Practitioner Review: Short-term and working
memory impairments in neurodevelopmental
disorders: diagnosis and remedial support
Susan E. Gathercole and Tracy Packiam Alloway
University of Durham, UK
Background: This article provides an introduction to current models of working and short-term
memory, their links with learning, and diagnosis of impairments. The memory impairments associated
with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders (Down’s syndrome, Williams syndrome, Specific Lan-
guage Impairment, and attentional deficits) are discussed. Methods: Methods of alleviating the ad-
verse consequences of working and short-term memory impairments for learning are
identified. Conclusion: Impairments of short-term and working memory are associated with learning
difficulties that can be substantial, and that can be minimised by appropriate methods of remedial
support. Keywords: Working memory, short-term memory, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome,
Specific Language Impairment, attentional deficits.
Short-term and working memory are temporary
memory systems that play important roles in sup-
porting learning during the childhood years. The
purpose of this review is to summarise current the-
oretical understanding of both working memory and
short-term memory, to characterise short-term and
working memory skills impairments associated with
a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, and to
identify methods of remedial support appropriate for
children with these impairments.
Working memory, short-term memory, and
The key feature of working memory is its capacity
both to store and manipulate information. Working
memory functions as a mental workspace that can
be flexibly used to support everyday cognitive activ-
ities that require both processing and storage such
as, for example, mental arithmetic. However, the
capacity of working memory is limited, and the
imposition of either excess storage or processing
demands in the course of an ongoing cognitive
activity will lead to catastrophic loss of information
from this temporary memory system.
An individual’s working memory capacity is usu-
ally assessed using complex memory span tasks in
which the participant is required to process and
store increasing amounts of information until the
point at which recall errors are made. The first
complex memory span task, reading span, was
developed by Daneman and Carpenter (1980). In
reading span, the individual reads a series of sen-
tences, and finally attempts to recall the final word of
each sentence in order. A processing task such as
reading the sentence aloud or judging its veracity
ensures that each sentence is processed. Other
variants of the complex memory span paradigm in-
clude listening span (in which the sentences are
presented auditorily; Daneman & Carpenter, 1980),
counting span (in which the task is to count the
number of target objects in each of a series of dis-
plays and subsequently recall their tally numbers;
Case, Kurland, & Goldberg, 1982), and operation
span (in which participants perform mathematical
calculations and finally attempt to recall unrelated
items presented immediately after each solution;
Turner & Engle, 1989).
The functional capacity of working memory meas-
ured via complex memory span tasks varies mark-
edly across both individuals and age, particularly
during the childhood years (see, e.g., Gathercole,
Alloway, Willis, & Adams, 2004a). Performance im-
proves steadily until the teenage years, when it starts
levelling off. By the age of 15, levels close to those of
adults are reached. At any particular age, the degree
of variation in working memory capacity is sizeable,
spanning many years of average development.
The key finding from the Daneman and Carpenter
(1980) study was that measures of verbal complex
memory span measures were strongly associated
with a range of measures of learning ability. High
correlations were found between reading span and
college students’ performance both on verbal Schol-
astic Aptitude Tests and on measures of reading
comprehension, suggesting that working memory
capacity has important consequences for high cog-
nitive function. What distinguishes these complex
memory span tasks from other measures of cognitive
abilities such as IQ is that performance is not limited
by the difficulty of the processing activities per se,as
these can be performed accurately in isolation. In-
stead, the crucial limiting factor is the sheer amount
of information that can be processed and stored at
the same time.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 47:1 (2006), pp 4–15 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01446.x
Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2005.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
During childhood, associations between working
memory capacity and attainments are similarly high.
Scores on verbal complex memory span measures
are highly predictive of a wide range of measures of
academic ability, including literacy (e.g., De Jong,
1998; Gathercole & Pickering, 2000; Gathercole,
Pickering, Knight, & Stegmann, 2004b; Swanson,
1994), mathematics (e.g., Bull & Scerif, 2001;
Gathercole & Pickering, 2000; Gathercole et al.,
2004b; Mayringer & Wimmer, 2000; Siegel & Ryan,
1989), and language comprehension (e.g., Cain,
Oakhill, & Bryant, 2004; Nation, Adams, Bowyer-
Crain, & Snowling, 1999; Seigneuric, Ehrlich, Oak-
hill, & Yuill, 2000). Complex memory span scores are
strongly associated with teacher ratings of children’s
general abilities at school entry at 4 years of age
(Alloway, Gathercole, Adams, & Willis, in press), and
are effective predictors of scholastic attainments
over the subsequent school years (Gathercole,
Brown, & Pickering, 2003).
