14. Consider a process that has switched to kernel mode and has acquired a spinlock to modify a
kernel data structure. In modern operating systems, will this process be interrupted by external
hardware before it releases the spinlock? (Yes/No)
Ans: No
15. Consider a process that has switched to kernel mode and has acquired a spinlock to modify a
kernel data structure. In modern operating systems, will this process initiate a disk read before it
releases the spinlock? (Yes/No)
Ans: No
16. When a user space process executes the wakeup/signal system call on a pthread condition variable,
does it always lead to an immediate context switch of the process that calls signal (immediately
after the signal instruction)? (Yes/No)
Ans: No
17. Consider a process in kernel mode that acquires a spinlock. For correct operation, it must dis-
able interrupts on its CPU core for the duration that the spinlock is held, in both single core and
multicore systems. [T/F]
Ans. T
18. Consider a process in kernel mode that acquires a spinlock in a multicore system. For correct
operation, we must ensure that no other kernel-mode process running in parallel on another core
will request the same spinlock. [T/F]
Ans. F
19. Multiple threads of a program must use locks when accessing shared variables even when execut-
ing on a single core system. [T/F]
Ans: T
20. Recall that the atomic instruction compare-and-swap (CAS) works as follows:
CAS(&var, oldval, newval) writes newval into var and returns true if the old value of
var is oldval. If the old value of var is not oldval, CAS returns false and does not change
the value of the variable. Write code for the function to acquire a simple spinlock using the CAS
Ans: while(!CAS(&lock, 0, 1));
21. The simple spinlock implementation studied in class does not guarantee any kind of fairness or
FIFO order amongst the threads contending for the spin lock. A ticket lock is a spinlock imple-
mentation that guarantees a FIFO order of lock acquisition amongst the threads contending for the
lock. Shown below is the code for the function to acquire a ticket lock. In this function, the vari-
ables next ticket and now serving are both global variables, shared across all threads, and
initialized to 0. The variable my ticket is a variable that is local to a particular thread, and is
not shared across threads. The atomic instruction fetch and increment(&var) atomically
adds 1 to the value of the variable and returns the old value of the variable.
my_ticket = fetch_and_increment(&next_ticket)
while(now_serving != my_ticket); //busy wait
You are now required to write the code to release the spinlock, to be executed by the thread holding
the lock. Your implementation of the release function must guarantee that the next contending
thread (in FIFO order) will be able to acquire the lock correctly. You must not declare or use any
other variables.
release(): //your code here
release(): //your code here
22. Consider a multithreaded program, where threads need to aquire and hold multiple locks at a time.
To avoid deadlocks, all threads are mandated to use the function acquire locks, instead of
acquiring locks independently. This function takes as arguments a variable sized array of pointers
to locks (i.e., addresses of the lock structure), and the number of lock pointers in the array, as
shown in the function prototype below. The function returns once all locks have been successfully
void acquire_locks(struct lock
la[], int n);
//i-th lock in array can be locked by calling lock(la[i])
Describe (in English, or in pseudocode) one way in which you would implement this function,
while ensuring that no deadlocks happen during lock acquisition. Your solution must not use any
other locks beyond those provided as input. Note that multiple threads can invoke this function
concurrently, possibly with an overlapping set of locks, and the lock pointers can be stored in the
array in any arbitrary order. You may assume that the locks in the array are unique, and there are
no duplicates within the input array of locks.
Ans. Sort locks by address struct lock *, and acquire in sorted order.
23. Consider a process where multiple threads share a common Last-In-First-Out data structure. The
data structure is a linked list of ”struct node” elements, and a pointer ”top” to the top element
of the list is shared among all threads. To push an element onto the list, a thread dynamically
allocates memory for the struct node on the heap, and pushes a pointer to this struct node in to the
data structure as follows.
void push(struct node
n) {
n->next = top;
top = n;
A thread that wishes to pop an element from the data structure runs the following code.
struct node
pop(void) {
struct node
result = top;
if(result != NULL) top = result->next;
return result;
A programmer who wrote this code did not add any kind of locking when multiple threads concur-
rently access this data structure. As a result, when multiple threads try to push elements onto this
structure concurrently, race conditions can occur and the results are not always what one would
expect. Suppose two threads T1 and T2 try to push two nodes n1 and n2 respectively onto the
data structure at the same time. If all went well, we would expect the top two elements of the data
structure would be n1 and n2 in some order. However, this correct result is not guaranteed when a
race condition occurs.
