Scintillation Cocktails & Consumables
For every liquid scintillation
counting application
Total solutions for liquid scintillation counting
applications from PerkinElmer
Address any liquid scintillation counting need with PerkinElmer’s liquid
scintillation cocktails, tissue solubilizers and specialty chemicals. You can be
confident that our products meet the highest standards of performance, user
safety, environmental safety, and user convenience. Plus, our portfolio of
application notes can assist you with even the most complex liquid scintillation
counting applications you perform in your research.
Combine our scintillation cocktails with our trusted NEN
Radiochemicals, high
quality counting vials and market-leading radiometric detection instrumentation
for a complete single-source solution for your radiometric application needs.
Plus, no matter where your lab is, our global distribution network will ensure that
the products you order reach you reliably and on time. You just won’t find a better
source of products and services to support your research than PerkinElmer.
Scintillation Cocktail Comparison Chart .............................................................................................4
Safer LSC Cocktails ............................................................................................................................6
Ultima Gold Family .................................................................................................................................6
OptiPhase HiSafe Famil
y ......................................................................................................................10
Opti-Fluor Family..................................................................................................................................11
Other Safer LSC Cocktails ....................................................................................................................12
Classical LSC Cocktails ....................................................................................................................13
Emulsifying Cocktails (Pico-Fluor Family, Filter-Count, Hionic Fluor) .......................................................13
Other Classical Cocktails (Aquasol-2,
Aquassure, Atomlight, Biofluor,
Econofluor-2, Insta-Fluor Plus, Insta-Gel Plus).......................................................................................15
Sample Oxidizer Cocktails (Carbo-Sorb E, Monophase S, Permafluor E
Flow Detection Cocktails ..................................................................................................................18
Ultima-Flo Safer Flow Detection Cocktail Family....................................................................................18
Flo-Scint Classical Flow Detection Cocktail Famil
y ................................................................................20
Cocktails & Scintillators for Microplate Formats ............................................................................21
MicroScint LSC Cocktails......................................................................................................................21
Meltilex Solid Scintilla
tors .....................................................................................................................22
Tissue Solubilizers ............................................................................................................................23
Safer & Classical Tissue Solubilizers (SOLVABLE,
Soluene-350) ............................................................23
Specialty Chemicals .........................................................................................................................25
LIPIDEX ................................................................................................................................................25
raphy Enhancers (EN
HANCE, ENLIGHTNING) .......................................................................25
Decontaminants & Cleaners (AbSolve, COUNT-OFF, Pico-Kleen N) ........................................................26
Liquid Scintillation Counting Vials ....................................................................................................27
Miniature Vials (Pico Prias, Pico ‘Hang-In’, Pico Glass,
Pony, Pony ‘Hang-In’, Polypropylene)..................28
Mid-Sized Vials (Hinge Cap, Midi, Maxi) ................................................................................................31
Standard Vials (Super & Low Diffusion Polyethylene, High Performance Glass, Econo Glass, Oximate)...32
QUANTULUS Vials (Teflon).....................................................................................................................35
Vials Selection Guide.........................................................................................................................36
ktail Selection Guides..................................................................................................................37
LSC Selection Guide by Filter Type........................................................................................................37
LSC Selection Guide b
y Sample Type....................................................................................................38
Flow Cocktails Selection Guide.........................................................................................................43
Sample Pr
eparation Guide ................................................................................................................44
Scintillation Cocktail Comparison
The table below provides information to help you choose the correct cocktail. This depends on the
nature of the sample to be counted as well as the sample preparation procedure and instrument used.
Only the right cocktail choice, paired with a correct sample preparation procedure and instrument,
will result in accurate and reproducible counting results.
Typical counting efficiencies determined on a PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 3100TR/LL (preset
H region, 0–18.6 keV).
Typical maximum sample volume (mL) per 10 mL cocktail at 20 ºC.
Ultima Gold with tissue solubilizers, preferably counted within 24 hours.
Ultima Gold DIPN ~150 56 52 49
Ultima Gold XR DIPN ~150 50 46 N.A.
Ultima Gold LLT DIPN ~140 52 46 N.A.
Ultima Gold MV DIPN ~110 57 55 N.A.
Ultima Gold AB DIPN ~140 52 46 N.A.
HiSafe 2 DIPN ~150 56 52 49
HiSafe 3 DIPN ~150 50 46 N.A.
Opti-Fluor Linear Alkylbenzyne ~150 44 40 N.A.
Emulsifier-Safe Linear Alkylbenzyne ~150 43 39 N.A.
Insta-Gel Plus Pseudocumene 48–50 56 48 N.A.
Pico-Fluor 15 Pseudocumene 48–50 57 53 N.A.
Pico-Fluor 40 Pseudocumene 48–50 51 45 N.A.
Filter-Count Pseudocumene 48–50 57 53 N.A.
Hionic-Fluor Pseudocumene 48–50 51 45 48
Ultima Gold F DIPN ~150 65 N.A. N.A.
BetaPlate Scint DIPN ~150 65 N.A. N.A.
Opti-Fluor O Linear Alkylbenzyne ~150 59 N.A. N.A.
Insta-Fluor Plus Pseudocumene 48–50 65 N.A. 57
Counting Efficiency, %
Type of Flashpoint No With With
Cocktail Solvent °C/Tag CC Sample 10% Water 10% Solubilizer W
PerkinElmer has a large collection of Application Notes that can help you with sample preparation.
Please visit our website ( or contact Technical Support for assistance.
* = limited capacity - = no capacity
3.2 3.0–6.0 3.0–5.0 2.0–4.0 1.0–4.0 0–3.0
10.0 8.0–10.0 8.0–10.0 5.0–8.0 3.0–7.0 0–5.0
12.0 Optimized for all water types.
1.0 1.0–3.0 2.0–4.0 2.0–4.0 0–2.0 *
10.0 Optimized for 1–2 M mineral acids.
3.2 3.0–6.0 3.0–5.0 2.0–4.0 1.0–4.0 0–3.0
10.0 8.0–10.0 8.0–10.0 5.0–8.0 3.0–7.0 0–5.0
1.5 1.5–2.5 1.5–2.5 0.5–1.0 * -
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0–1.5 0.5–1.0 -
1.8 and 3–10 1.8 and 3–10 1.8 and 3–10 0.5–1.0 and 3–10 0.5–1.5 0.1–1.5
1.5 1.5–2.0 1.5–2.5 0.5–1.0 - -
3.0 1.5–2.0 5.0–10.0 2.0–2.4 1.0–2.0 0.5–1.0
1.0 * * * * *
1.0 * * 1.0–1.5 1.5–2.5 1.5–4.0
For organic samples and dried filter membranes only.
For organic samples only.
Sample Load Capacity, mL
Water 0–0.05 M 0.05–0.2 M 0.2–0.5 M 0.5–1.0 M Over 1.0 M
Occupational safety in laboratories is of unques-
tioned importance. Traditional scintillation cocktail
formulations contain flammable, toxic solvents that
permeate through polyethylene and may represent
a hazard to laboratory workers, create disposal
problems that place strains on the environment,
and often add hidden lab costs. PerkinElmer has
addressed this problem by offering several lines
of safer LSC cocktails.
Ultima Gold Family
Beginning in the early 1980’s, user and environmental safety concerns led to the introduction of cocktails
based on high flash point solvents. Research conducted by Packard BioSciences Corp., later acquired by
PerkinElmer, led to the development of the Ultima Gold
family, high performance cocktails with the
following properties:
Safer LSC Cocktails
Typical sample load capacity of Ultima Gold with various sample types
Ultima Gold
Ultima Gold is a safer liquid scintillation cocktail
for a wide range of aqueous and non-aqueous
samples. This multipurpose LSC cocktail has a
high counting efficiency and provides superior
detection efficiency for samples that exhibit
severe quench in conventional cocktails.
Extremely high counting efficiency:
up to 56% for
Universal cocktail for aqueous and
nonaqueous samples
High quench resistance
No diffusion through polyethylene vials
High flashpoint of approximately 150 °C
Safely used outside a fume hood
Very high flash point for simple transportation
and no special stor
age requirements
Very low vapor pressure; nonvolatile
Low toxicity
“Harmless chemicals” classification;
High counting efficiency
High quench resistance
H counting efficiency of Ultima Gold
0.15 M NaCl added to 10 mL Cocktail 0 mL 1 mL 2 mL
Ultima Gold 56% 52% 49%
Alkylbenzene-based LSC cocktails 44% 40% 38%
Tri-Carb 2250TR/LL with 67% absolute
H efficiency (sealed argon purged standard).
Ultima Gold AB
Specifically designed for alpha/beta discrimination in liquid scintillation counting, Ultima Gold AB
provides the slow pulse decay characteristics necessary for effective alpha/beta discrimination. An
excellent sample holding capacity makes it ideal for a variety of aqueous and acidic sample types.
