Chapter 27
Memory disorders in children
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Department of Psychology Cognition & Behavior, University of Lige, Lige, Belgium
Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique FNRS, Brussels, Belgium
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
p0005 Memory impairments are observed in a broad range of
childhood disorders, either related to direct brain insult
(traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident) or to
genetic anomalies leading to alterations of brain develop-
ment. Although different theoretical frameworks of
memory functions currently coexist, there is agreement
on the existence of at least four different memory sys-
tems. Rarely a child will present impairment in all of these
systems at the same time. Hence, for efficient diagnosis
and treatment, the identification of impaired as well as
preserved memory functions is of utmost importance.
p0010 A first memory function is short-term memory
(working memory, immediate memory, primary mem-
ory) which holds currently perceived or retrieved infor-
mation in an active and conscious format during the
completion of a cognitive task (e.g., maintaining an un-
familiar telephone number one has just looked up in the
phone book, for the time needed to dial the number;
maintaining a new melody or a new word one has just
heard for immediate repetition; maintaining the succes-
sive results of an arithmetic problem during mental cal-
culation; maintaining the picture of an unfamiliar object
one is copying). Short-term memory allows us to inte-
grate current information with the immediate past and
the immediate future and hence is a critical function
for maintaining internal thoughts and activated cogni-
tive representations synchronized with ongoing external
events. Traditionally, verbal and visuospatial short-term
memory subsystems are distinguished although current
research suggests that both systems rely on common at-
tentional processes which interact with distinct represen-
tational bases (language representations for verbal
short-term memory, visuospatial representations for
visuospatial short-term memory) (Majerus et al., 2010) .
A further function of short-term memory is to mani-
pulate and transform currently maintained inform ation
(i.e., working memory) and as such is also strongly
related to executive functions and attention.
p0015A second system is episodic long-term memory allow-
ing the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information as-
sociated with the precise spatiotemporal context in which
the information was experienced (e.g., remembering
one’s last birthday party, remembering the day when
one was awarded his/her high school diploma, remember-
ing the holidays spent in Norway last year, remembering
the phone call received 10 minutes ago). As such, episodic
memory is intimately related to autobiographical memory
and the construction of one’s identity as an individual with
a history of personal events. Episodic memory also has a
future-oriented function by enabling us to think of future
events (the tasks-to-do today, tomorrow; medical and pro-
fessional appointments; planned meetings with friends).
p0020Another long-term memory system is semantic mem-
ory storing general knowledge, scripts, and facts about
the world (e.g., What is a dog? What is a house? What do
we do at a restaurant? Which is the capital of Belgium?
Why is it cold during winter?). Contrary to episodic long-
term memory, no precise contextual information is asso-
ciated with semantic memories: we simply know that
Brussels is the capital of Belgium, even if we do not
know where and when we learned this information. Re-
trieval in semantic memor y is usually fast and easy,
while it is slower and effortful in episodic memory. Se-
mantic memory is also a contributor to autobiographical
memory, by storing self-relevant but decontextualized
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*Correspondence to: Dr. Steve Majerus, Department of Psychology Cognition & Behavior, Universite
de Lie
ge, Boulevard du
Rectorat, B33, 4000 Lie
ge, Belgium. Tel: þ32 4 3664656, E-mail: [email protected]
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 111 (3rd series)
Pediatric Neurology Part I
O. Dulac, M. Lassonde and H.B. Sarnat, Editors
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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knowledge such as the date one was born, one’s nation-
ality, the names of close relatives. Semantic memories
are often acquired implicitly, but they can be retrieved
explicitly while episodic memories are acquired and re-
trieved explicitly.
p0025 Finally, procedural long-term memory is a relatively
heterogeneous concept broadly regrouping complex
sensorimotor knowledge and skills that are acquired
implicitly or explicitly and, once fully automatized, are
difficult to verbalize (e.g., skilled reading, speaking,
writing, advanced music playing, running a cycle, skilled
typing on a computer keyboard).
p0030 Impaired short-term memory is reflected by a reduced
ability to temporarily store and reproduce verbal and/or
visuospatial information that has just been presented.
Children with impaired verbal short-term memory will
thus show poor ability in the immediate reproduction of
verbal sequences (e.g., lists of digits, words or unfamil-
iar words) and/or visuospatial patterns (e.g., object
copying, spatial sequence reproduction). Given the im-
portance of short-term memory as a first step toward
long-term learning of new information, these children
will typically also have difficulties in learning new
verbal inform ation such as a new vocabulary, new
definitions, and in learning associations between
abstract concepts as for example needed in chemistry
(Baddeley et al., 1998). Furthermore given the implica-
tion of short-term memory during mental calculation
and reasoning, difficulties will also be observed in ar-
ithmetic and sentence comprehension. The d eficit can
be selective for verbal or visual information, or involve
both modalities. Although short-term memory deficits
do not prevent successful comple tion of primary and
secondary school education, they will nevertheless
cause a significant handicap by slowing the affected
child’s learning rate and his/her comprehension o f
the explanations a nd task assignments provided by
the teaching staff.