Describe how a race condition can occur when two threads simultaneously push two elements
onto this data structure. Describe the exact interleaving of executions of T1 and T2 that causes the
race condition, and illustrate with figures how the data structure would look like at various phases
during the interleaved execution.
Ans: One possible race condition is as follows. n1’s next is set to top, then n2’s next is set to top.
So both n1 and n2 are pointing to the old top. Then top is set to n1 by T1, and then top is set to n2
by T2. So, finally, top points to n2, and n2’s next points to old top. But now, n1 is not accessible
by traversing the list from top, and n1 remains on a side branch of the list.
24. Consider the following scenario. A town has a very popular restaurant. The restaurant can hold N
diners. The number of people in the town who wish to eat at the restaurant, and are waiting outside
its doors, is much larger than N. The restaurant runs its service in the following manner. Whenever
it is ready for service, it opens its front door and waits for diners to come in. Once N diners enter,
it closes its front door and proceeds to serve these diners. Once service finishes, the backdoor
is opened and the diners are let out through the backdoor. Once all diners have exited, another
batch of N diners is admitted again through the front door. This process continues indefinitey. The
restaurant does not mind if the same diner is part of multiple batches.
We model the diners and the restaurant as threads in a multithreaded program. The threads must
be synchronized as follows. A diner cannot enter until the restaurant has opened its front door to
let people in. The restaurant cannot start service until N diners have come in. The diners cannot
exit until the back door is open. The restaurant cannot close the backdoor and prepare for the next
batch until all the diners of the previous batch have left.
Below is given unsynchronized pseudocode for the diner and restaurant threads. Your task is
to complete the code such that the threads work as desired. Please write down the complete
synchronized code of each thread in your solution.
You are given the following variables (semaphores and initial values, integers) to use in your
solution. The names of the variables must give you a clue about their possible usage. You must
not use any other variable in your solution.
sem (init to 0): entering_diners, exiting_diners, enter_done, exit_done
sem (init to 1): mutex_enter, mutex_exit
Integer counters (init to 0): count_enter, count_exit
All changes to the counters and other variables must be done by you in your solution. None of the
actions performed by the unsynchronized code below will modify any of the variables above.
(a) Unsynchronized code for the restaurant thread is given below. Add suitable synchronization
in your solution in between these actions of the restaurant.
(b) Unsynchronized code for the diner thread is given below. Add suitable synchronization in
your solution around these actions of the diner.
Ans: Correct code for restautant thread:
do N times: up(entering_diners)
do N times: up(exiting_diners)
Correct code for the diner thread:
if(count_enter == N) {
count_enter = 0
if(count_exit == N) {
count_exit = 0
An alternate to doing up N times in restaurant thread is: restaurant does up once, and every woken
up diner does up once until N diners are done. This alternate solution is shown below. Correct
code for restautant thread:
Correct code for the diner thread:
if(count_enter < N)
else if(count_enter == N) {
count_enter = 0
if(count_exit < N)
else if(count_exit == N) {
count_exit = 0
25. Consider a scenario where a bus picks up waiting passengers from a bus stop periodically. The
bus has a capacity of K. The bus arrives at the bus stop, allows up to K waiting passengers (fewer
if less than K are waiting) to board, and then departs. Passengers have to wait for the bus to arrive
and then board it. Passengers who arrive at the bus stop after the bus has arrived should not be
allowed to board, and should wait for the next time the bus arrives. The bus and passengers are
represented by threads in a program. The passenger thread should call the function board() after
the passenger has boarded and the bus should invoke depart() when it has boarded the desired
number of passengers and is ready to depart.
The threads share the following variables, none of which are implicitly updated by functions like
board() or depart().
mutex = semaphore initialized to 1.
bus_arrived = semaphore initialized to 0.
passenger_boarded = semaphore initialized to 0.
waiting_count = integer initialized to 0.
Below is given synchronized code for the passenger thread. You should not modify this in any
Write down the corresponding synchronized code for the bus thread that achieves the correct
behavior specified above. The bus should board the correct number of passengers, based on its
capacity and the number of those waiting. The bus should correctly board these passengers by
calling up/down on the semaphores suitably. The bus code should also update waiting count as
required. Once boarding completes, the bus thread should call depart(). You can use any extra
local variables in the code of the bus thread, like integers, loop indices and so on. However, you
must not use any other extra synchronization primitives.