Perhaps most importantly, deficits of working
memory are found in children with learning diffi-
culties in literacy and mathematics (e.g., Gathercole
& Pickering, 2001; Geary, Hoard, Byrd-Craven, &
DeSoto, 2004; Siegel & Ryan, 1989; Swanson, 1993)
that are extremely rare in samples of children with-
out learning difficulties (Pickering & Gathercole,
2004). Our own recent findings indicate that im-
pairments of working memory are more character-
istic of children whose learning difficulties extend
across the domains of literacy and mathematics than
of those with difficulties restricted to literacy alone
(Gathercole et al., 2004a; Pickering & Gathercole,
2004). Verbal working memory skills do not appear
to simply be a proxy for more general cognitive
abilities: the relationship between verbal working
memory skills and more general learning difficulties
is not mediated by either verbal abilities or IQ
(Gathercole et al., 2004a; see also, Cain et al., 2004).
Although most research has focused on verbal
working memory, recent evidence indicates that
there is a separate working memory capacity for
visuo-spatial material that is also important for
learning. In a study of 11- and 14-year-old children,
we found that both verbal and visuo-spatial working
memory scores each had strong and distinct links
with children’s attainments in national curriculum
assessments (Jarvis & Gathercole, 2003). Visuo-
spatial memory scores were particularly strongly
linked with performance in mathematics and sci-
There are several models of working memory (e.g.,
Baddeley, 1996; Barrouillet, Bernardin, & Camos,
2004; Case et al., 1982; Cowan, 2001; Engle, Kane,
& Tuholski, 1999; Just & Carpenter, 1992). One
common feature shared by the various models is that
working memory is supported by a limited capacity
resource that some theorists link with attention (e.g.,
Barrouillet et al., 2004; Cowan, 2001). Working
memory is related to, but distinguishable from,
short-term memory. Whereas working memory in-
volves both the storage and processing of informa-
tion, short-term memory systems are specialised
purely for the temporary storage of material within
particular informational domains.
For the purposes of this article, the theoretically
neutral terms working memory and verbal short-term
memory are used in preference to terms specific to
particular theoretical models. It is, however, import-
ant to consider in some detail the most influential
model of working memory, originating from Baddeley
and Hitch (1974). According to recent versions of this
model, the processing element of complex memory
span tasks is supported by the central executive, a
limited capacity system involved in regulatory control
of working memory. The storage demands of verbal
complex span tasks are met by a separate short-term
memory system, the phonological loop (Baddeley &
Logie, 1999). The detailed structure of the current
working memory model (Baddeley, 2000) is shown in
Figure 1.
The phonological loop component of the working
memory model (Baddeley, 1986) consists of two
components: a short-term store that maintains
phonological representations and is subject to rapid
delay, and a subvocal rehearsal process that acts to
refresh decaying phonological representations in the
store. Note that spontaneous use of rehearsal does
not emerge typically until about 8 years of age
(Gathercole & Hitch, 1993). Any information that is
verbalisable (such as spoken words, printed words,
nameable objects) can be stored in the phonological
loop. Like verbal working memory, the capacity of
the phonological loop undergoes steady development
from early childhood to early adolescence, levelling
off towards 15 year of age.
The third component of the working memory
model is the visuo-spatial sketchpad, a system spe-
cialised for temporary visuo-spatial storage (see, e.g.,
Logie, 1995). The final element of the model, the
episodic buffer (Baddeley, 2000), is responsible for
the integration of information from different compon-
ents of both working memory and long-term memory
in multi-dimensional representations.
The capacities of verbal and visuo-spatial short-
term memory vary widely between individuals, and
Phonological loop
short-term store
Figure 1 Current version of the working memory
model, adapted from Baddeley (2000)
Practitioner Review: Memory deficits 5
independently from one another (e.g., Pickering,
Gathercole, & Peaker, 1998). Short-term memory
skills are much more weakly associated with general
academic and cognitive performance than working
memory skills (e.g., Daneman & Merikle, 1996).
There is, however, a strong and highly specific link
between verbal short-term memory and the learning
of the sound patterns of new words in both the native
language over the early childhood year, and in sec-
ond language learning at all ages (e.g., Gathercole,
Hitch, Service, & Martin, 1997; Service & Craik,
1993; Service & Kohonen, 1995). Children with poor
verbal memory skills have specific impairments in
the process of learning the phonological structures of
new vocabulary items, and so acquire new vocabu-
lary items at a much slower rate than other children
(for review, see Baddeley, Gathercole, & Papagno,
1998). Developmental consequences of impairments
of visuo-spatial short-term memory have not been
established, and so will not be discussed further
Although the mechanisms underlying the link
between impairments of working memory and
learning difficulties are not as yet fully understood,
recent evidence suggests that it arises from working
memory constraints operating at the point of learn-
ing. In an observational study of young children with
marked impairments of working memory, it was
found that they made frequent errors in activities
with heavy working memory demands such as
remembering complex instructions, concurrent
processing and storage demands, and keeping track
in multi-level tasks such as writing (Gathercole,
Lamont, & Alloway, in press). We proposed that
these failures to meet the working memory demands
of classroom activities are a cause of their learning
difficulties. In order to make good academic pro-
gress, the child has to succeed in many different
structured learning activities designed to accumu-
late across time the body of knowledge and skills
that they need in areas of the curriculum such as
literacy and mathematics. If he or she frequently
fails in individual learning situations due to an
inability to store and manipulate information in
working memory, the incremental progress towards
the acquisition of complex knowledge and skills will
be slow and difficult. In this way, working memory
may act as a bottleneck for learning (Gathercole,
In summary, both working memory and verbal
short-term memory contribute to learning during
childhood years. Their contributions are quite dis-
tinct: working memory plays an important role in
supporting the acquisition of complex skills and
knowledge in academic areas such as literacy and
mathematics, whereas verbal short-term memory is
involved the learning of the sound structures of new
words. Developmental impairments in either mem-
ory system have deleterious consequences for
learning and academic progress in these domains.