Typical sample uptake and misc
lassification range of Ultima Gold AB at 20 °C
Type of Sample Ultima Gold AB 85% (v/v) UG AB 75% (v/v) UG AB 50% (v/v) UG AB
+ 15% (v/v) UG F
+ 25% UG F + 50% UG F
Sample uptake range 0.2–10.0 mL 0.2–10.0 mL 0.2–2.25 mL 0.2–0.5 mL
Misclassification range 0.74–1.87% 0.70–1.74% 0.58–0.68% 0.42–0.47%
1 M HCl
Sample uptake range 0.2–5.5 mL 0.2–2.0 mL 0.2–1.25 mL 0.2–0.4 mL
Misclassification range 0.87–1.73% 0.64–0.79% 0.64–0.75% 0.43–0.52%
2 M HCl
Sample uptake range 0.2–2.25 mL 0.2–1.25 mL 0.2–1.0 mL 0.2–0.3 mL
Misclassification range 0.61–1.07% 0.56–0.76% 0.49–0.60% 0.38–0.49%
Sample uptake range 0.2–3.25 mL 0.2–1.75 mL 0.2–1.25 mL 0.2–0.4 mL
Misclassification range 0.75–3.85% 0.66–1.51% 0.55–0.98% 0.48–0.53%
Sample uptake range 0.2–2.25 mL 0.2–1.5 mL 0.2–1.0 mL 0.2–0.3 mL
Misclassification range 0.77–4.21% 0.60–1.91% 0.70–1.17% 0.54–0.62%
Typical percentage misclassifications using a Tri-Carb 2550TR/AB and Time-Resolved Pulse Decay Analysis. Sample uptake per 10 mL cocktail
at 20 °C. For dilute samples or smaller sample volumes, dilute Ultima Gold AB with Ultima Gold F to increase energy resolution and counting
efficiency, and further reduce misclassifica
tion of alphas as beta and betas as alpha.
Ultima Gold F
Ultima Gold F is a high efficiency cocktail for counting dry filter supports, as well as non-aqueous
(organic) samples. For alpha/beta LSC counting, Ultima Gold F is an ideal diluent for Ultima Gold AB,
increasing energy pulse-shape resolution for small volume samples.
H quench resistance of Ultima Gold F
added to 10 mL Cocktail 0 µL 10 µL 20 µL 30 µL 40 µL 50 µL
Tritium Counting Efficiency 63% 51% 45% 39% 34% 31%
Tri-Carb 2250TR/LL with 67% absolute
H efficiency (sealed argon purged standard).
Ultima Gold LLT
Determine low levels of
H in a wide range of water samples
without requiring distillation. It accepts up to 54% tap water,
river water, rain water, and even sea water, with
H counting
efficiencies of approximately 30% and with very low background
levels. When used with PerkinElmer’s Tri-Carb
Scintillation Analyzers or the QUANTULUS
Ultra Low Level
Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer, minimum detectable activities
are less than 1.1 Bq/L (500 minute count time).
H counting efficiency of dried filters
Filter Type Counting Efficiency
Glass Fiber GF/C 38% (
Glass Fiber GF/B 36% (
Tri-Carb 2250TR/LL with 67% absolute
H efficiency (sealed argon purged standard).
Performance of Ultima Gold LLT with various types of water
Safer LSC Cocktails
Ultima Gold MV
Ultima Gold MV is specifically formulated for the rapid uptake of aqueous and non-aqueous samples.
It is recommended for counting wet or damp glass fiber filters from cell harvesters. It is also ideal for
counting small volume samples in miniature vials and microtubes because of its reduced viscosity
compared to other high flash point cocktails.
Performance of Ultima Gold LLT for low level
Optimized Window (0.4 4.5 keV)
Water to Cocktail Ratio Cocktail %
H Bkg. Eff. E
/B E
/B MDA (Bq/L
8 mL:12 mL Ultima Gold LLT 24.6% 1.15 CPM 526 33680 1.22
10 mL:10 mL Ultima Gold LLT 21.2% 1.11 CPM 405 40490 1.11
11 mL :9 mL Ultima Gold LLT 18.1% 0.95 CPM 345 41730 1.06
Count Conditions: Tri-Carb 2770TR/SL operated at 15 °C, in Low Level Count Mode, all samples in duplicate, 500 minute count time.
Typical sample load capacity of Ultima Gold MV with various sample types
Typical microvolume
H counting efficiency of Ultima Gold MV
0.15 M NaCl added to 1,000 µL Cocktail 0 µL 50 µL 100 µL 150 µL 200 µL
Tritium counting efficiency 57% 55% 54% 53% 52%
Tri-Carb 2250TR/LL with 67% absolute
H efficiency (sealed argon purged standard).
Ultima Gold XR
Ultima Gold XR is a safer liquid scintillation cocktail with a very high sample load capacity. Choose
it to count large sample volumes, or when using miniature vials to increase throughput, reduce cost
per sample or minimize radioactive waste. Ultima Gold XR is compatible with alkaline samples.
Typical sample load capacity of Ultima Gold XR
Safer LSC Cocktails
Product Product No. Size
Ultima Gold 6013326 1 x 5 L
6013327 4 x 2.5 L
6013329 2 x 5 L
6013322 1 x 25 L
Ultima Gold AB 6013301 1 x 1 L
6013309 2 x 5 L
Ultima Gold F 6013179 2 x 5 L
Ultima Gold LLT 6013371 1 x 1 L
6013377 4 x 2.5 L
Ultima Gold MV 6013151 1 x 1 L
6013159 2 x 5 L
Ultima Gold XR 6013117 4 x 2.5 L
6013119 2 x 5 L
6013112 1 x 25 L
Sample sizes of all products in table above are available. To order a sample, please contact your PerkinElmer Sales Representative.
OptiPhase HiSafe 2
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 is a general-purpose liquid
scintillation cocktail. It combines very high
counting efficiency with moderate to high sample
holding capacity for a wide range of aqueous and
non-aqueous solutes.
OptiPhase HiSafe 3
OptiPhase HiSafe 3 is a liquid scintillator that
handles a broad range of solutes. Used for a
variety of scintillation applications, it combines
good counting efficiency with a very high level
of sample acceptance, particularly for high ionic
strength solutes.
H quench resistance of Ultima Gold XR
Water added to 10 mL Cocktail 0 mL 1 mL 2 mL 5 mL 10 mL
Tritium counting efficiency 50% 46% 43% 37% 29%
Tri-Carb 2250TR/LL with 67% absolute
H efficiency (sealed argon-purged standard).
OptiPhase HiSafe Family
A major technological advance in safer LSC cocktails, our OptiPhase HiSafe family of safer LSC cocktails uses
the solvent di-isopropylnaphthalene (DIN) to achieve improved safety without decreasing performance.
High flashpoint (148 °C)
Low vapor pressure (1 mm Hg at 25 °C)
Virtually odorless and colorless
Low toxicity and irritancy (LD
5,600 mg/kg)
No permeation through plastic vials
Low photo- and chemiluminescence
H counting efficiency
Good color and quench resistance
No adverse toxicological effects
Product Product No. Size
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 1200-436 1 x 5 L
OptiPhase HiSafe 3 1200-437 1 x 5 L
OptiPhase SuperMix 1200-439 1 x 5 L
Betaplate Scint 1205-440 1 x 5 L
OptiScint HiSafe 1200-434 1 x 5 L
OptiPhase SuperMix
OptiPhase SuperMix has been specially formulated
for use with microplates. It mixes easily with a
wide variety of aqueous solutes and has a very
high uptake capacity, minimizing cocktail use
and reducing disposal problems.
OptiScint HiSafe
OptiScint HiSafe is an environmentally safe DIN-
based scintillation cocktail with high counting
efficiency, suitable for all non-aqueous samples.
Betaplate Scint
Betaplate Scint is a HiSafe cocktail for samples
harvested or spotted onto dry filter membranes.
High counting efficiency may eliminate sample
pre-treatment often necessary with conventional
cocktails. Ideal for use with samples in organic
Typical sample load capacity of Opti-Fluor with various sample types
Opti-Fluor Family
Our Opti-Fluor
cocktails are universal, safer liquid scintillation
cocktails designed for use with polyethylene vials.
Multipurpose liquid scintillation cocktail
Low photo- and chemiluminescence
No diffusion through polyethylene vials
Based on the high flash point solvent LAB (linear alkyl benzene), Opti-Fluor does not show any
diffusion through the walls of polyethylene vials (observed with many LSC cocktails containing
toluene, xylene or pseudocumene).
w toxicity, increasing occupational safety
High flashpoint of approximately 150 °C
Safer LSC Cocktails
Product Product No. Size
Opti-Fluor 6013199 2 x 5 L
Opti-Fluor O 6013339 2 x 5 L
Sample sizes of all products in table above are available. To order a sample, please contact your PerkinElmer Sales Representative.
Other Safer LSC Cocktails
Emulsifier-Safeis a LAB-based cocktail that is
economically priced for aqueous and organic
samples. Aqueous samples and many buffer
solutions are accepted in a single liquid phase
up to a 10 to 15% sample load.
is a high flash point, nonflammable
LAB-based cocktail that is designed for benchtop
use. Formula-989 can accept a variety of aqueous
samples up to 20 to 30%, by volume, as stable
homogeneous mixtures.
High Efficiency Mineral Oil Scintillator
High Efficiency Mineral Oil Scintillator is the
cocktail of choice for the detection of radon in
water and soil samples. It yields a high counting
efficiency and provides the same accuracy as
solid detectors for radon. It has a low volatility
and a high flash point (79 °C/175 °F).
Product Product No. Size
Emulsifier-Safe 6013389 2 x 5 L
Formula-989 6NE9899 2 x 5 L
High Efficiency Mineral Oil Scintillator 6NE9571 1 x 1 L
6NE9579 4 x 2.5 L
Opti-Fluor O
Opti-Fluor O is used for counting organic (non-aqueous) samples. It will accommodate many organic
solvents, forming clear liquid solutions yielding good counting efficiencies.
Opti-Fluor O can replace classical toluene-, xylene- or pseudocumene-based LSC cocktails for organic
samples. Opti-Fluor O is ideally suited for counting radon in water when a safer cocktail is preferred.
Compatibility of Opti-Fluor O with different solvents
Sample type Compatibility
Acetic Acid Yes*
Acetone Yes
Acetonitrile No
Chloroform Yes
Dichloromethane Yes
Dimethyl Sulfoxide No
Sample type Compatibility
Ethanol–96% No
Ethanol–100% Yes
Ethyl Acetate Yes
Ethylene Glycol No
Heptane Yes
Methanol No
*Maximum capacity approximately 4% sample load; for all other sample types up to 50% capacity is recommended.