N = min(waiting_count, K)
for i= 1 to N
waiting_count = waiting_count - N
26. Consider a roller coaster ride at an amusement park. The ride operator runs the ride only when
there are exactly N riders on it. Multiple riders arrive at the ride and queue up at the entrance of
the ride. The ride operator waits for N riders to accumulate, and may even take a nap as he waits.
Once N riders have arrived, the riders call out to the operator indicating they are ready to go on
the ride. The operator then opens the gate to the ride and signals exactly N riders to enter the ride.
He then waits until these N riders enter the ride, and then proceeds to start the ride.
We model the operator and riders as threads in a program. You must write pseudocode for the
operator and rider threads to enable the behavior described above. Shown below is the skeleton
code for the operator and rider threads. Complete the code to achieve the behavior described
above. You can assume that the functions to open, start, and enter ride are implemented elsewhere,
and these functions do what the names say they do. You must write the synchronization logic
around these functions in order to invoke these functions at the appropriate times. You must
use only locks and condition variables for synchronization in your solution. You may declare,
initialize, and use other variables (counters etc.) as required in your solution.
//operator code, fill in the missing details
//rider thread, fill in the missing details
//variables: int rider_count (initialized to 0)
//variables: int enter_count (initialized to 0)
//condvar cv_rider, cv_operator1, cv_operator2
while(rider_count < N) wait(cv_operator1, mutex)
do N times: signal(cv_rider)
while(enter_count < N) wait(cv_operator2, mutex)
if(rider_count == N) signal(cv_operator1)
wait(cv_rider, mutex) // all wait, even N-th guy
if(enter_count == N) signal(cv_operator2)
27. A host of a party has invited N > 2 guests to his house. Due to fear of Covid-19 exposure,
the host does not wish to open the door of his house multiple times to let guests in. Instead, he
wishes that all N guests, even though they may arrive at different times to his door, wait for each
other and enter the house all at once. The host and guests are represented by threads in a multi-
threaded program. Given below is the pseudocode for the host thread, where the host waits for all
guests to arrive, then calls openDoor(), and signals a condition variable once. You must write the
corresponding code for the guest threads. The guests must wait for all N of them to arrive and for
the host to open the door, and must call enterHouse() only after that. You must ensure that all N
waiting guests enter the house after the door is opened. You must use only locks and condition
variables for synchronization.
The following variables are used in this solution: lock m, condition variables cv host and cv guest,
and integer guest count (initialized to 0). You must not use any other variables in the guest for
while(guest_count < N)
wait(cv_host, m)
if(guest_count == N)
wait(cv_guest, m)
28. Consider the classic readers-writers synchronization problem described below. Several processes/threads
wish to read and write data shared between them. Some processes only want to read the shared
data (“readers”), while others want to update the shared data as well (“writers”). Multiple readers
may concurrently access the data safely, without any correctness issues. However, a writer must
not access the data concurrently with anyone else, either a reader or a writer. While it is possible
for each reader and writer to acquire a regular mutex and operate in perfect mutual exclusion, such
a solution will be missing out on the benefits of allowing multiple readers to read at the same time
without waiting for other readers to finish. Therefore, we wish to have special kind of locks called
reader-writer locks that can be acquired by processes/threads in such situations. These locks have
separate lock/unlock functions, depending on whether the thread asking for a lock is a reader or
writer. If one reader asks for a lock while another reader already has it, the second reader will also
be granted a read lock (unlike in the case of a regular mutex), thus encouraging more concurrency
in the application.
Write down pseudocode to implement the functions readLock, readUnlock, writeLock, and write-
Unlock that are invoked by the readers and writers to realize reader-writer locks. You must use
condition variables and mutexes only in your solution.
Ans: A boolean variable writer
present, and two condition variables, reader can enter
and writer can enter, are used.
while(read_count > 0 || writer_present)
writer_present = true
writer_present = false
29. Consider the readers and writers problem discussed above. Recall that multiple readers can be
allowed to read concurrently, while only one writer at a time can access the critical section. Write
down pseudocode to implement the functions readLock, readUnlock, writeLock, and writeUn-
lock that are invoked by the readers and writers to realize read/write locks. You must use only
semaphores, and no other synchronization mechanism, in your solution. Further, you must avoid
using more semaphores than is necessary. Clearly list all the variables (semaphores, and any other
flags/counters you may need) and their initial values at the start of your solution. Use the nota-
tion down(x) and up(x) to invoke atomic down and up operations on a semaphore x that are
available via the OS API. Use sensible names for your variables.