Diagnosis of impairments of short-term and
working memory
Recommendations for the diagnosis of impairments
of short-term and working memory are summarised
in Table 1. As a rule of thumb, scores more than one
standard deviation below the mean (16th centile) are
considered to represent mild impairments and
scores more than 1.33 standard deviations below the
mean (9th centile) represent moderate to severe
impairment. Impairments of working memory
should be identified independently of other aspects
of a child’s cognitive profile, and do not require the
use of discrepancy criteria related to IQ. The reason
for this is that working memory and IQ have separ-
able links with learning, although they are typically
positively related. In particular, children with low IQ
scores tend to have more pervasive learning diffi-
culties if they have also have moderate or severe
impairments of working memory (Gathercole et al.,
2004a). Assessment of working memory is therefore
important even in individuals with low general
intellectual function.
Impairments of working memory can be identified
in either of two ways: by preliminary screening using
Table 1 Diagnosis of impairments of short-term and working memory: inclusionary and exclusionary criteria
Preliminary assessment Follow-up assessment
Assessment Criterion Assessment Criterion
Verbal STM Forwards
digit span
>1SD below mean At least one further measure:
e.g., word recall, nonword recall
>1SD below mean
Verbal WM Backwards
digit span
>1SD below mean At least one further measure:
e.g., listening span, counting span
>1SD below mean
Hearing Informal Appears to have
hearing difficulties
Standard audiology Impaired
Speech-motor Informal Poor pronunciation Picture naming
Restricted phonological
e.g., Working Memory Test Battery for Children, Pickering & Gathercole (2001).
e.g., Goldman–Fristoe Test of Articulation–2, Goldman & Fristoe (2000).
6 Susan E. Gathercole and Tracy Packiam Alloway
appropriate sub-tests of standardised ability tests
followed by further appropriate memory tests if re-
quired, or by using a specialised working memory
test battery. If the former approach is adopted, two
measures included in many general ability tests can
be used for initial screening purposes. Forwards di-
git span involves the auditory presentation of ran-
dom digit sequences for immediate spoken recall,
and yields a reasonable initial assessment of verbal
short-term memory. However, as the processing load
of this test is minimal, it does not tap working
memory. The second memory test, backwards digit
span, does provide a useful measure of working
memory capacity. The requirement to recall the dig-
its in reverse sequence imposes a substantial pro-
cessing load on the child, necessitating the mental
re-sequencing of the memory representation. It
should be noted that in some test batteries (e.g.,
British Abilities Scales II, Elliot, Smith, & McUlloch,
1996; and WISC-III, Wechsler, 1992), scores on for-
wards and backwards digit span are aggregated to
yield a single memory score. Because the two
measures assess separate memory systems as out-
lined in the previous section, these scores do not
provide an adequate basis for distinguishing be-
tween impairments of verbal short-term memory and
verbal working memory if they fall in the ‘impaired’
range. However, tables in the manuals of some
standardised ability tests can be used to calculate
whether there are significant differences between
forwards and backwards digit span. The finding of a
significant deficit across the two tests will provide an
adequate basis for a preliminary diagnosis of an
impairment of either verbal short-term or working
Although forwards and backwards digit span
provide acceptable preliminary estimates of verbal
short-term and working memory respectively, these
measures need to be supplemented by further
assessment of the relevant memory system before a
diagnosis of impairment is made. The most signific-
ant shortcoming of both measures is that they em-
ploy numerical stimuli, which can provide
misleading results for children with number-based
processing problems; they may perform poorly on
the task as a consequence of their lack of facility with
the stimuli rather than as a result of memory prob-
lems per se. It is also far from ideal to base a dia-
gnosis of a specific memory deficit on a single
measure administered on a single occasion.
There are a number of other suitable assessments
of verbal short-term memory and working memory
that can be used with children who perform poorly
on either of the two digit span measures. One
measure that is strongly associated with verbal
short-term memory deficits is nonword repetition, in
which the child attempts to repeat single multi-syl-
labic nonwords. Suitable standardised measures
include the Children’s Test of Nonword Repetition
(Gathercole & Baddeley, 1996) and Nonword
Repetition Task (Campbell, Dollaghan, Needleman,
& Janosky, 1997).
