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Issuance Date: 06/05/2020
UPDATED: 06/07/2020
Effective: Upon the City of New York Entering Phase 1 Reopening
To: Owners and Contractors
Purpose: Guidance to owners and contractors on enforcement of New York State (NYS)
Department of Health Interim Guidance For Construction Activities During the
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency issued on May 13, 2020; NYC Mayoral
Executive Order No. 120 issued on June 3, 2020 and Executive Order No. 123
issued on June 7, 2020; pursuant to NYS Governor’s Executive Order 202.34
and subsequent orders.
Related AC 28-103.8 AC 28-201.1
Code/Zoning New York State Gubernatorial Emergency Order 202.34 and subsequent
Section(s) orders and related New York State Department of Health Guidelines
and Operating New York City Mayoral Emergency Orders
Information: NYC Health Department Reopening New York City: Frequently Asked
Questions What the Constructions Businesses Need to Know
In accordance with NYS Governor’s Executive Order 202.34 and subsequent orders, construction
projects subject to permits issued by the NYC Department of Buildings, or otherwise regulated by the
NYC Construction Codes and the NYC Electrical Code are permitted to proceed provided they comply
with the Interim Guidance For Construction Activities During The COVID-19 Public Health
Emergency published by New York State (NYS Interim Guidance).
The standards contained within the NYS Interim Guidance apply to all construction activities in operation
during the COVID-19 public health emergency until rescinded or amended by the State. Employers are
required to develop a plan for each construction site and submit an affirmation to the State as required
in the NYS Interim Guidelines. The NYS Interim Guidelines are minimum requirements only; employers
can require additional precautions.
In accordance with Section IV of the NYS Interim Guidance, completed safety plans must be
conspicuously posted on the construction site. The State has made available a business reopening
safety plan template to guide business owners and operators in developing plans to protect against
the spread of COVID-19.
In accordance with the Mayor’s Emergency Executive Order No. 120 and Executive Order No. 123,
the Department of Buildings will periodically be checking construction sites for compliance with
employer safety plans required by the NYS Interim Guidance, including, but not limited to, the following
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Ensure 6 feet of distance between personnel, unless safety or core function of the work activity
requires a shorter distance.
All personnel and visitors to construction sites must wear face coverings appropriate for their task,
unless medically unable to do so.
Tightly confined spaces (e.g., elevators, hoists) occupied by 50% maximum allowed number of
- 50% capacity must be posted within the cab AND at each landing
A site safety monitor must be designated whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with
all aspects of the site safety plan.
Appropriate signage is posted throughout the site to remind personnel to adhere to proper hand
hygiene, physical distancing rules, appropriate use of personal protective equipment, and cleaning
and disinfecting protocols.
Safety plan(s) are conspicuously posted on site and include a copy of the submitted State
A communication plan for employees, visitors, and clients is available at the site.
A continuous log of every person who may have had close contact with other individuals at the work
site or area is kept at the site.
There are hand hygiene stations available on site and readily accessible to workers.
A cleaning and disinfection log is present at the site with minimum daily entries.
For additional information we also recommend that Owners and Contractors review The NYC Health
Department FAQ “Reopening New York City: Frequently Asked Questions What the Constructions
Businesses Need to Know.” In addition to general business compliance it also provides information on
best practices that can be implemented by employers at their construction sites.
During the first 30 days of construction resuming, the Department will focus on education to help the
industry learn how to implement the new standards and procedures. Initial DOB violations issued during
these first 30 days carry no financial penalty. Following this period, violations will result in financial
penalties and further noncompliance may result in Stop Work Orders and summonses with
accompanying civil penalties of up to $5,000 for each offense.
Any violation of these requirements, or other New York State or New York City mandates, is subject to
enforcement including issuance of violations and associated penalties.
NYS Governor’s Executive Order 202.34
Mayor’s Emergency Executive Order No. 120
Mayor’s Emergency Executive Order No. 123
Interim Guidance for Construction Activities During The Covid-19 Public Health
NYC Health Department Reopening New York City: Frequently Asked Questions
What the Constructions Businesses Need to Know.” published by NYC DOH
(UPDATED: June 4, 2020)