sem lock = 1; sem writer_can_enter = 1; int readCount = 0;
if(readCount ==1)
down(writer_can_enter) //don’t coexist with a writer
if(readCount == 0)
30. Consider the readers and writers problem as discussed above. We wish to implement synchroniza-
tion between readers and writers, while giving preference to writers, where no waiting writer
should be kept waiting for longer than necessary. For example, suppose reader process R1 is ac-
tively reading. And a writer process W1 and reader process R2 arrive while R1 is reading. While
it might be fine to allow R2 in, this could prolong the waiting time of W1 beyond the absolute
minimum of waiting until R1 finishes. Therefore, if we want writer preference, R2 should not
be allowed before W1. Your goal is to write down pseudocode for read lock, read unlock, write
lock, and write unlock functions that the processes should call, in order to realize read/write locks
with writer preference. You must use only simple locks/mutexes and conditional variables in your
solution. Please pick sensible names for your variables so that your solution is readable.
while(writer_present || writers_waiting > 0)
while(readcount > 0 || writer_present)
wait(writer_can_enter, mutex)
writer_present = true
writer_present = false
31. Write a solution to the readers-writers problem with preference to writers discussed above, but
using only semaphores.
sem rlock = 1; sem wlock = 1;
sem reader_can_try = 1; sem writer_can_enter = 1;
int readCount = 0; int writeCount = 0;
down(reader_can_try) //new sem blocks reader if writer waiting
if(readCount ==1)
down(writer_can_enter) //don’t coexist with a writer
if(readCount == 0)
down(writer_can_enter) //release wlock and then block
if(writerCount == 0)
32. Consider the famous dining philosophers’ problem. N philosophers are sitting around a table with
N forks between them. Each philosopher must pick up both forks on her left and right before she
can start eating. If each philosopher first picks the fork on her left (or right), then all will deadlock
while waiting for the other fork. The goal is to come up with an algorithm that lets all philosophers
eat, without deadlock or starvation. Write a solution to this problem using condition variables.
Ans: A variable state is associated with each philosopher, and can be one of EATING (holding
both forks) or THINKING (when not eating). Further, a condition variable is associated with each
philosopher to make them sleep and wake them up when needed. Each philosopher must call the
pickup function before eating, and putdown function when done. Both these functions use a
mutex to change states only when both forks are available.
return (state[leftNbr(i)] != EATING &&
state[rightNbr(i)] != EATING)
state[i] = EATING
state[i] = THINKING
33. Consider a clinic with one doctor and a very large waiting room (of infinite capacity). Any patient
entering the clinic will wait in the waiting room until the doctor is free to see her. Similarly, the
the doctor also waits for a patient to arrive to treat. All communication between the patients and
the doctor happens via a shared memory buffer. Any of the several patient processes, or the doctor
process can write to it. Once the patient “enters the doctors office”, she conveys her symptoms
to the doctor using a call to consultDoctor(), which updates the shared memory with the
patient’s symptoms. The doctor then calls treatPatient() to access the buffer and update it
with details of the treatment. Finally, the patient process must call noteTreatment() to see the
updated treatment details in the shared buffer, before leaving the doctor’s office. A template code
for the patient and doctor processes is shown below. Enhance this code to correctly synchronize
between the patient and the doctor processes. Your code should ensure that no race conditions
occur due to several patients overwriting the shared buffer concurrently. Similarly, you must
ensure that the doctor accesses the buffer only when there is valid new patient information in it,
and the patient sees the treatment only after the doctor has written it to the buffer. You must use
only semaphores to solve this problem. Clearly list the semaphore variables you use and their
initial values first. Please pick sensible names for your variables.
(a) Semaphores variables:
pt_waiting = 0
treatment_done = 0
doc_avlbl = 1
(b) Patient process:
(c) Doctor:
while(1) {
34. Consider a multithreaded banking application. The main process receives requests to tranfer
money from one account to the other, and each request is handled by a separate worker thread
in the application. All threads access shared data of all user bank accounts. Bank accounts are
represented by a unique integer account number, a balance, and a lock of type mylock (much
like a pthreads mutex) as shown below.
struct account {
int accountnum;
int balance;
mylock lock;
Each thread that receives a transfer request must implement the transfer function shown be-
low, which transfers money from one account to the other. Add correct locking (by calling the
dolock(&lock) and unlock(&lock) functions on a mylock variable) to the tranfer func-
tion below, so that no race conditions occur when several worker threads concurrently perform
transfers. Note that you must use the fine-grained per account lock provided as part of the account
object itself, and not a global lock of your own. Also make sure your solution is deadlock free,
when multiple threads access the same pair of accounts concurrently.