Multiple assessments of both verbal short-term
and working memory are provided in two working
memory test batteries standardised for children. The
Working Memory Test Battery for Children (WMTB-
C; Pickering & Gathercole, 2001) includes four
measures of verbal short-term memory: digit recall,
word recall, nonword recall, and word list matching
recall. All four measures involve verbal presentation
of memory items, with the first three tests requiring
immediate spoken recall. Word list matching in-
volves the child judging whether two spoken se-
quences are identical or not, as it places minimal
demands on phonological and articulatory produc-
tion skills. This test is particularly appropriate for
use with children with speech-motor deficits. Scores
on all four measures are used to derive a standar-
dised verbal memory composite score. The WMTB-C
also includes three measures of verbal working
memory (listening recall, counting recall, and back-
wards digit recall), scores on which are used to derive
a composite working memory score. Finally, the
WMTB-C includes three measures of visuo-spatial
short-term memory (matrices, mazes memory, and
block recall). The Automated Working Memory As-
sessment (AWMA; Alloway, Gathercole, & Pickering,
2004) is a computer-based assessment that provides
three measures each of verbal short-term memory,
visuo-spatial short-term memory, verbal working
memory, and visuo-spatial working memory.
In diagnosing impairments of both verbal working
memory and short-term memory, it is necessary to
exclude potential non-memory causes of low test
performance. One such factor is speech-motor dys-
function, which may give rise to inaccurate recall
protocols on measures requiring verbal recall, par-
ticularly on test such as word recall, nonword recall,
and nonword repetition that use open sets of stimuli
of relatively low familiarity, and in which recall must
be accurate at the phoneme level. If speech-motor
problems are suspected, it is advisable to provide a
systematic assessment of speech production using
picture-based naming tests that sample the full
range of phonological contrasts in the language (e.g.,
Goldman & Fristoe, 2000). Errors made in memory
assessments that correspond to systematic errors in
phonological production should be disregarded.
Hearing impairments may also contribute to low
test scores on measures of verbal short-term and
working memory due to problems in the initial dis-
crimination of memory items, particularly in tests
involving unpredictable phonological sequences
such as nonword repetition and nonword recall
(Briscoe, Bishop, & Norbury, 2001). As the precise
profile of auditory processing deficits resulting from
hearing impairments will depend on the severity and
frequency range of the impairments as well as the
specific acoustic contrasts sampled in the stimuli, it
is difficult to predict the consequences of the
Practitioner Review: Memory deficits 7
impairments on test scores. For neurodevelopmental
disorders commonly associated with hearing
impairments such as Down syndrome and in any
cases in which hearing is suspected, a full audio-
logical assessment is recommended in order to
identify whether hearing problems are a possible
source of low memory test scores. For individuals
with a confirmed hearing impairment, non-auditory
methods of assessing memory, such as visual pre-
sentation of memory items in either printed word
form or pictorial form in cases of assessments of the
phonological loop, can be used. However, no such
tests are as yet standardised for use with children. A
further problem is that because non-auditory pre-
sentation formats such as these require subvocal
rehearsal in order to generate phonological repre-
sentation in verbal short-term memory, these meth-
ods are only suitable for children who are able to
rehearse. Typically, spontaneous use of rehearsal
emerges at about 8 years.
Finally, it is important to note that although
working memory is often considered as a higher
executive function associated with the engagement
of the frontal lobes, impairments of working memory
within both developmental and adult neuropsycho-
logy have been found to be largely independent of
other classic executive functions such as shifting,
planning, inhibition, and verbal fluency (e.g., Penn-
ington & Ozonoff, 1996). A child with an impairment
of working memory would therefore not necessarily
be expected to exhibit deficits in these other execut-
ive functions.
Working memory and neurodevelopmental
In this section, memory profiles characteristic of four
neurodevelopmental disorders are considered. In
each case, the disorders are associated with
impairments of either short-term or working mem-
ory. Issues related to diagnosis and remedial support
that are specific to the disorders also raised.
Down syndrome
There is substantial evidence that individuals with
Down syndrome have a marked deficit of verbal
short-term memory that exceeds their general diffi-
culties with language. Groups with Down syndrome
have been consistently found to be impaired on
measures of verbal short-term memory relative to
control groups composed either of individuals with
moderate learning difficulties of mixed aetiology, or
of younger typically developing children matched for
mental age (e.g., Broadley, MacDonald, & Buckley,
1995; Jarrold, Baddeley, & Hewes, 1999; Laws,
1998; Mackenzie & Hulme, 1987). Their visuo-spa-
tial short-term memory function, on the other hand,
is typically appropriate for mental age.