Classical LSC Cocktails
Pico-Fluor 15
Pico-Fluor 15 is specifically formulated to provide accurate and reproducible high efficiency counting
of aqueous samples. It will accept up to 2 mL of a wide variety of aqueous samples in 10 mL of cocktail.
The continuous single liquid phase, formed from zero to the maximum acceptable sample load, avoids
unexpected two-phase separation.
PerkinElmer offers classical liquid scintillation
cocktail formulations that are optimized for
the highest counting efficiency and maximum
sample holding capacity. Our prepared cock-
tails are easy-to-use, save preparation time
and minimize laboratory errors. Our carefully
controlled blending and quality assurance
procedures provide high performance, batch
homogeneity and lot-to-lot uniformity.
Emulsifying Cocktails
Pico-Fluor Family
The Pico-Fluor
family is a range of pseudocumene-based liquid scintillation counting cocktails.
Pico-Fluor 30
Pico-Fluor 30 is a complete, ready-to-use cocktail specially formulated for counting high sample loads
of aqueous solutions. It excels in the incorporation of samples such as phosphate-buffered saline with
sample loads often exceeding 30%.
Typical sample load capacity of Pico-Fluor 15 with various sample types
Classical LSC Cocktails
Pico-Fluor 40
Pico-Fluor 40 is a universal cocktail for use with both conventional 20 mL size vials and miniature
vials. It has a large sample holding capacity and high quench resistance and is compatible with
tissue solubilizers.
Filter-Count is specifically formulated to dissolve cellulose nitrate membrane filters. It can also dis-
solve mixed cellulose esters and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) filters, although these sample types may
require additional time. Filter-Count can be used for wet or dry filter counting, reducing sample prepa-
ration procedures and improving counting results by enabling the use of external standard quench
Hionic-Fluoris a cocktail for samples with high ionic
strength and solubilized samples in strong alkaline media.
ionic-Fluor exhibits extremely fast chemiluminescence
decay with alkaline solutions or tissue solubilizers such
as Soluene
-350 and SOLVABLE.
Typical sample load capacity of Pico-Fluor 40 with various sample types
Decay of Chemiluminescence in Hionic-Fluor
Other Classical Cocktails
Aquasol-2 is a second generation, universal
LSC cocktail that improves and extends the
features of its predecessor cocktail, Aquasol.
It is xylene based and is suitable for difficult-to-
count samples. Aquasol-2 is a gelling cocktail
and yields high counting efficiencies while still
accepting water samples up to 50% loading.
is a gelling pseudocumene-based
LSC cocktail and is suitable for counting a wide
range of samples with great flexibility in sample
volume. Aquassure has the benefits of reduced
permeation through polyethylene, higher tritium
counting efficiency and lower vapor pressure.
is a pseudocumene-based LSC cock-
tail that is ideal for counting high salt concentra-
tion aqueous samples. It holds the maximum
amount of sample in the minimum amount of
cocktail and is ideal for use with miniature vials.
is a pseudocumene-based LSC cocktail
ideal for counting low to intermediate volumes
of aqueous samples. It is a high efficiency
monophasic cocktail that will accommodate up
to 2 mL of aqueous sample in 15 mL cocktail.
Typical sample load capacity of Hionic-Fluor with various sample types
Product Product No. Size
Filter-Count 6013141 1 x 1 L
6013149 2 x 5 L
Hionic-Fluor 6013311 1 x 1 L
6013319 2 x 5 L
6013312 1 x 20 L
Pico-Fluor 15 6013059 2 x 5 L
Pico-Fluor 30 6013049 2 x 5 L
Pico-Fluor 40 6013349 2 x 5 L
A sample size of Hionic-Fluor is available. To order a sample, please contact your PerkinElmer Sales Representative.
Typical phase diagram of Insta-Gel Plus for water
Note: For low level counting of distilled water samples, Ultima Gold LLT is recommended.
Classical LSC Cocktails
Product Product No. Size
Aquasol-2 6NE9529 2 x 5 L
Aquassure 6NE9659 2 x 5 L
Atomlight 6NE9689 2 x 5 L
Biofluor 6NE9619 2 x 5 L
Econofluor-2 6NE9699 4 x 2.5 L
Insta-Fluor Plus 6013121 1 x 1 L
6013127 4 x 2.5 L
Insta-Gel Plus 6013391 1 x 1 L
6013399 2 x 5 L
-2 is a pseudocumene based LSC
cocktail blended for optimal counting of organic
samples and non-aqueous solutions. Econofluor-2
is compatible with most organics, including
acetic and fatty acids, lipids, steroids, fats,
terpenes and prostaglandins. Econofluor-2 is also
ideally suited for use in two-phase extraction
assays (e.g., CAT assays).
Insta-Fluor Plus
Insta-FluorPlus is a pseudocumene-based
cocktail blended for optimal counting of organic
samples and non-aqueous solutions. Simply
combine the organic sample with Insta-Fluor
Plus, shake to ensure homogeneity and count.
Insta-Fluor Plus is ideally suited for use in two-
phase extraction assays (e.g., CAT assays).
Insta-Gel Plus
Insta-Gel Plus is the
cocktail of choice for
a large variety of
applications. It excels
in the incorporation
of water and aqueous-
soluble samples and
is equally useful for
organic-soluble sam-
ples. Due to the very
high sample holding
capacity and its typical gel formation, Insta-Gel
Plus is ideal for counting large volumes of water,
TLC scrapings and suspended solids.
Sample Oxidizer Cocktails
These pseudocumene-based oxidizer cocktails are designed
for use with PerkinElmer’s Sample Oxidizers to ensure superior
performance and consistently reliable results.
Carbo-Sorb E
E is a high capacity radioactive carbon
dioxide absorber compatible with the counting cocktail
Monophase S
S is specifically formulated for counting
pure water samples. It will accept up to 23% water,
forming a clear fluid that yields outstanding counting
efficiencies. It does not foam and does not form a gel,
even at extreme mixing ratios (washing cycle). It is the
cocktail of choice for obtaining the highest
H counting
performance from Sample Oxidizers.
Permafluor E
Permafluor E
is uniquely designed for counting
samples that are trapped in Carbo-Sorb E.
Product Product No. Size
Carbo-Sorb E 6013721 1 x 1 L
6013729* 4 x 2.5 L
Monophase S 6003043 1 x 1 L
6013107 4 x 2.5 L
6013109 2 x 5 L
Permafluor E
6013181 1 x 1 L
6013187 4 x 2.5 L
* Product No. 6013729 is only available for shipment within Europe.
PerkinElmer Sample Oxidizer
Flow Detection Cocktails
Ultima-Flo AF
Ultima-Flo AF is formulated to accept gradients
up to 2.0 M ammonium formate at a 1:1 ratio
with fast and easy mixing. It is the cocktail of
choice when using ammonium formate buffers
to elute radiolabeled inositol phosphates from
HPLC columns.
Our flow detection cocktails are specially designed for use with PerkinElmer’s Flow Scintillation Analyzer.
Ultima-Flo Safer Flow Detection Cocktail Family
The Ultima-Flo
family includes three novel, biodegradable cocktails for use in flow scintillation analyzers.
The high loading capacity of the Ultima-Flo cocktails means less cocktail required, longer residence times
and higher sensitivity.
The Ultima-Flo series can replace the complete family of classical flow cocktails. Ultima-Flo cocktails outper-
form the classical cocktails on mixing ratio (up to 1:1). They also provide the user with the safety features
related to the high flash point solvent system.
Typical sample load capacities of Ultima-Flo AF for 0–2.0 M ammonium formate gradient (pH 3.8)
Ultima-Flo AF performance with 0–2.0 M ammonium
formate gradient (pH 3.8)
Ultima-Flo M
Ultima-Flo M is formulated for multipurpose flow counting applications. This safer cocktail has a high
sample acceptance for a wide range of dilute HPLC eluents, and methanol and acetonitrile gradients.
Ultima-Flo M has low viscosity, unique rapid mixing properties and is resistant to chemiluminescence.
Ultima-Flo M performance with various samples at different ratios of cocktail to sample
Typical sample load capacities of Ultima-Flo AP for 0–2.0 M ammonium phosphate gradient (pH 3.8)
Ultima-Flo AP performance with 0–2.0 M ammonium
phosphate gradient (pH 3.8)
Performance for Ultima-Flo AP for other sample types
Ultima-Flo AP
Ultima-Flo AP accepts gradients up to 2.0 M ammonium phosphate with fast and easy mixing. It
demonstrates high counting efficiency and quench resistance for a wide variety of sample types.
Product Product No. Size
Ultima-Flo AF 6013589 2 x 5 L
Ultima-Flo AP 6013599 2 x 5 L
6013592 1 x 20 L
Ultima-Flo M 6013579 2 x 5 L
6013572 1 x 20 L
Sample sizes of Ultima-Flo AP and Ultima-Flo M are available. To order a sample, please contact your PerkinElmer Sales Representative.