void transfer(struct account
from, struct account
to, int amount) {
from->balance -= amount; // dont write anything...
to->balance += amount; // ...between these two lines
Ans: The accounts must be locked in order of their account numbers. Otherwise, a transfer from
account X to Y and a parallel transfer from Y to X may acquire locks on X and Y in different
orders and end up in a deadlock.
struct account
lower = (from->accountnum < to->accountnum)?from:to;
struct account
higher = (from->accountnum < to->accountnum)?to:from;
from->balance -= amount;
to->balance += amount;
35. Consider a process with three threads A, B, and C. The default thread of the process receives
multiple requests, and places them in a request queue that is accessible by all the three threads A,
B, and C. For each request, we require that the request must first be processed by thread A, then
B, then C, then B again, and finally by A before it can be removed and discarded from the queue.
Thread A must read the next request from the queue only after it is finished with all the above
steps of the previous one. Write down code for the functions run by the threads A, B, and C, to
enable this synchronization. You can only worry about the synchronization logic and ignore the
application specific processing done by the threads. You may use any synchronization primitive
of your choice to solve this question.
Ans: Solution using semaphores shown below. The order of processing is A1–B1–C–B2–A2. All
threads run in a forever loop, and wait as dictated by the semaphores.
sem a1done = 0; b1done = 0; cdone = 0; b2done = 0;
get request from queue and process
down(b2 done)
finish with request
//do work
//do work
//do work
36. Consider two threads A and B that perform two operations each. Let the operations of thread A
be A1 and A2; let the operations of thread B be B1 and B2. We require that threads A and B
each perform their first operation before either can proceed to the second operation. That is, we
require that A1 be run before B2 and B1 before A2. Consider the following solutions based on
semaphores for this problem (the code run by threads A and B is shown in two columns next to
each other). For each solution, explain whether the solution is correct or not. If it is incorrect, you
must also point out why the solution is incorrect.
(a) sem A1Done = 0; sem B1Done = 0;
//Thread A //Thread B
A1 B1
down(B1Done) down(A1Done)
up(A1Done) up(B1Done)
A2 B2
(b) sem A1Done = 0; sem B1Done = 0;
//Thread A //Thread B
A1 B1
down(B1Done) up(B1Done)
up(A1Done) down(A1Done)
A2 B2
(c) sem A1Done = 0; sem B1Done = 0;
//Thread A //Thread B
A1 B1
up(A1Done) up(B1Done)
down(B1Done) down(A1Done)
A2 B2
(a) Deadlocks, so incorrect.
(b) Correct
(c) Correct
37. Now consider a generalization of the above problem for the case of N threads that want to each
execute their first operation before any thread proceeds to the second operation. Below is the
code that each thread runs in order to achieve this synchronization. count is an integer shared
variable, and mutex is a mutex binary semaphore that protects this shared variable. step1Done
is a semaphore initialized to zero. You are told that this code is wrong and does not work correctly.
Further, you can fix it by changing it slightly (e.g., adding one statement, or rearranging the code
in some way). Suggest the change to be made to the code in the snippet below to fix it. You must
use only semaphores and no other synchronization mechanism.
//run first step
if(count == N)
//run second step
Ans: The problem is that the semaphore is decremented N times, but is only incremented once.
To fix it, we must do up N times when count is N. Or, add up after the last down, so that it is
performed N times by the N threads.
38. The cigarette smokers problem is a classical synchronization problem that involves 4 threads: one
agent and three smokers. The smokers require three ingredients to smoke a cigarette: tobacco,
paper, and matches. Each smoker has one of the three ingredients and waits for the other two,
smokes the cigar once he obtains all ingredients, and repeats this forever. The agent repeatedly
puts out two ingredients at a time and makes them available. In the correct solution of this prob-
lem, the smoker with the complementary ingredient should finish smoking his cigar. Consider the
following solution to the problem. The shared variables are three semaphores tobacco, paper
and matches initialized to 0, and semaphore doneSmoking initialized to 1. The agent code
performs down(doneSmoking), then picks two of the three ingredients at random and per-
forms up on the corresponding two semaphores, and repeats. The smoker with tobacco runs the
following code in a loop.