The precise cause of the selective impairment of
verbal short-term memory in Down syndrome is still
not known. One possibility is that individuals with
Down syndrome have a particular problem with
subvocal rehearsal, which plays a crucial role in
actively maintaining phonological representations in
short-term memory and preventing them from rapid
decay. Consistent with this view, groups with Down
syndrome have been shown to benefit from training
of an overt cumulative rehearsal strategy, in which
participants are required to rehearse aloud increas-
ing amounts of material in the course of a short-term
memory task (Broadley & MacDonald, 1993; Com-
blain, 1996; Laws, McDonald, & Buckley, 1996).
Another possibility is that the low verbal memory
performance associated with Down syndrome re-
flects inadequacies in the storage of phonological
material in short-term memory, for example in the
quality of the phonological representations or in the
rate of decay (e.g., Jarrold, Baddeley, & Hewes,
2000; Jarrold, Baddeley, & Phillips, 1999).
Because intact phonological loop function is im-
portant for long-term learning the sound structures
of new words (Baddeley et al., 1998), it is likely that
individuals with Down syndrome who have deficits of
verbal short-term memory will be slower to acquire
new vocabulary than would be expected on the basis
of their general cognitive abilities. Additional focused
support for vocabulary learning for such individuals
may therefore be of particular value in enhancing
their language development.
Williams syndrome
Williams syndrome (WS) is a much rarer genetic
disorder than Down syndrome, present in approxim-
ately 1 in 50,000 live births. Individuals with Wil-
liams syndrome typically have severe deficits in
aspects of spatial cognition including pattern con-
struction, drawing and visual processing (e.g., Bel-
lugi, Wang, & Jernigan, 1994; Farran, Jarrold, &
Gathercole, 2001). In marked contrast, expressive
language abilities in WS are much stronger, and can
include excellent pragmatic use of language and good
vocabulary knowledge (e.g., Bellugi et al., 1994).
Williams syndrome is associated with a sub-
stantial deficit of visuo-spatial short-term memory
that mirrors the more general impairment of spatial
cognition. Individuals with William syndrome typic-
ally show the converse profile of short-term memory
function to those with Down syndrome, with much
stronger verbal short-term memory than visuo-spa-
tial memory skills (Wang & Bellugi, 1994; Jarrold,
Baddeley, Hewes, & Phillips, 2001).
There is some evidence that visuo-spatial short-
term memory supports long-term learning within
this modality, particularly in learning new spatial
routes (Hanley, Young, & Pearson, 1991). The very
poor visuo-spatial memory skills of individuals with
Williams syndrome may therefore be a contributor to
8 Susan E. Gathercole and Tracy Packiam Alloway
their impaired visuo-spatial learning abilities.
Structured support for learning important visuo-
spatial information is recommended in order to
compensate for their difficulties in this domain.
Specific Language Impairment
Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is a relatively
common developmental language disorder, with an
estimated incidence of around 7% of the population
(Tomblin et al., 1997). It is characterised by delayed
or disordered language development in the absence
of general cognitive deficits, sensory disorders, or
neurological damage. The condition has a strong
genetic basis (Bishop, North, & Donlan, 1996), and
is associated with abnormalities at chromosomes 16
and 19 (SLI Consortium, 2002).
SLI is associated with impairments of both verbal
short-term memory and working memory. A hall-
mark of SLI is that affected children have severe
deficits in one measure associated with verbal short-
term memory that exceed even the criterial language
impairments nonword repetition (Dollaghan, &
Campbell, 1998; Edwards & Lahey, 1998; Ellis
Weismer et al., 2000; Gathercole & Baddeley, 1990;
Montgomery, 1995). This nonword repetition deficit
is highly heritable (Bishop et al., 1996, 1999; SLI
Consortium, 2002), and has been identified as a
phenotypical marker of SLI (Bishop et al., 1996).
Because individuals with SLI have a constellation
of language deficits, diagnosis of impairments of
verbal short-term memory often requires considera-
tion of non-memory factors. In particular, many
children with SLI have deficits of output phonology
and articulation, and some researchers believe that
they also have subtle auditory processing problems
(Tallal, Merzenich, Miller, & Jenkins, 1998). In such
cases, further testing following the procedures out-
lined in Table 1 is recommended.
It is now evident that children with SLI also have
impairments of verbal working memory. They per-
form very poorly on measures of verbal complex
memory (Ellis Weismer, Evans, & Hesketh, 1999;
Montgomery, 2000). In a recent study, we found that
the deficits of a group of children with SLI in verbal
working memory were even more marked and con-
sistent than their impairments of verbal short-term
memory, affecting every child in the group (Archibald
& Gathercole, 2004).
Verbal working memory deficits may not necessa-
rily be the underlying cause of SLI. The deficits are,
however, likely to contribute to the substantial
learning difficulties in core areas of the school cur-
riculum such as literacy and mathematics that are
characteristic of SLI (Catts, Fey, Tomblin, & Zhang,
2002; Fazio, 1996). Effective management of working
memory loads in order to reduce the impact of their
impairments of working memory on general learning
(see Remedial support section below) is therefore a
priority in children with SLI.