Flow Detection Cocktails
Deionized water 50.0% 1:1
Methanol/Water (50/50) 31.0% 3:1
Methanol 50.0% 1:1
Acetonitrile/Water (50/50) 41.2% 2:1
Acetonitrile 50.0% 1:1
0.2 M NaCl 41.2% 2:1
0.05 M NaCl 50.0% 1:1
0.1 M PBS 33.3% 2:1
0.01 M PBS 41.2% 2:1
0.01 M PBS/plasma (10%) 45.9% 2:1
1.0 M NaOH 21.6% 4:1
0.5 M NaOH 35.5% 2:1
0.1 M NaOH 50.0% 1:1
0.2 M HEPES 50.0% 1:1
0.1 M HEPES 50.0% 1:1
50 mM Tris-HCl 50.0% 1:1
0.05 M Na
50.0% 1:1
0.02 M Ammonium formate 50.0% 1:1
Typical sample load capacities for Ultima-Flo M (at 20 °C)
Sample Type Maximum Optimal
Sample Mixing Ratio
Uptake Cocktail:Sample
Sample Type Maximum Optimal
Sample Mixing Ratio
Uptake Cocktail:Sample
Flo-Scint Classical Flow Detection Cocktail Family
The classical Flo-Scint
cocktails are pseudocumene-based flow cocktails that have gained an excellent
reputation when gradients, especially those with methanol and acetonitrile, need to be counted. They are
resistant to chemiluminescence and are non-gelling.
Flo-Scint II
Flo-Scint II can be used with polar solvents and
dilute buffers affording good sample loading
capacity and low viscosity.
Flo-Scint III
Flo-Scint III is designed to work with methanol
and acetonitrile gradients as well as moderately
buffered solutions, including phosphates. It has
good sample loading capacity, low viscosity and
high counting efficiency.
Flo-Scint A
Flo-Scint A is suitable for acetonitrile/water
gradients, for counting polar organic solvents
and dilute salt solutions. It has excellent sample
loading capacities at up to 50% in aqueous
solutions. Flo-Scint A is also resistant to chemilu-
minescence and has a high counting efficiency.
Product Product No. Size
Flo-Scint II 6013529 2 x 5 L
Flo-Scint III 6013539 2 x 5 L
Flo-Scint A 6013569 2 x 5 L
Cocktails & Scintillators for Microplate Formats
MicroScint LSC Cocktails
Specifically formulated for use with PerkinElmer’s TopCount Microplate Scintillation and
Luminescence Counter, MicroScint
cocktails mix easily with samples for rapid uptake of
aqueous and non-aqueous samples in microplates. These safer cocktails provide you
with a choice of optimal characteristics, including excellent counting efficiency, high
sample capacity, quench resistance and polystyrene compatibility.
MicroScint-20 cocktail accepts dilute aqueous
samples at up to 20% loading (up to 25 µL in
100 µL MicroScint-20). With these sample types,
MicroScint-20 cocktail mixes easily and com-
pletely upon agitation with an orbital shaker.
It is the cocktail of choice for counting filters
that have not been completely dried.
MicroScint-20 has an absolute, unquenched
tritium efficiency of approximately 52% when
measured in a 24-well white polystyrene
MicroScint-40 cocktail accepts dilute aqueous
samples at up to at least 40% loading (up to
70 µL in 100 µL MicroScint-40). It also mixes
easily with most sample types but slightly longer
agitation may be necessary when handling large
sample volumes or more concentrated samples.
MicroScint-40 has an absolute, unquenched
tritium efficiency of approximately 40% when
measured in a 24-well white polystyrene
OptiPlate microplate.
MicroScint-E cocktail is used for assays that
require in situ partitioning of the radionuclide-
containing lipid phase from the aqueous phase
in microplates. This cocktail extracts the lipids
or other non-polar compounds from the aqueous
phase in such assays, enabling direct counting
of the samples after cocktail addition, since
the label is preferentially taken up into the
lipophilic cocktail.
MicroScint-E cocktail has an
absolute, un-quenched tri-
tium efficiency of approxi
mately 50% when measured
in a 24-well white poly-
styrene OptiPlate microplate.
MicroScint-O cocktail is used for counting non-
polar organic samples such as hexane, heptane,
ethyl acetate, etc., and for dried filters. It is
particularly useful for organic samples produced
from enzyme inhibition assays. MicroScint-O
cocktail does not contain surfactants and is
not miscible with water, so it is unsuitable
for counting aqueous samples.
MicroScint-O cocktail has an absolute, un-
quenched tritium efficiency of approximately
58% when measured in a 24-well white poly-
styrene OptiPlate microplate.
MicroScint-PS cocktail, specifically formulated
for polystyrene compatibility, is suitable for
use with virtually any type of microplate and
provides high counting stability with minimal
change in count rate within a 24 hour period. It
has almost identical sample handling capabilities
to MicroScint-20 with respect to sample concen-
tration and loading, but has a lower viscosity
and is therefore easier and quicker to dispense.
MicroScint-PS cocktail has an absolute, un-
quenched tritium efficiency of approximately
48% when measured in a 24-well white poly-
styrene OptiPlate microplate.
Product Product No. Size
MicroScint-20 6013621 1 x 1 L
MicroScint-40 6013641 1 x 1 L
6013647 4 x 2.5 L
MicroScint-E 6013661 1 x 1 L
MicroScint-O 6013611 1 x 1 L
MicroScint-PS 6013631 1 x 1 L
Meltilex Solid Scintillators
melt-on solid scintillator, for use with filtermat-harvested or dot-blotted samples, is an
attractive alternative to traditional scintillation cocktails. Meltilex is especially well suited for use
with plate counters. Simply place a sheet of Meltilex and a filtermat containing 96 samples together.
Run these through a heat sealer or heat on a hot plate to melt. Sample preparation takes only one or
two minutes per filtermat.
Easy to use: simply melt onto a filtermat, completely encapsulating the samples.
Fixes samples in position:
eliminates the risk of sample migration or partial elution into cocktail.
Ensures stable counting conditions and long-term storage.
Reduces waste disposal costs: produces no liquid waste.
Reduces consumables costs: carrier vials can be reused.
Versatile: use with glass fiber nitro-cellulose or nylon filtermats with no increase in non-specific binding.
Available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses.
Typical Relative Counting Efficiency using Meltilex
Compared to Scintillation Cocktail
Isotope Efficiency (%)
Cr 61
C 100
Ca 97
P 100
Cocktails & Scintillators for Microplate Formats
Product Product No. Size
Meltilex A melt-on scintillator for Betaplate 1205 1205-441 100/pack
Meltilex B melt-on scintillator for Betaplate 1205 1205-442 75/pack
Meltilex B melt-on scintillator for Betaplate 1204 1204-442 75/pack
Meltilex A melt-on scintillator for MicroBeta 1450 1450-441 100/pack
Meltilex B melt-on scintillator for MicroBeta 1450 1450-442 75/pack
Tissue Solubilizers
OptiSolv is a strong organic base, formulated with toluene, which has an excellent capability for the
solubilization of biologicals and plants into a solution compatible with liquid scintillation cocktails.
Ideal for tissue homogenates, whole blood and high water content samples such as plasma,
brain and polyacrylamide gels.
Solubilization rate can be increased by warming up to 50–60 °C.
Minimum chemiluminescence produced.
Ideal for counting with Hionic-Fluor and Ultima Gold.
Product Product No. Size
SOLVABLE 6NE9100 500 mL
Safer Tissue Solubilizers
is an aqueous-based solubilizer that has an excellent capacity for the solubilization of wet
tissue, aqueous tissue homogenates, proteins, nucleotides and other substances into a solution. With the
exception of plant material, SOLVABLE can replace the classical solubilizer Soluene-350 for many
applications, increasing safety in the laboratory due to its aqueous nature. SOLVABLE is compatible with
Ultima Gold and has a superior mixing ratio with safer cocktails (2.5 mL sample in 10 mL cocktail).
Elutes samples from both agarose and polyacrylamide gels.
Fast digestion of whole tissue homogenates and whole blood.
Effectively captur
in enzymatic assays.
Low chemiluminescence produced.
Compatible with Ultima Gold and Hionic-Fluor.
Classical Tissue Solubilizers
Soluene-350 is a strong organic base formulated with toluene. It has an excellent
capacity for the solubilization of wet tissue, aqueous tissue homogenates, proteins,
nucleotides, plant material and other substances into a solution compatible with liquid
scintillation cocktails. Compatible with Hionic-Fluor (4 mL sample in 10 mL cocktail)
and Ultima Gold (1 mL sample in 10 mL cocktail).
Product Product No. Size
Hyamine Hydroxide
10-X 6003005 500 mL
OptiSolv 1200-435 500 mL
Soluene-350 6003038 500 mL
6003037 2 x 2.5 L
Sample Preparation Techniques
Treatment Description Examples
1. Dissolving Dissolve sample directly into the Organic samples, e.g., lipids, steroids,
cocktail or use a co-solvent. etc. dissolved directly in LSC cocktails.
2. Emulsifying Aqueous samples counted in “surfactant- Various salt/buffer solutions, acids
containing” LSC cocktails (colloidal-solutions). and alkaline samples in ready-for-use
LSC cocktails.
3. Suspending Suspend insoluble particles in a stable gel phase. Soil samples in Insta-Gel Plus.
4. Extracting or Eluting Dissolving labeled compounds from TLC-scrapings, paper-chromatograms,
solid phase into solution. polyacrylamide gel slices, cellulose
nitrate filters.
5. Solubilizing Digesting tissue material (biological) using Cell material, feces, tissue samples
alkaline hydrolysis (tissue solubilizer). digested in Soluene-350 or SOLVABLE.
6. Wet Oxidation Digesting sample material with Digestion of plant material in nitric acid
strong acids and peroxides. or perchloric acid with hydrogen peroxide.
7. Combustion Combusting of dry and wet samples Absorption of
in Carbo-Sorb E,
with trapping of
O in Soluene-350 or Hyamine Hydroxide
suitable trapping agents.
O in Monophase S.
Tissue Solubilizers
Hyamine Hydroxide 10-X
Hyamine Hydroxide
10-X is a quaternary ammonium hydroxide solution. It can be used to
solubilize many biological tissues and as a
trapping agent.