//make and smoke cigar
Similarly, the smoker with matches waits for tobacco and paper, and the smoker with paper waits
for tobacco and matches, before signaling the agent that they are done smoking. Does the code
above solve the synchronization problem correctly? If you answer yes, provide a justification for
why the code is correct. If you answer no, describe what the error is and also provide a correct
solution to the problem. (If you think the code is incorrect and are providing another solution, you
may change the code of both the agent and the smokers. You can also introduce new variables as
necessary. You must use only semaphores to solve the problem.)
Ans: The code is incorrect and deadlocks. One fix is to add semaphores for two ingredients at a
time (e.g., tobaccoAndPaper). The smokers wait on these and the agent signals these. So there is
no possibility of deadlock.
39. Consider a server program running in an online market place firm. The program receives buy and
sell orders for one type of commodity from external clients. For every buy or sell request received
by the server, the main process spawns a new buy or sell thread. We require that every buy thread
waits until a sell thread arrives, and vice versa. A matched pair of buy and sell threads will both
return a response to the clients and exit. You may assume that all buy/sell requests are identical
to each other, so that any buy thread can be matched with any sell thread. The code executed
by the buy thread is shown below (the code of the sell thread would be symmetric). You have
to write the synchronization logic that must be run at the start of the execution of the thread to
enable it to wait for a matching sell thread to arrive (if none exists already). Once the threads
are matched, you may assume that the function completeBuy() takes care of the application
logic for exchanging information with the matching thread, communicating with the client, and
finishing the transaction. You may use any synchronization technique of your choice.
//declare any variables here
//start of sync logic
//end of sync logic
sem buyer = 0; sem seller = 0;
Buyer thread:
40. Consider the following classical synchronization problem called the barbershop problem. A bar-
bershop consists of a room with N chairs. If a customer enters the barbershop and all chairs are
occupied, then the customer leaves the shop. If the barber is busy, but chairs are available, then the
customer sits in one of the free chairs and awaits his turn. The barber moves onto the next waiting
seated customer after he finishes one hair cut. If there are no customers to be served, the barber
goes to sleep. If the barber is asleep when a customer arrives, the customer wakes up the barber to
give him a hair cut. A waiting customer vacates his chair after his hair cut completes. Your goal
is to write the pseudocode for the customer and barber threads below with suitable synchroniza-
tion. You must use only semaphores to solve this problem. Use the standard notation of invoking
up/down functions on a semaphore variable.
The following variables (3 semaphores and a count) are provided to you for your solution. You
must use these variables and declare any additional variables if required.
semaphore mutex = 1, customers = 0, barber = 0;
int waiting_count = 0;
Some functions to invoke in your customer and barber threads are:
A customer who finds the waiting room full should call the function leave() to exit the
shop permanently. This function does not return.
A customer should invoke the function getHairCut() in order to get his hair cut. This
function returns when the hair cut completes.
The barber thread should call cutHair() to give a hair cut. When the barber invokes this
function, there should be exactly one customer invoking getHairCut() concurrently.
if(waiting_count == N)
41. Consider a multithreaded application server handling requests from clients. Every new request
that arrives at the server causes a new thread to be spawned to handle that request. The server
can provide service to only one request/thread at a time, and other threads that arrive when the
server is busy must wait for service using a synchronization primitive (semaphore or condition
variable). In order to avoid excessive waiting times, the server does not wish to have more than
N requests/threads in the system (including the waiting requests and any request it is currently
serving). You may assume that N > 2. Given this constraint, a newly arriving thread must
first check if N other requests are already in the system: if yes, it must exit without waiting and
return an error value to the client, by calling the function thr exit failure(). This function
terminates the thread and does not return.
When a thread is ready for service, it must call the function get service(). Your code
should ensure that no more than one thread calls this function at any point of time. This func-
tion blocks the thread for the duration of the service. Note that, while the thread receiving service
is blocked, other arriving threads must be free to join the queue, or exit if the system is over-
loaded. After a thread returns from get service(), it must enable one of the waiting threads
to seek service (if any are waiting), and then terminate itself succesfully by calling the function
thr exit success(). This function terminates the thread and does not return.