Attentional disorders
Attentional Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) is a relatively common developmental dis-
order, with an estimated rate of prevalence of be-
tween 1% and 7% (Hinshaw, 1994). It has a strong
familial pattern, and is moderately heritable. The
DSM-IV provides diagnostic criteria for two distinct
behavioural dimensions characterised by inattention
and hyperactive-impulsive behaviour; a combination
of these behaviours is classified as an additional
subtype of this disorder (see Barkley, 2003, for a
Individuals diagnosed with either predominately
hyperactive-impulsive or combined type behaviours
are characterised by impairments of executive
functioning, particularly in tasks relating to inhi-
bition or prepotent responses (Geurts, Vertie,
Oosterlaan, Roeyers, & Sergeant, 2004; Barkley,
1997; see also Fahie & Symons, 2003; Kerns,
McInerney, & Wilde, 2001; Pennington & Ozonoff,
1996; Sonuga-Barke, Dalen, Daley, & Remington,
2002). Some impairments are evident at the most
basic levels of behaviour management, such as dif-
ficulty with self-control of actions and verbalisation,
and may manifest as hyperactivity or extreme
impulsivity in the early school years. More subtle
impairments of executive functions that can impact
organising and planning ability are often not
developed until later in childhood (Barkley, 2003;
Brown, 2002).
In contrast, the predominately inattentive type of
ADHD is comprised of qualitatively different beha-
vioural patterns, including difficulty in sustaining
attention to prolonged activities, and distractibility
(Milich, Ballentine, & Lynam, 2001). It has been
suggested that inattention may stem from an in-
ability to hold mental representations active and use
them to guide behaviour, a skill associated with
working memory (Barkley, 1997).
Although working memory deficits in particular
have often been claimed to be characteristic of at
least some children with disorders of attention, there
is in fact little evidence that they under-perform on
classic measures of working memory such as read-
ing and listening span (e.g., Adams & Snowling,
2001; Kerns et al., 2001; Shue & Douglas, 1992;
Ruckridge & Tannock, 2002; Sonuga-Barke et al.,
2002). In line with this, Pennington and Ozonoff
(1996) reported no evidence of general working
memory (central executive) deficits in their influen-
tial review of the area. Further, studies on the effect
of medication (methylphenidate) on performance in
measures of working memory and executive function
indicate an improvement in executive function tasks,
but not in verbal working memory tasks (Mehta,
Goodyer, & Sahakian, 2004). One exception to these
findings is children with both attentional disorders
and reading difficulties, who do show some evidence
of working memory deficits (Roodenrys, Koloski, &
Practitioner Review: Memory deficits 9
Grainger, 2001). These deficits appear to relate to
the co-morbid reading difficulties rather than the
attentional problems per se.
It should, however, be noted that the majority of
research in this area has focused on clinical groups
exhibiting hyperactive behaviours. An unresolved
issue relates to children with inattentive profiles and
whether the impairment of working memory function
results from a primary deficit in working memory or
in intermittent failures to attend to working memory
tasks. The classroom behaviour that we have ob-
served to characterise children with working memory
deficits of normal social skills combined with ex-
treme reservation in group activities and frequent
failures to complete learning activities (Gathercole
et al., in press) certainly shares some features with
that of inattentive children.
On balance, then, there is not a strong case for
claiming that impairments of working memory are a
general characteristic of children with attentional
disorders. In children with hyperactive profiles of
behaviour, working memory function is not unex-
pectedly poor. It does, however, remain possible that
children with attentional problems that are of an
inattentive nature may have impairments of working
memory. If such impairments are diagnosed, remed-
ial support following the principles outlined in the
section below is recommended.
Remedial support
As impairments of both short-term and working
memory are strongly associated with deficits in
learning, effective remedial support is a priority
irrespective of specific aetiology. The sections below
provide some recommendations for useful elements
of remediation and learning support programmes for
affected children.
Verbal short-term memory
Attempts to boost directly verbal short-term memory
skills typically target the rehearsal process that
maintains representations in verbal short-term
memory. Rehearsal can be trained in non-rehearsing
children. This is achieved by providing initial prac-
tice in overt rehearsal, with the child saying aloud
items to be remembered between presentations of
successive items. A key element of this strategy is to
encourage the child to rehearse cumulatively, by
vocalising all of the words presented so far that have
to be remembered rather than simply repeating the
word that has just been presented. Once the child is
able to use this strategy effectively, he or she is
encouraged to use the same approach covertly, using
silent rehearsal. This rehearsal training approach is
effective in inducing rehearsal and memory gains
both in typically developing groups of young children
(Johnston, Johnson & Gray, 1987) and in
individuals with Down syndrome (Broadley & Mac-
Donald, 1993; Comblain, 1996; Laws et al., 1996).