Compatible with Insta-Fluor Plus (7.5 mL of Hyamine Hydroxide
saturated with carbon dioxide in
10 mL cocktail) and Emulsifier Safe (3 mL of Hyamine Hydroxide
saturated with carbon dioxide in
10 mL cocktail. The latter provides a safer system due to the high flash-point of this cocktail.
Solubilizes many biological tissues.
Resistant to c
trapping agent for helicobacter pylori and urea “breath” test studies.
Compatible with Emulsifier-Safe and Insta-Gel Plus.
Specialty Chemicals
LIPIDEX products are lipophilic, hydrophobic column packing materials for liquid chromatography
used to separate a variety of steroids, prostaglandins, lipids and other natural products. LIPIDEX-1000
and LIPIDEX-5000 are alkoxylated derivatives of Sephadex
LH-20. Approximately 10% of the hydroxy
groups of LIPIDEX-1000 are substituted with long alkyl chains and in LIPIDEX-5000 the substitution is
approximately 50%. The polarity of LIPIDEX is a function of this substitution; thus LIPIDEX-1000 is
more polar than LIPIDEX-5000.
Product Product No. Size
LIPIDEX-1000 6008301 25 g
LIPIDEX-5000 6008303 25 g
HANCE Liquid Autoradiography
Greatly simplifies gel processing as compared
to Bonner and Lasky’s method: requires no
dehydration, a short preparation time and
overall processing time is reduced from 5
hours to 90 minutes.
Can be used for both polyacrylamide and
agarose gels: method of choice for agarose gels.
Performs equivalent to PPO/DMSO for poly-
acrylamide gels, but eliminates gel distortion:
unlike PPO/DMSO, does not shrink gel.
Contains no DMSO, odorless.
HANCE Spray Surface
Autoradiography Enhancer
Designed for use with
C- and
compounds isolated on hybridization mem-
branes, TLC plates and similar solid supports.
Significantly reduces exposure times and
permits the detection of extremely low
isotope levels.
Non-reactive with x-ray film and most
samples and supports.
Eliminates mixing of liquids and spillage.
Not intended for use with tissue or gel
Autoradiography Enhancer
Safer alternative for gels.
Involves a single-step process: requires no
more than one-half hour to perform.
Produces high-quality fluorograms: effective
with polyacrylamide and mixed gels.
Store at room temperature: long shelf life.
Contains no DMSO, odorless.
All products are shipped and stored
at ambient temperature.
Autoradiography Enhancers
Product Product No. Size
Autoradiography Enhancer 6NE9701 1 L
HANCE Spray Surface Autoradiography Enhancer 6NE970C 2 oz. (59 mL)
spray can
Rapid Autoradiography Enhancer 6NE9741 1 L
Specialty Chemicals
AbSolve Glassware Cleaner
Easily and inexpensively removes serious
RNase or DNA contamination (autoclaving
does not destroy DNA). Simply soak plastic
and glassware in a 2% solution for 30 minutes,
rinse and use.
Ideal for prewashing plastic tubes for PCR.
AbSolveprevents DNA contamination of
storage and reaction vessels from exogeneous
Use to clean glassware for electrophoresis.
Glass plates rinse easily and AbSolve leaves
no residue to interfere with gel polymerization
or silver staining.
Safe, non-abrasive AbSolve does not etch glass,
contain strong acids, or emit toxic fumes.
COUNT-OFF Liquid Concentrate
Ideal, all-purpose decontaminant: safe,
efficient and economical.
Quickly and effectively cleans up even the
most persistent leftovers: proven most effective
cleanser for removing radioactive residues (
P and
I), stopcock and vacuum greases,
lanolin and petroleum jelly, dried blood
and serum, fatty and amino acids, protein
complexes, and polymer films and other
stubborn residues.
Stable under extreme temperature fluctuations
(-50 °C to 150 °C).
Safer than strongly acidic cleaners, such as
chromic acid: solutions will not produce toxic
gases from substrates containing
Easy to use: adjust concentration, soaking
time and temperature as needed to speed up
decontamination or for particularly stubborn
substances such as dried blood.
COUNT-OFF Surface Cleaner
Quickly and safely decontaminates small
radioactive spills from benches, shields, and
appliances: also efficiently cleans instrument
housings, hood corners, centrifuge cups and
heads, and LSC counter mechanisms.
Traps and suspends radioactive particles in
foam: makes clean-up easy and reduces the
likelihood of spreading contamination to
hands and clothing.
Removes both ionic and non-polar radioactivity.
Cleans-up stubborn grease, resins, blood and
wax, even from rough surfaces.
Pico-Kleen N
Pico-Kleen N is a concentrated liquid detergent
developed as an all-purpose cleaning agent
and radioactive decontaminant. Pico-Kleen N
is essentially neutral, in which mildness is
combined with an outstanding surfactant
formulation resulting in an effective cleaning
action. Depending on the type of radioactive
contaminated surface and isotopes, Pico-Kleen N
will effectively remove the contamination when
properly applied.
Product Product No. Size
AbSolve Glassware Cleaner 6NE9711 1 x 1 L
Liquid Concentrate 6NE9422 1 x 2.5 L
6NE9427 4 x 2.5 L
COUNT-OFF Surface Cleaner 6NE942T 6 x 22 oz. (650 mL)
pump bottles
Pico-Kleen N 6013819 2 x 5 L
Decontaminants & Cleaners
Glass Vials
Glass vials are manufactured from low potassium
glass tubing. The tube diameter and the wall
thickness are very closely controlled. The
uniform wall thickness contributes to excellent
counting reproducibility.
Chemically inert: suitable for use with aggressive
eagents and tissue solubilizers.
Good visibility: to check sample/cocktail appearance.
No solvent permeation: when classical LSC
cocktails are used.
Choice of Caps
Foil-lined urea: best for airtight seal
Poly-cone line: best for aggressive reagents
such as alkalis and oxidizer reagents
Poly screw: basic plastic cap, no insert
Plastic Vials
Plastic vials are injection (blow) molded to
exacting specifications from virgin high-density
(linear) polyethylene (HDPE). Caps are recessed
to assure reliable loading and transferring in
automatic sample changers without skipping or
jamming. Since polyethylene vials are produced
from petrochemicals, they contain no measurable
background and are preferred for low activity
counting applications.
Lower background level than glass vials.
Higher counting efficienc
y than glass vials.
Combustible: easier waste disposal.
No solvent permeation with safer, high-flash point
cocktails such as the Ultima Gold and OptiPhase
HiSafe families.
PerkinElmer offers high quality glass and plastic vials. The best vial to choose is dependent on the type
and volume of sample to be counted and the cocktail that will be used.
Liquid Scintillation Counting Vials
Pico Glass Vials
Pico Prias Vials
Miniature Vials
Pico Pro Vial - 4 mL
Our Pico Pro Vialis a 4 mL plastic scintillation
vial uniquely suited for use in cell harvesting
systems and general purpose LSC counting. A
push-on/stay-on cap provides fast closure of vials.
For use in the trays of cell harvesting systems,
the caps are connected in strings of six, with
spacing corresponding to the 6 x 16 formats of
the trays. After the glass fiber filters are com-
pletely dried, simply punch into Pico Pro V
and add up to 4 mL scintillation cocktail, such
as Ultima Gold F. Lay a string of caps over a row
of six vials, and press the caps onto the vials
until a “click” is heard. The connections between
the caps are automatically broken, and the
remaining strings are folded upwards.
Height with cap: 60.8 mm.
14.2 mm.
Diameter of opening: 11.2 mm.
Diameter of cap: 14.0 mm.
Wall thickness: 1.1 mm.
Nominal volume: 4.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 4.5 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Pico Prias Vial - 6 mL
Our polyethylene Pico Prias Vialyields
high counting efficiencies with 3 6 mL of
LSC cocktail.
Height with cap: 57.5 mm.
15.0 mm.
Diameter opening: 12.3 mm.
Diameter of cap: 16.2 mm.
Wall thickness: 1.3 mm.
Nominal volume: 6.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 6.5 mL.
Temperature resistance:
up to 80 °C.
Pico ‘Hang-In’ Vial - 6 mL
Our Pico ‘Hang-In’ Vialis a miniature polyeth-
ylene scintillation vial for use in standard 20 mL
liquid scintillation analyzers. The unique self-
centering design allows a 20 mL L
SC vial to be
used as a carrier. This system makes it possible to
use large and small vials (small vial contained in
a large vial) intermixed in one rack.
Height with cap:
57.5 mm.
Diameter: 15.0 mm.
Diameter of opening: 12.3 mm.
Diameter of cap: 18.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 1.3 mm.
Nominal volume: 6.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 6.5 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Pico Glass Vial - 7 mL
Our Pico Glass Vialis a low background,
borosilicate glass vial. High counting efficiencies
compared to standard size glass vials are
obtained with as little as 3 mL of LSC cocktail.
These vials feature low background and are non-
permeable to aromatic hydrocarbons.
Height with cap: 57.3 mm.
Diameter: 16.7 mm.
Diameter of opening: 8.3 mm.
Diameter of cap:
15.3 mm.
Wall thickness: 0.9 mm.
Nominal volume: 7.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 8.0 mL.
Temperature resistance:
>100 °C.
Our miniature vials are uniquely designed for safer, more confident sample preparation. Our plastic vials are
manufactured from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and are available with patented “anti-static” treatment.
Unique closure designs are used to ensure fast, easy and comfortable sample preparation.
Pony Vial - 6 mL
Our Pony Vialis a miniature polyethylene vial
with a unique (push-on/twist-off cap) closure sys-
tem not available on any other screw cap designs.