You are required to write pseudocode of the function to be run by the request threads in this
system, as per the specification above. Your solution must use only locks and condition variables
for synchronization. Clearly state all the variables used and their initial values at the start of your
int num_requests=0;
bool server_busy = false
cv, mutex
if(num_requests == N)
wait(cv, mutex)
server_busy = true
server_busy = false
if(num_requests > 0)
42. Consider the previous problem, but now assume that N is infinity. That is, all arriving threads will
wait (if needed) for their turn in the queue of a synchronization primitive, get served when their
turn comes, and exit successfully. Write the pseudocode of the function to be run by the threads
with this modified specification. Your solution must only use semaphores for synchronization, and
only the correct solution that uses the least number of semaphores will get full credit. Clearly state
all the variables used and their initial values at the start of your solution.
sem waiting = 1
43. Consider the following synchronization problem. A group of children are picking chocolates from
a box that can hold up to N chocolates. A child that wants to eat a chocolate picks one from the
box to eat, unless the box is empty. If a child finds the box to be empty, she wakes up the mother,
and waits until the mother refills the box with N chocolates. Unsynchronized code snippets for
the child and mother threads are as shown below:
while True:
while True:
You must now modify the code of the mother and child threads by adding suitable synchronization
such that a child invokes getChocolateFromBox() only if the box is non-empty, and the
mother invokes refillChocolateBox(N) only if the box is fully empty. Solve this question
using only locks and condition variables, and no other synchronization primitive. The following
variables have been declared for use in your solution.
int count = 0;
mutex m; // you may invoke lock and unlock
condvar fullBox, emptyBox; //you may perform wait and signal
//or signal_broadcast
(a) Code for child thread
(b) Code for mother thread
while True:
while(count == 0)
wait(fullBox, m)
signal(fullBox) //optional
while True:
if(count > 0)
wait(emptyBox, m)
count += N
There are two ways of waking up sleeping children. Either the mother does a signal broadcast to
all children. Or every child that eats a chocolate wakes up another sleeping child. You may also
assume that signal by mother wakes up all children.
44. Repeat the above question, but your solution now must use only semaphores and no other syn-
chronization primitive. The following variables have been declared for use in your solution.
int count = 0;
semaphore m, fullBox, emptyBox;
//initial values of semaphores are not specified
//you may invoke up and down methods on a semaphore
(a) Initial values of the semaphores
(b) Code for child thread
(c) Code for mother thread
m = 1, fullBox = 0, emptyBox = 0
while True:
if(count == 0)
count += N
while True:
Here the subtlety is the lock m. Mother can’t get lock to update count after filling the box, as that
will cause a deadlock. In general, if child sleeps with mutex m locked, then mother cannot request
the same lock.
45. Consider the classic “barrier” synchronization problem, where N threads wish to synchronize with
each other as follows. N threads arrive into the system at different times and in any order. The
arriving threads must wait until all N threads have arrived into the system, and continue execution
only after all N threads have arrived. We wish to write logic to synchronize the threads in the
manner stated above using semaphores. Below are three possible solutions to the problem. You are
told that one of the solutions is correct and the other two are wrong. Identify the correct solution
amongst the three given options. Further, for each of the other incorrect solutions, explain clearly
why the solution is wrong. The following shared variables are declared for use in each solution.
int count = 0;
sem mutex; //initialized to 1
sem barrier; //initialized to 0
(a) down(mutex)
if(count == N) up(barrier)
//wait done; proceed to actual task
(b) down(mutex)
if(count == N) up(barrier)
//wait done; proceed to actual task
(c) down(mutex)
if(count == N) up(barrier)
//wait done; proceed to actual task
Ans: In (a) up is done only once when many threads are waiting on down. In (c), down(barrier) is
called when mutex held, so code deadlocks. (b) is correct answer.
46. Consider the barrier synchronization primitive discussed in class, where the N threads of an appli-
cation wait until all the threads have arrived at a barrier, before they proceed to do a certain task.
You are now required to write the code for a reusable barrier, where the N application threads
perform a series of steps in a loop, and use the same barrier code to synchronize for each iteration
of the loop. That is, your solution should ensure that all threads wait for each other before the start
of each step, and proceed to the next step only after all threads have completed the previous step.
Your solution must only use semaphores. The following functions can be invoked on a semaphore
s used in this question: down(s), up(s), and up(s,n). While the first two functions are as
studied in class, the function up(s,n) simply invokes up(s) n times atomically.
We have provided you some code to get started. Shown below is the code to be run by each
application thread, including the code to wait at the barrier. However, this is not the correct
solution, as this code only works as a single-use barrier, i.e., it only ensures that the threads
synchronize at the barrier once, and cannot be used to synchronize multiple times (can you figure
out why?). You are required to modify this code to make it reusable, such that the threads can
synchronize at the barrier multiple times for the multiple steps to be performed.