Gains in verbal short-term memory scores are,
however, relatively modest following rehearsal
training, and in some cases have been found not to
persist long after training. For this reason, it may be
useful to complement direct training of verbal short-
term memory with a learning support programme
that targets directly the process of vocabulary
acquisition that is impaired in children with short-
term memory deficits. Vocabulary training could
usefully take the form of multiple exposures to key
new words presented in varying contexts, in which
the child is provided with abundant opportunities to
practise the immediate repetition as well as delayed
recall and recognition of the novel sound structures.
To ensure effective learning, new words should be re-
presented and memory for them tested at increasing
intervals of days and subsequently weeks, to op-
timise the process of consolidation of learning.
Working memory
Impairments of working memory result in several
characteristic kinds of classroom failures. The
examples below are taken from our observational
study of three 5- and 6-year-old children with very
poor working memory function (Gathercole et al., in
press). The children’s names are pseudonyms.
Forgetting instructions. All three children fre-
quently failed to follow instructions from the teacher.
The failure appeared to be due to forgetting the
content of the instruction, particularly when it was
fairly lengthy and did not represent a routine class-
room activity. Here are three examples of this kind of
On one occasion, the teacher gave the following
instruction to David: ‘Put your sheets on the green
table, put your arrow cards in the packet, put your
pencil away and come and sit on the carpet.’ David
failed to put his sheet on the green table. Teacher
asked David if he could remember where he was
supposed to put it; he couldn’t, and needed
A second example involved Joshua. His teacher
handed him his computer login cards and told to go
and work on computer number 13. He failed to do
this, because he had forgotten what computer he
had been told to use.
Finally, Philip was asked to go back and put an n
in the word bean. He went back and asked the
classroom assistant what he had been asked to do.
Place-keeping errors in complex tasks. Many
examples of the child failing to keep track of position
in complex tasks such as writing were observed.
David’s teacher decided that the children should
write He had 36 barrels of gunpowder. The sentence
was repeated until the children appeared to
10 Susan E. Gathercole and Tracy Packiam Alloway
remember it. David successfully wrote he and had,
and then could not remember what to write next. The
teacher asked him to read what he had already
written and then to say what word came next, but he
could not. The teacher reminded him of the sentence.
David then got stuck after writing several letters of
the word gunpowder, attempted and failed to get the
teacher’s attention to help him, and then forgot that
the word needed completing.
A further example of a place-keeping error was
provided by Philip. The teacher wrote on the board
Monday 11th November and, underneath, The Mar-
ket, which was the title of the piece of work. Philip
lost his place in the laborious attempt to copy the
words down letter by letter, writing moNemarket.It
appeared that he begun to write the date, forgot what
he was doing and began writing the title instead.
Failure to meet simultaneous processing and stor-
age demands.
All three children frequently strug-
gled in structured activities whose successful
completion involved engaging in a relatively
demanding processing activity at the same time as
storage of information. Many of these activities in-
volved counting. Although all three children were
capable of counting accurately in the context of a
simple task, many classroom activities combined
counting with other cognitive processes. One fre-
quent activity in literacy sessions involved counting
the numbers of words in a sentence, often prior to
writing the sentence down. Joshua was unable to
recall the sentence, isolate each word and count it
without assistance from the teacher. A group activity
in Philip’s class was to count the number of sen-
tences in a text. Philip was unable to keep track of
the tally number while reading aloud the text. In
both cases, the task failure appeared to result from
combining the memory demands of counting (keep-
ing track of the tally number) in the context of a
concurrent and fairly demanding processing activity.
Further failures were observed in activities that
involved the detection of target items in spoken or
written text. These tasks imposed significant pro-
cessing demands (analysis and comprehension of
spoken language, or text reading) in conjunction
with the storage of multiple items. For example, the
children in Joshua’s class were asked to identify the
rhyming words in a text read aloud by the teacher.
They had to wait until all four lines had been read
before telling the teacher the two words that rhymed:
tie and fly. This task involves matching the sound
structures of a pair of words, and storing them.
Joshua was unable to do this.
Learning support for children with working memory
There are two principal approaches to alleviating the
learning difficulties that result from impairments of
working memory. The first involves attempting to
remediate working memory directly. As yet there is
no accepted method of doing this, although some
studies have boosted children’s performance on
working memory tasks by training the children in the
use of rehearsal (Turley-Ames & Whitfield, 2003),
using the approach described in the previous sec-
tion. What is not known is the extent to which chil-
dren will spontaneously apply rehearsal strategies in
the wide range of everyday contexts including
classroom learning activities in which working
memory demands are significant, and so whether the
training will result in measurable learning benefits
for the child.