Push-on cap provides rapid closure: for routine
analysis wher
e many vials have to be handled,
push-cap vials are real time savers.
Twist-off cap for safer reopening; the Pony Vial
is compatible with all small vial counters and
PerkinElmer Varisette
sample changers.
Height with cap: 56.6 mm.
Diameter: 16.0 mm.
Diameter of opening: 12.5 mm.
Diameter of cap: 15.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 1.3 mm.
Nominal volume: 5.5 mL.
Maximum volume: 6.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Pony ‘Hang-In’ Vial - 6 mL
Our Pony ‘Hang-In’ Vial is a miniature polyethyl-
ene scintillation vial with all the features of the
Pony Vial, but with a different cap that allows it to
‘hang’ into a standard 20 mL LSC vial as a carrier.
Height with cap:
56.6 mm.
Diameter: 16.0 mm.
Diameter of opening: 12.5 mm.
Diameter of cap: 19.0 mm.
Wall thickness: 1.3 mm.
Nominal volume: 5.5 mL.
Maximum volume: 6.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Polypropylene Vial for MicroBeta - 4 mL
Polypropylene Vial and Cap for MicroBeta are 45
mm in height and hold 4.0 mL of LSC cocktail. In
MicroBeta TriLux, they are counted in vertical
position using cassette 1450-117.
Pony Vials
Miniature Vials
Product Product No. Description
Pico Pro Vial - 4 mL 6000252 2,000/case
Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000253 2,000/case
Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Pico Prias Vial - 6 mL 6000192 2,000/case
Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000193 2,000/case
Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Pico ‘Hang-In’ Vial - 6 mL 6000186 2,000/case
Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000187 2,000/case
Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Pico Glass Vial - 7 mL 6000167 1,000/case
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 200
vials each. Foil-lined, white urea screw caps
packed separately.
Pony Vial - 6 mL 6000592 1,000/case
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of
200 vials each. Caps packed separately.
6000292 2,000/case
Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000293 2,000/case
Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Pony ‘Hang-In’ Vial - 6 mL 6000286 2,000/case
Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000287 2,000/case
Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Polypropylene Vial for MicroBeta - 4 mL 1200-421 3,000/case
Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
Pico Glass Vial Caps 6000179 1,000/case
White urea screw caps with foil liner.
Miniature Vials Ordering Guide
Mid-Sized Vials
Hinge Cap Vial - 8 mL
Our 8 mL capacity Hinge Cap Vial, made from
high-density polyethylene (HDPE), is a revolution
in sample preparation for liquid scintillation
counting. Simply prepare your samples and close
the cap; the integral hinge fits flush with the vial
for snag-free counting in miniature vial cassettes.
Fast, Easy and Efficient Sample Preparation
33% more capacity than 6 mL miniature vials:
allows miniaturization from 20 mL size vials
when used with high sample capacity cocktails
such as Ultima Gold XR.
Enables reduced cocktail consumption: reducing
the amount of waste produced and waste
disposal costs.
Pre-labeling of attached cap: avoids potential
sample mix-ups for GLP compliance.
Fits miniature vial cassettes.
Height with cap: 59.0 mm.
Diameter: 17.5 mm.
Diameter of opening: 14.0 mm.
Diameter of cap: 16.7 mm.
Wall thickness: 1.3 mm.
Nominal volume: 8.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 9.0 mL.
Temperature resistance:
up to 80 °C.
Midi-Vial - 8 mL
Our Midi-Vialis an 8 mL HDPE vial, providing
33% more sample capacity than miniature vials.
This allows miniaturization from 20 mL size vials
when used in combination with high sample
capacity cocktails such as Ultima Gold XR. It
features the same unique push-on/twist-off
closure system as Pony V
Height with cap:
62.0 mm.
Diameter: 17.5 mm.
Diameter of opening: 14.0 mm.
Diameter of cap: 17.4 mm.
Wall thickness: 1.9 mm.
Nominal volume: 8.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 8.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Maxi-Vial - 18 mL
The large opening of our Maxi-Vialpromotes
easy sample loading of filters and other sample
types. It features very low “classical” solvent dif-
fusion due to its thick 2 mm walls.
Height with cap:
61.0 mm.
Diameter: 26.5 mm.
Diameter of opening: 22.6 mm.
Diameter of cap: 26.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 2 mm.
Nominal volume: 18.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 20.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Product Product No. Description
Hinge Cap Vial - 8 mL 6000480 2,000/case. Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000488 500/case. Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each.
Midi-Vial - 8 mL 6000288 2,000/case. Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000289 2,000/case. Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Maxi-Vial - 18 mL 6000201 1,000/case. Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6000203 1,000/case. Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
High Performance
Glass Vials
Standard Vials
Super Polyethylene Vial with
Glass Vial Thread - 20 mL
Our Super Polyethylene Vialhas excellent
mechanical strength and a seamless bottom and
walls. The glass vial thread enables use of caps
for 20 mL glass vials.
Height with cap:
60.8 mm.
Diameter: 27.0 mm.
Diameter of opening: 17.5 mm.
Diameter of cap: 24.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 1 mm.
Nominal volume: 20.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 24.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Super Polyethylene Vial with
Quick Closure - 20 mL
This Super Polyethylene Vial features a polyeth-
ylene quick closure screw cap with a smooth grip.
Height with cap: 60.8 mm.
Diameter: 27.0 mm.
Diameter of opening:
17.5 mm.
Diameter of cap: 24.7 mm.
Wall thickness: 1 mm.
Nominal volume: 20.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 24.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Low Diffusion Polyethylene Vial - 20 mL
Our Low Diffusion Polyethylene Vial carries a
micron thin Teflon
-type coating on the inside
surface, reducing the diffusion of classical type
solvents by a factor of 1020 times. The cap is
lined with aluminum foil as a barrier. This vial
was developed for long-term low-level measure-
ments as a cost effective alternative to very
expensive Teflon
counting vials. They are 100%
anti-static and provide high counting efficiency
and low background.
Height with cap:
60.8 mm.
Diameter: 27.0 mm.
Diameter of opening: 17.5 mm.
Diameter of cap: 24.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 1 mm.
Nominal volume: 20.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 24.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
High Performance Glass Vial - 20 mL
Our High Performance Glass Vialis made from
specially selected low potassium borosilicate
glass and provides high UV transmission (90%).
The controlled low and stable background
assures batch-to-batch homogeneity. They are
supplied with a white cap with a good writing
surface in dust-free tray packaging.
Height with cap:
60.5 mm.
Diameter: 27.3 mm.
Diameter of opening: 16.2 mm.
Diameter of cap: 24.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 0.9 mm.
Nominal volume: 20.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 24.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: >100 °C.
Glass Vials
Econo Glass Vial - 20 mL
Our Econo Glass vial is made from standard
borosilicate glass, specially selected for accept-
able background. They are economical and
provide excellent counting performance.
Height with cap:
60 mm.
Diameter: 27.3 mm.
Diameter of opening: 16.2 mm.
Diameter of cap: 24.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 0.9 mm.
Nominal volume: 20.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 22.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C.
Oximate Vial - 20 mL
Our Oximate Vialis made of polyethylene or
glass and features a special cap design for use in
s Sample Oxidizer.
Height with cap:
60.8 mm.
Diameter: 27.3 mm.
Diameter of opening: 16.2 mm.
Diameter of cap: 24.9 mm.
Wall thickness: 0.9 mm.
Nominal volume: 20.0 mL.
Maximum volume: 24.0 mL.
Temperature resistance: >100 °C.
Product Product No. Description
Super Polyethylene Vial with 6001085 500/case
Glass Vial Thread - 20 mL Packed in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each with foil-lined urea screw caps on.
6001087 1,000/case
Economically packed. Foil-lined urea screw caps packed separately.
Super Polyethylene Vial with 6008117 1,000/case
Quick Closure - 20 mL Economically packed. Caps packed separately.
6008118 1,000/case
Same as above, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
6000375 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each. Caps packed separately.
6001075 500/case
Packed in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each with caps on.
Low Diffusion Polyethylene 6000477 100/case
Vial - 20 mL Shrink-wrapped in partitioned tray with caps on, with exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Super Low Diffusion 1200-422 100/package
Polyvials - 20 mL Teflon
coated polyethylene caps included.
High Performance Glass 6001009 500/case
Vial - 20 mL Packed in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each with caps on.
Special design screw cap for use in automated handling.
6001015 500/case
Packed in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each with foil-lined screw caps on.
6001050 500/case
Packed in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each.
Poly-Cone lined urea screw caps packed separately.
6000349 500/case
Packed in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each with foil-lined urea screw caps on.
6000128 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 10 partitioned trays of 50 vials each.
Foil-lined urea screw caps packed separately.
Standard Vials Ordering Guide
Product Product No. Description
High Performance Glass 6000129 500/case
Vial - 20 mL (continued)
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each.
Foil-lined urea screw caps packed separately.
6000134 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 10 partitioned trays of 50 vials each.
Poly-Cone lined urea screw caps packed separately.
6000135 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each.
Poly-Cone lined urea screw caps packed separately.
Econo Glass Vial - 20 mL 6000096 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 4 partitioned trays of 125 vials each.
Foil-lined urea screw caps packed separately.
6000097 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 4 partitioned trays of 125 vials each.
Poly screw caps packed separately.
6000098 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 4 partitioned trays of 125 vials each.
Poly-Cone lined urea screw caps packed separately.
Econo Glass Vial - 20 mL 6000326 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each.
Foil-lined urea screw caps packed separately.
6000327 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each.
Poly screw caps packed separately.
6000348 500/case
Shrink-wrapped in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each.
Poly-Cone lined urea screw caps packed separately.