p0035 The observation of a selective short-term memory im-
pairment, in the absence of any other cognitive deficit, is
extremely rare. This is partly due to the fact that short-
term memory deficits are the consequence of lesions in
the inferior parietal lobule and/or the inferior frontal gy-
rus, most often as a result of a cerebrovascular accident
in the territory of the left middle cerebral artery. This
kind of accident is rare in children. Furthermore, trau-
matic brain injury, more common in populations of chil-
dren, rarely leads to focal and selective lesions in these
areas, although short-term memory disorders are a fre-
quent consequence of traumatic brain injury in associa-
tion with other memory impairments (episodic memory).
Three cases have been described presenting a selective
verbal short-term memory disorder in the absence of
any documented brain insult, but with the predicted ac-
companying difficulties in learning new verbal informa-
tion (Baddeley, 1993; Baddeley and Wilson, 1993; Hanten
and Martin, 2001). However, at least for two of these
cases, more general language impairment could not be
completely excluded.
p0040At the same time, short-term memory disorders are
most often observed in association with broader cogni-
tive impairment. Children with specific language im-
pairment and children with dyslexia typically show
poor verbal short-term memory and working memory
spans; the reduction in verbal short-term memory in
these populations cannot be fully explained by their
poor langu ag e abi lit ie s, an d henc e it is like ly that
the short-term memory deficits f urther contribute to
the already protracted language development in these
children. More generally, verbal short-term memory
deficits are a residual deficit in many populations which
initially presented more global language impairment
patients who presented specific language impairment,
childhood aphasia, or epileptic childhood aphasia
(Landau-Kleffner syndrome) during childhood can
show relatively good language r ecovery at adulthood
but verbal short-term memory impairment will still be
p0045A number of genetic syndromes are also character-
ized by poor short-term memory spans, either for verbal
short-term memory, such as in Down syndrome (trisomy
21) or for visual short-term memory, such as in
Williams syndrome (7q11.23) and X-related syndromes
(Fragile X, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome,
and Rett syndrome). Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
(microdeletion 22q11.21) is particularly interesting here
since a specific deficit for the retention of order
information has been observed: affected child ren can ac-
curately maintain and reproduce the items (e.g.,
words, digits) that have been presented to them but they
will have more important difficulties in maintaining
and reproducing the order in which the items have been
presented (Majerus et al., 2007). Recent studies
suggest indeed that one of the major functions of
short-term memory is to maintain the order of events
that just occurred, the events themselves being directly
coded via temporary activation of the respective long-
term knowledge bases (i.e., the language system for ver-
bal information) (Majerus, 2009). Finally, we should
note that in Fragile X syndrome, the short-term memory
impairment is typically more general, including poor
retention for verbal, visual, and order information,
most likely related to more fundamental attentional dif-
ficulties during encoding of information in short-term
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p0050 Children presenting with episodic memory deficits will
have difficulties explicitly learning and/or retrieving
new information and its associated spatiotemporal con-
text. These children will forget appointments, tasks-to-
do, and activities they had the same day or several
days/weeks ago. This will also reduce their ability to pro-
ject into the future and to design future plans/activities.
If there was an acute onset of memory difficulties, mem-
ories that have been learned before the onset will gener-
ally remain intact and will continue to be retrieved
accurately. Furthermore, the deficit can be characterized
either by difficulties during encoding (information is not
correctly encoded in episodic memory), during consoli-
dation (high forgetting rate), and/or during retrieval
(information cannot be retrieved but if correct retrieval
cues are provided, performance can be improved).
Although these children will show important difficulties
in remembering everyday activities, learning of semantic
and procedural information via repeated exposure is
nevertheless possible. Hence these children can evolve
in a stand ard educational setting in a satisfactory man-
ner, but episodic aspects of learning will be poor or
p0055 A frequent cause of selective episodic memory defi-
cits, leading to a pattern of developmental amnesia, are
lesions to the bilateral hippocampal areas as a result of
anoxia, ischemia, or carbon monoxyde poisoning. These
lesions will particularly affect the consolidation stage of
episodic memory. In some cases, recognition memory
can be relatively preserved, as opposed to full, uncued
recall. If these lesions occur at a very early age (i.e., at
the perinatal stage), the difficulties in episodic memory
may be observable only 3 to 4 years later, when episodic
memory starts to get recruited more extensively. In some
cases, the episodic memory deficit may be restricted to
the verbal or the visual condition (Temple and
Richardson, 2006).