Your solution must only use the following variables: int count = 0; and semaphores (initial
values as given): sem mutex = 1; sem barrier1 = 0; sem barrier2 = 0;
For each step to be executed by the threads, do:
//add code here if required to make barrier reusable
if(count == N) up(barrier1, N)
... wait done, execute actual task of this step ...
//add code here if required to make barrier reusable for next step
Ans: The extra code to be added is at the end of completing a step, where you make all threads
wait once again.
if(count==0) up(barrier2, N)
47. Consider a web server that is supposed to serve a batch of N requests. Each request that arrives
at the web server spawns a new thread. The arriving threads wait until N of them accumulate, at
which point all of them proceed to get service from the server. Shown below is the code executed
by each arriving thread, that causes it to wait until all the other threads arrive. The variable count
is initialized to N . The code also uses wait and signal primitives on a condition variable; and
you may assume that the signal primitive wakes up all waiting threads (not just one of them).
if(count > 0) {
wait(cv, mutex)
else {
... wait done, proceed to server ...
You are told that the code above is incorrect, and can sometimes cause a deadlock. That is, in
some executions, all N threads do not go to the server for service, even though they have arrived.
(a) Using an example, explain the exact sequence of events that can cause a deadlock. You must
write your answers as bullet points, with one event per bullet point, starting from threads
arriving in the system until the deadlock.
(b) Explain how you will fix this deadlock and correct the code shown above. You must retain
the basic structure of the code. Indicate your changes next to the code snippet above.
Ans: The given incorrect solution may cause a missed wakeup. For example, some thread decides
to wait and goes inside the if-loop, but is context switched out before calling wait (and before it
acquires the lock). Now, if count hits 0 and signal happens before it runs again, it will wait with no
one to wake it up, leading to deadlock. The fix is simply holding the lock all through the condition
checking and waiting.
48. Consider an application that has K + 1 threads running on a Linux-like OS (K > 1). The first K
threads of an application execute a certain task T1, and the remaining one thread executes task T2.
The application logic requires that task T1 is executed N > 1 times, followed by task T2 executed
once, and this cycle of N executions of T1 followed by one execution of T2 continue indefinitely.
All K threads should be able to participate in the N executions of task T1, even though it is not
required to ensure perfect fairness amongst the threads.
Shown below is one possible set of functions executed by the threads running tasks T1 and T2.
You are told that this solution has two bugs in the code run by the thread performing task T2.
Briefly describe the bugs in the space below, and suggest small changes to the corresponding code
to fix these bugs (you may write your changes next to the code snippet). You must not change the
code corresponding to task T1 in any way. All threads share a counter count (initialized to 0), a
mutex variable m, and two condition variables t1cv, and t2cv. Here, the function signal on
a condition variable wakes up only one of the possibly many sleeping threads.
//function run by K threads of task T1
while True {
if(count >= N) {
wait(t1cv, m)
//.. do task T1 once ..
//function run by thread of task T2
while True {
wait(t2cv, m)
// .. do task T2 once
count = 0
Ans: (a) check count<N and only then wait (b) signal broadcast instead of signal
49. You are now required to solve the previous question using semaphores for synchronization. You
are given the pseudocode for the function run by the thread executing task T2 (which you must not
change). You are now required to write the corresponding code executed by the K threads running
task T1. You must use the following semaphores in your solution: mutex, t1sem, t2sem. You
must initialize them suitably below. The variable count (initialized to 0) is also available for use
in your solution.
//fill in initial values of semaphores
sem_init(mutex, ); sem_init(t1sem, ); sem_init(t2sem, );
//other variables
int count = 0
//function run by thread executing T2
while True {
//.. do task T2 ..
//function run by threads executing task T1
while True {
mutex=1, t1sem=0, t2sem=0
if(count == N)
count = 0
do task T1 once
50. Multiple people are entering and exiting a room that has a light switch. You are writing a computer
program to model the people in this situation as threads in an application. You must fill in the
functions onEnter() and onExit() that are invoked by a thread/person when the person
enters and exits a room respectively. We require that the first person entering a room must turn
on the light switch by invoking the function turnOnSwitch(), while the last person leaving
the room must turn off the switch by invoking turnOffSwitch(). You must invoke these
functions suitably in your code below. You may use any synchronization primitives of your choice
to achieve this desired goal. You may also use any variables required in your solution, which are
shared across all threads/persons.
(a) Variables and initial values
(b) Code onEnter() to be run by thread/person entering
(c) Code onExit() to be run by thread/person exiting
variables: mutex, count
if(count==1) turnOnSwitch()
if(count==0) turnOffSwitch()