Glass Vials, low K-40 1210-131 500/package
content - 20 mL
Oximate Vial - 20 mL 6001095 500/case
Polyethylene vials with glass vial thread. Packed in 5 partitioned trays of
100 vials each with foil-lined urea screw caps on. Special design screw cap
for automated handling.
6001009 500/case
Glass vials. Packed in 5 partitioned trays of 100 vials each with foil-lined urea
screw caps on. Special design screw cap for automated handling.
Glass Vial Caps 6001025 1,000/case
Foil-lined urea screw caps.
6001027 1,000/case
Poly-Cone lined urea screw caps.
6000249 1,000/case
Poly screw caps for glass vials.
6000250 1,000/case
Foil-lined urea screw caps. Special design for automated handling.
Standard Vials Ordering Guide (continued)
Standard Vials
Our Teflon
vials give the best performance and are ideal particularly for low level
C dating where benzene
is used. The Teflon
vials can be used with PerkinElmer’s QUANTULUS Ultra Low Level Liquid Scintillation
Product Product No. Description
Vials - 3 mL 1220-500 10/package
Vials - 7 mL 1220-501 10/package
Vials - 15 mL 1220-502 10/package
Vials - 20 mL 1220-503 10/package
Glass Vials Application Need Sample Capacity Vial Type Cat. No.
For applications requiring High Sample Capacity 18–20 mL High Performance Glass 6001009
optical clarity and/or the 6001015
use of aggressive or reactive 6001050
reagents 6000349
Oximate 6001095
Econo Glass 6000096
Miniaturization 6–8 mL Pico Glass 6000167
Vials Selection Guide
Plastic Vials Application Need Sample Capacity Vial Type Cat. No.
For applications requiring High Sample Capacity 18–20 mL Maxi- 6000201
shatterproof and/or 6000203
combustible vials and for
Super Polyethylene 6001085
low level counting*
Low Diffusion Polyethylene 6000477
Miniaturization 4–8 mL Pony 6000582
Pony “Hang-In” 6000286
Pico Pro 6000252
Pico Prias 6000192
Pico “Hang-In” 6000186
Midi- 6000288
Hinge Cap 6000480
Cell Harvesting 4 mL Pico Pro 6000252
* For low humidity conditions, select vials with our exclusive Anti-Static treatment.
Liquid Scintillation Cocktail Selection Guide by Filter Type
Filter-Count Ultima Gold F Ultima Gold MV Soluene-350 + Filter-Count +
Filter Type Hionic-Fluor Ultima Gold AB
Dry ✔✔
Glass Fiber Wet ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Cellulose Nitrate Wet
Dissolved ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Cellulose Acetate Wet ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Mixed Cellulose Esters Wet
Dissolved ✔✔
Dissolved ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Polyacrylonitrile Wet ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Polycarbonate Wet ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Wet ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Nylon Wet
Dry ✔✔
PET Wet ✔✔
Dry ✔✔
Normal Paper Wet ✔✔
Liquid Scintillation Cocktails Selection Guide by Sample Type
Organic Aqueous, pH >8 Aqueous, pH 6–8, <0.1 molar Aqueous, pH <6
Ultima Gold AB (#6013309) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids Up to 1 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids
Ultima Gold LLT (#6013377) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 1.5 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids
OptiPhase HiSafe 3 (#1200–437)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Pico-Fluor 15 (#6013059)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold MV (#6013159) Insta-Gel Plus (#6013359)
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Opti-Fluor (#6013199)
Up to 2.5 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Emulsifier Safe (#6013389)
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 2.5 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis Up to 2 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis
Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 2.5 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis Up to 1.5 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis
Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis
Ultima Gold F (#6013179) Insta-Fluor Plus (#6013127)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
Opti-Fluor O (#6013339)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
OptiScint HiSafe (#1200-434)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
BetaPlate Scint (#1205-440)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
Direct addition Direct addition Direct addition Direct addition
Sample Type: Safer Cocktails Classical Cocktails
Organic Aqueous, pH >8 Aqueous, pH 6–8, <0.1 molar Aqueous, pH <6
Ultima Gold AB (#6013309) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids Up to 1 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids
Ultima Gold LLT (#6013377) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 1.5 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids
OptiPhase HiSafe 3 (#1200–437)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M mineral acids
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M mineral acids
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Pico-Fluor 15 (#6013059)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold MV (#6013159) Insta-Gel Plus (#6013359)
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Opti-Fluor (#6013199)
Up to 2.5 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Emulsifier Safe (#6013389)
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 3 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 2.5 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis Up to 2 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis
Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 2.5 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis Up to 1.5 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 0–1 M alkalis
Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail for 1–2 M alkalis
Ultima Gold F (#6013179) Insta-Fluor Plus (#6013127)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
Opti-Fluor O (#6013339)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
OptiScint HiSafe (#1200-434)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
BetaPlate Scint (#1205-440)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL cocktail
Direct addition Direct addition Direct addition Direct addition
Sample Type: Safer Cocktails Classical Cocktails
Solid (soluble)
Non-digestible Sample on filter Digestible
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
No recommendations Filter-Count (#6013149)
Ultima Gold MV (#6013159) Pico-Fluor 15 (#6013059)
No recommendations (
H): Monophase S (#6013109)
C): Carbo-Sorb E (#6013729)
then Permafluor E
Combust in a Not soluble Soluble in
PerkinElmer in organic organic
Sample Oxidizer solvent solvent
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 1 mL in 10 mL cocktail
Ultima-Flo M (#6013579)
Up to 2 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 1 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
No recommenda
tions (
H): Monophase S (#6013109)
C): Carbo-Sorb E (#6013729)
then Permafluor E
Oxidation Solubilization, Solubilization, Direct addition
Liquid Scintillation Cocktails Selection Guide by Sample Type
Sample Type: Safer Cocktails Classical Cocktails
Solid (insoluble)
Sample Type: Safer Cocktails Classical Cocktails
Feces Urine Milk Whole blood
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
No recommenda
tions (
H): Monophase S (#6013109)
C): Carbo-Sorb E (#6013729)
then Permafluor E
Opti-Fluor (#6013199) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 4.5 mL in 10 mL of cocktail Up to 2.5 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 8 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold LLT (#6013377)
Up to 10 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 5 mL in 10 mL of cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
No recommendations (
H): Monophase S (#6013109)
C): Carbo-Sorb E (#6013729)
then Permafluor E
Oxidation Solubilization, Solubilization,
Oxidation Solubilization, Solubilization,
Direct additionDirect addition
Sample Type: Safer Cocktails Classical Cocktails
Plant Tissue
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
No recommendations (
H): Monophase S (#6013109)
C): Carbo-Sorb E (#6013729) then
Permafluor E
Ultima Gold (#6013329) No recommendations
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436)
Up to 2 mL of SOLVABLE in 10 mL cocktail
Ultima Gold (#6013329) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
OptiPhase HiSafe 2 (#1200-436) Pico-Fluor 40 (#6013349)
Up to 1 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail Up to 4 mL of Soluene-350 in 10 mL cocktail
No recommendations (
H): Monophase S (#6013109)
C): Carbo-Sorb E (#6013729)
then Permafluor E
Oxidation Solubilization, Solubilization,
Oxidation Solubilization, Solubilization,
Soluene-350 using SOLVABLE
Radon Carbon dioxide
No recommendations Perma-Fluor E
Emulsifier Safe (#6013389) Hionic-Fluor (#6013319)
Opti-Fluor (#6013199)
No recommendations Insta-Fluor Plus (#6013127)
High Efficiency Mineral Oil Scintillator (#6NE9579) Insta-Fluor Plus (#6013127)
Ultima Gold F (#6013179)
Opti-Fluor O (#6013339)
BetaPlate Scint (#1205-440)
N/A Hyamine NaOH Carbo-Sorb E
Liquid Scintillation Cocktails Selection Guide by Sample Type
Sample Type: Safer Cocktails Classical Cocktails
Sample Type: Safer Cocktails Classical Cocktails
HPLC Gradient Safer Cocktails Classic Cocktails
Water/Methanol Gradients Ultima-Flo M (#6013579) Flo-Scint III (#6013539)
Ultima-Flo AP (#6013599)
Water/Acetonitrile Gradients Ultima-Flo M (#6013579) Flo-Scint A (#6013569)
Flo-Scint III (#6013539)
Aqueous Gradients (0.1–2 M) Ultima-Flo AP (#6013599) Flo-Scint II (#6013529)
0–2 M Ammonium Phosphate Gradients Ultima-Flo AP (#6013599) No recommendations
0–2 M Ammonium Formate Gradients Ultima-Flo AF (#6013589) No recommendations
Ultima-Flo AP (#6013599)
Dilute Aqueous (0–0.1 M) Ultima-Flo M (#6013579) Flo-Scint II (#6013529)
Ultima-Flo AP (#6013599) Flo-Scint III (#6013539)
Organic No recommendations Flo-Scint A (#6013569)
Insta-Fluor Plus (#6013127)
Narrowbore/Microbore Ultima-Flo M (#6013579) Flo-Scint III (#6013539)
Flow Cocktails Selection Guide
Flow Cocktails Selection Guide
Sample Preparation Guide
This table provides an overview of the sequential steps necessary for optimum sample preparation
for various types of applications. Data presented are typical for the indicated samples.
Tritium counting efficiency was determined on a PerkinElmer Tri-Carb Model 3100TR with 65% efficiency.
IPA = Isopropanol
TLC = Thin layer chromatogram
Sample: Procedural Steps
Biological #1 #2 #3
Blood Add 1 mL mixture of Soluene-350: Stand 2 h at 60 °C. Add 0.2–0.5 mL 30% H
(1.1) to 0.1–0.4 mL blood. dropwise with swirling.