An alternative approach to enhancing learning in
children with impairments of working memory, and
the one recommended here, is to minimise the
memory-related failures in classroom-based learn-
ing activities frequently experienced by such chil-
dren, via effective management of working memory
loads (Gathercole & Alloway, 2004). We are cur-
rently planning a controlled intervention study that
adopts this approach, adopting the principles out-
lined below and summarised in Table 2. Further
information regarding the intervention is provided
First, it is important to ensure that the child can
remember what he or she is doing. On many occa-
sions, we have observed children with low working
memory simply forgetting what they had to do next,
leading to failure to complete many learning activ-
ities (Gathercole et al., in press). Children’s memory
Table 2 Working memory demands in classroom activities: some problems and solutions
Problem Solutions
Child forgets the task Give brief and simple instructions, broken down into separate steps if
task is very complex.
Check the child can remember the instructions. Repeat instructions if
Child cannot meet combined processing
and storage demands of activities
For activities involving sentences, reduce sentence length, reduce syntactic
complexity (simple active sentence forms are the easiest), and/or increase
familiarity of the vocabulary.
Child loses place in a complex task Use external memory aids such as number lines and useful spellings.
Ensure that the child has plenty of practice in the use of the aids prior to
using them in more complex task settings.
Find ways of marking for the child their progress in a complex task structure.
Practitioner Review: Memory deficits
for instructions will be improved by using instruc-
tions that are as brief and simple as possible.
Instructions should be broken down into parts
where possible. One effective strategy for improving
the child’s memory for the task is frequent repetition
of instructions. For tasks that take place over an
extended period of time, reminding the child of cru-
cial information for that particular phase of the task
rather than repetition of the original instruction is
likely to be most useful. Finally, one of the best ways
to ensure that the child has not forgotten crucial
information is to ask them to repeat it back.
Second, in activities that require the child to both
process and store information, working memory
demands and hence task failures will be reduced if
the processing demands are decreased. For exam-
ple, sentence writing was a source of particular dif-
ficulty for all of the children with low working
memory that we observed. Sentence processing dif-
ficulty can be lessened by reducing the linguistic
complexity of the sentence. This can be achieved in a
variety of ways, such as simplifying the vocabulary,
and using common rather than more unusual
words. In addition, the syntax of the sentence can be
simplified, by encouraging the child to use simple
structures such as active subject–verb–object con-
structions rather than sentences with a complex
clausal structure. The sentences can also be re-
duced in length. A child with poor working memory
skills working with short sentences, relatively unfa-
miliar words and easy syntactic forms is much more
likely to hold in working memory the sentence form
and to succeed in a reasonable attempt at writing
the sentence.
Third, the problem of the child losing his or her
place in a complex activity can be reduced by
breaking down the tasks into separate steps, and by
providing memory support. External memory aids
such as useful spellings displayed on the teacher’s
board or the classroom walls and number lines are
widely used in classrooms. In our observational
study, however, we found that children with poor
working memory function often chose not to use
such devices, but gravitated instead towards lower-
level strategies with lower processing requirements
and reduced general efficiency. In order to encourage
children’s use of memory aids, it may be necessary to
give the child regular periods of practice in the use of
the aids in the context of simple activities with few
working memory demands.
Difficulties in keeping place in complex task
structures may also be eased by increasing access to
useful spellings which will also help prevent them
losing their place in writing activities. Reducing the
processing load and opportunity for error in spelling
individual words will increase the child’s success in
completing the sentence as a whole. However, read-
ing off information from spellings of key words on the
teacher’s board was itself observed to be a source of
error in low memory children in our study, with
children commonly losing their place within the
word. Making available spellings of key words on the
child’s own desk rather than a distant class board
may reduce these errors by making the task of
locating key information easier and reducing oppor-
tunities for distraction. It may also be beneficial to
develop ways of marking the child’s place in word
spellings as a means of reducing place-keeping
errors during copying.
A final recommendation for improving the learning
successes of individuals with poor working memory
skills is to develop in the children effective strategies
for coping with situations in which they experience
working memory failures. Strategies may include
encouraging the child to ask for forgotten informa-
tion where necessary, training in the use of memory
aids, and encouragement to continue with complex
tasks rather than abandoning them even if some of
the steps are not completed due to memory failure.
The use of nonverbal cues and memory aids such as
pictures and visual schematics may be of particular
value here. We suggest that arming the child with
such self-help strategies will promote their develop-
ment as independent learners able to identify and
support their own learning needs.
Impairments of working memory and of verbal short-
term memory are associated with a variety of neuro-
developmental disorders. In order to minimise the
adverse consequences for learning and educational
progress that result from these impairments, early
diagnosis followed by remedial support that targets
relevant domains of learning is strongly recommended.
The preparation of this article was supported by a
project grant awarded by the Medical Research
Council to S.E. Gathercole, A.M. Adams, and C.S.
Willis. The authors wish to thank J. Elliott and
P. Tymms for their useful feedback on earlier drafts
of this manuscript.
Correspondence to
Susan E. Gathercole, Department of Psychology,
University of Durham, Science Laboratories, South
Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK; Tel: 0191 3343255;
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Manuscript accepted 1 December 2004
Practitioner Review: Memory deficits 15