Add 1 mL SOLVABLE to 0.1–0.5 mL Stand 1 h at 60 °C. Add 0.1 mL 0.1 M EDTA-
blood. Na
Add 0.3–0.5 mL
30% H
in aliquots.
Plasma Add up to 1 mL plasma or serum Shake until clear.
or Serum to 10–15 mL of Ultima Gold.
Red Blood Add 1 mL Soluene-350:IPA mixture Stand 1 h at 60 °C. Add 0.2–0.5 mL 30% H
Cells (RBC) (1:1) to 0.2 mL RBC suspension. dropwise with swirling.
Add 1 mL SOLVABLE to 0.2 mL Stand 1 h at 60 °C. Add 0.1 mL 0.1 M EDTA-
RBC suspension. Na
Add 0.3–0.5 mL
30% H
in aliquots.
Urine Add up to 8 mL of urine to 12 mL of
Ultima Gold LLT and shake vigorously.
0.1 M Phosphate Add up to 8 mL to 10 mL Ultima Gold LLT
Buffered Saline (PBS) or up to 4 mL to 10 mL Ultima Gold or up
to 10 mL to 10 mL Ultima Gold XR.
Add 0.2 mL sample to 1 mL Soluene-350. Swirl until clear. Add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
Add 0.2 mL sample to 1 mL SOLVABLE. Swirl until clear or Add 10 mL Ultima Gold.
heat 30 min at 50 °C.
Sucrose Solutions Add between 3 mL and 7 mL of 20–40%
(w/v) sucrose to 10 mL Ultima Gold XR or
add between 5 mL and 10 mL of 30–60%
(w/v) sucrose to 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
Inulin Containing Fluids Add 50 µL of inulin sample to 0.5 mL Add 10 mL of Hionic-Fluor.
of Soluene-350 and swirl.
Trichloroacetic Acid Add up to 3 mL of up to 20% TCA For concentrations over
(TCA) Supematant supernatant to 10 mL of Ultima Gold LLT. 20%, use Hionic-Fluor.
For detailed information on sample uptake for PerkinElmer’s LSC cocktails for various types of
aqueous and organic liquids, please refer to the individual product descriptions.
Note: The PerkinElmer 307 Sample Oxidizer can easily be used to prepare up to 1–2 grams of any of the listed samples.
Recommended Expected
#4 #5 Sample Size
Stand 15–30 min ambient. Cap Add 10–15 mL Hionic-Fluor. Up to 0.4 mL blood 20–30%
tightly. Stand 30 min at 60 °C.
Stand 15–30 min ambient. Cap Add 10–15 mL Ultima Gold. Up to 0.5 mL blood 25–35%
tightly. Stand 30 min at 60 °C.
Up to 1 mL 30–40%
Stand 15–30 min ambient. Cap Add 10–15 mL Hionic-Fluor. Up to 0.2 mL RBC suspension 20–30%
tightly. Stand 30 min at 60 °C.
Stand 15–30 min ambient. Cap Add 10–15 mL Ultima Gold. Up to 0.2 mL RBC suspension 25–35%
tightly. Stand 30 min at 60 °C.
Up to 8 mL 25–35%
Up to 10 mL 30–40%
Up to 0.2 mL 35–40%
Up to 0.2 mL 35–40%
Up to 10 mL 30–40%
Up to 50 µL 40–50%
Up to 3 mL 25–40%
Sample Preparation Guide
Sample: Procedural Steps
Biological #1 #2 #3
Homogenate Add 0.2 mL of up to 10% tissue Add 10 mL of Shake vigorously.
homogenate (in either water or 70% Insta-Gel Plus.
ethanol) to 3 mL of water.
Coarse-Ground Tissue Add 150 mg coarse-ground tissue to Stand for 3–5 h at 60 °C. Add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
2 mL Soluene-350 and swirl.
Add 150 mg coarse-ground tissue to Stand for 3–5 h at 60 °C. Add 10 mL Ultima Gold.
2 mL SOLVABLE and swirl.
Bacteria and Cells Add 1 mL of 8:2 Soluene-350:water to Stand 2–4 h at 60 °C. Add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
5–7 mg of bacteria or cells.
Add 1 mL of SOLVABLE to 5–7 mg Stand 2–4 h at 60 °C. Add 10 mL Ultima Gold.
of bacteria or cells.
Organs Add 1 mL Soluene-350 per: Stand 2–4 h at 60 °C. Add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
Arteries: 30–100 mg Intestine: 80–100 mg Pancreas: 50–110 mg
Brain: 50–150 mg Kidney: 50–100 mg Spleen: 50–140 mg
Cartilage: 20–55 mg Liver: 50–100 mg Stomach: 50–100 mg
Cornea: 40–160 mg Muscle: 100–200 mg Sinew: 50–150 mg
Heart: 50–100 mg Nerve cells: 50–100 mg
Add 1 mL SOLVABLE per: Stand 2–4 h at 60 °C. Add 10 mL Ultima Gold.
Arteries: 30–100 mg Intestine: 80–100 mg Pancreas: 50–110 mg
Brain: 50–150 mg Kidney: 50–100 mg Spleen: 50–140 mg
Cartilage: 20–55 mg Liver: 50–100 mg Stomach: 50–100 mg
Cornea: 40–160 mg Muscle: 100–200 mg Sinew: 50–150 mg
Heart: 50–100 mg Nerve cells: 50–100 mg
Feces Add 0.1 mL water to 20 mg dried feces; Add 1 mL Soluene–350. Stand 1–2 h at 50 °C.
rehydrate for 30 min. Add 1 mL IPA and mix.
Stand 2 h at 50 °C.
Add 0.1 mL water to 20 mg dried feces; Add 1 mL SOLVABLE. Stand 1–2 h at 50 °C.
rehydrate for 30 min. Add 1 mL IPA and mix.
Stand 2 h at 50 °C.
-Scrapings Add water-soluble sample on TLC silica Stand 3–5 h at 40 °C. Add Note: If samples are not
to 1 mL of H
O. 8–10 mL of Insta-Gel Plus. water soluble, add 1 mL of
Soluene-350 instead of H
Polyacrylamide Gel Add 1–2 mm gel slice to 0.5 mL Stand for 3 h at 50 °C. Add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
Slices (PAGE) Soluene-350.
Add 1–2 mm gel slice to 0.5 mL Stand for 3 h at 50 °C. Add 10 mL Ultima Gold.
TCA Precipitates Moisten 100 mg of dried TCA precipitate Rehydrate for 30 min. Add 1 mL Soluene-350
(proteinaceous) with 0.1–0.2 mL water. and stand 30 min ambient.
Moisten 100 mg of dried TCA precipitate Rehydrate for 30 min. Add 1 mL SOLVABLE
(proteinaceous) with 0.1–0.2 mL water. and stand 30 min ambient.
Filters Place filter on bottom of vial. Add 0.5–1.0 mL Add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
(Cellulose acetate only) Rehydrate with 0.1–0.2 mL H
O. Soluene-350. Stand for
30 min ambient.
Place filter on bottom of vial. Add 5–10 mL Filter-Count.
Drying wet filters is not required. Shake several times until
filter is dissolved and count.
Tritium counting efficiency was determined on a PerkinElmer Tri-Carb Model 3100TR with 65% efficiency.
IPA = Isopropanol
TLC = Thin layer chomatogram
Recommended Expected
#4 #5 Sample Size
Note: Homogenates can Up to 0.2 mL of 10% 30–40%
also be prepared as for tissue homogeneate
coarse-ground tissue.
Up to 1.0 mL of 10% tissue 35–40%
homogenate. Up to 150 mg
coarse-ground tissue.
Up to 1.0 mL of 10% tissue 35–45%
homogenate. Up to 150 mg
coarse-ground tissue.
5–7 mg of bacteria or cells 20–30%
5–7 mg of bacteria or cells 35–45%
See Steps 1, 2 and 3. 17–40%
See Steps 1, 2 and 3. 30–45%
Add 0.2 mL of 30% H
Stand 10 min ambient; Up to 20 mg dried feces 25–35%
dropwise with swirling. add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
Add 0.2 mL of 30% H
Stand 10 min ambient; 30–40%
dropwise with swirling. add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor.
Stand 3–5 h at 40 °C. 30–40%
Add 10 mL of Hionic-Fluor.
1–2 mm gel slice 45–50%
1–2 mm gel slice 50–55%
Add 10 mL Hionic-Fluor. Up to 100 mg 35–40%
Add 10 mL Ultima Gold. Up to 100 mg 40–50%
Note: The PerkinElmer 307 Sample Oxidizer can easily be used to prepare up to 1–2 grams of any of the listed samples.
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©2008 PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. The PerkinElmer logo and design are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer, Inc. Emulsifier-
Safe, Filter
-Count, High Performance Glass Vial, Hinge Cap Vial, Hionic-Fluor, Insta-Fluor, Maxi-Vial, MicroScint, Midi-Vial, OptiScint,
OptiSolv, Oximate Vial, Pico-Fluor, Pico Glass Vial, Pico 'Hang-In' Vial, Pico Prias Vial, Pico Pro Vial, Pony Vial, SOLVABLE, Super
Polyethylene Vial, Ultima-Flo, Ultima Gold, and Varisette are trademarks and Atomlight, Biofluor, Carbo-Sorb, En
Formula-989, HiSafe, NEN, Opti-Fluor, Meltilex, MicroBeta, Monophase, Permafluor, QUANTULUS, Soluene, TopCount and Tri-Carb are
registered trademarks of PerkinElmer, Inc. or its subsidiaries, in the United States and other countries. LIPIDEX is a registered trademark
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