p0060 Other causes leading to episodic memory deficits are
traumatic brain injury (in about 50% of children with
traumatic brain injury), brain tumors (especially those in-
volving the third ventricle), and cerebrovascular acci-
dents. Epileptic disorders, especially those involving
the medial temporal lobes, are a further frequent cause
of episodic memory deficits. If the epileptic foci are
unilateral, the memory deficits may be restricted to
verbal (left temporal) or visual (right temporal) informa-
tion, although more general deficits are observed when
the foci are bilateral (Temple, 2002). It is important to
note that even a single status epilepticus can lead to
alterations in the hippocampal regions 5 days after onset
(Scott et al., 2002).
p0065More subtle and strategic deficits during memory
retrieval have been observed in children presenting
with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Cornoldi and colleagues (1999) observed deficits in 12-
year-old children with ADHD in a picture recall task
when no information about possible encoding strategies
was given (such as regrouping the pictures according to
their semantic category). However, recall performance
was normalized when the children were informed about
the strategy and were trained to use it, indicating that the
memory deficits in ADHD are characterized by difficul-
ties in implementing accurate encoding and retrieval
strategies, rather than impairment at the level of con sol-
idation. In the same vein, premature birth is a further risk
factor for developing episod ic memory disorders, al-
though the impairments may be relatively subtle and
not significant in all children born preterm.
p0070Finally, episodic memory deficits are also observed in
a range of genetic disorders such as Rett syndrome, Kli-
nefelter syndrome, Down syndrome, velo-cardio-facial
syndrome, and Williams syndrome, the two latter
syndromes being characterized by an impairment
especially for visual episodic memory.
p0075Semantic memory disorders will lead to deficient factual
knowledge and poor semantic categorization (e.g., Do
“cat” and “dog” belong to the same semantic category?),
while categorization based on phonological information
will be possible (e.g., rhyme judgment). Vocabulary
knowledge will also be poor while other language aspects
will be preserved. In children, semantic memory disor-
ders are less frequently observed, relative to episodic
or short-term memory disorders. They are typically the
consequence of lesions to the medial and lateral inferior
temporal lobe, even in the absence of damage to the
hippocampal area (Temple and Richardson, 2006).
Although semantic memory disorders have been less
intensively investigated, they appear in children present-
ing with late-onset temporal lobe epilepsy, especially
left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, although memory im-
pairment is less frequent than it is in adults presenting
with the same type of epilepsy (see also Jambaque
Lassonde, this volume). More generally, impaired
semantic memory characterizes a number of genetic
syndromes associated with mental retardation, such as
Williams syndrome, Down syndrome, and Fragile X.
p0080Finally, difficulties in procedural memory are charac-
terized by various difficulties in learning new sensorimo-
tor skills, such as those involved in becoming a skilled
music player, a skilled reader, or a skilled speaker. These
difficulties are very rarely observed as a result of acquired
brain lesion but may occasionally appear during epileptic
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disorders, especially if the cerebellum is involved, as sug-
gested by a study in adult epileptic patients (Hermann
et al., 2004). On the other hand, genetic syndromes such
as Williams syndrome have been associated with
procedural memory disorders, as tested by serial reaction
time tasks, possibly related to abnormal development of
More generally, the difficulties in learning to speak in
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t0005 Table 27.1
Synopsis of memory impairments, associated syndromes, and associated cerebral/genetic anomalies
Memory system Symptoms Syndromes Brain lesions/genetic anomaly
Short-term memory
Verbal Inability to maintain for a few
seconds new verbal
information; difficulties in
acquiring a new vocabulary
Developmental STM disorder
TBI, CVA , epileptic
Down syndrome
Fragile X
L posterior temporal/L
inferior frontal
Trisomy 21
Xq27.3 mutation
Order Difficulties in maintaining the
order of events
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome 22q11.2 microdeletion
Visual Inability to maintain for a few
seconds new visual
information; difficulties in
mental imagery
Traumatic brain injury or CVA
Williams syndrome
R parieto-occipital
7q11.23 microdeletion
Fragile X
Turner syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Rett syndrome
Xq27.3 mutation
45X0, 47XXX
47XXY, 47XYY, 48XXXY
Xq28 mutation
Episodic memory Inability to learn new
information and its
spatiotemporal context;
increased forgetting of past
and future events
Developmental amnesia
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Bilateral hippocampi
L and/or R hippocampus
Brain tumor, CVA
Down syndrome
Williams syndrome
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Rett syndrome
Dorso-lateral prefrontal
cortex; diffuse axonal
3rd ventricle
21 trisomy
7q11.23 microdeletion
22q11.2 microdeletion
47XXY, 47XYY, 48XXXY
Xq28 mutation
Semantic memory Inability to learn factual
information; poor
vocabulary knowledge
Temporal lobe epilepsy L lateral inferior and medial
temporal lobe
Williams syndrome 7q11.23 microdeletion
Procedural memory Difficulties to learn
sensorimotor skills (speech,
reading, music playing,
keyboard typing)
Temporal lobe epilepsy
Williams syndrome
Specific language impairment?
Cerebellar involvement
7q11.23 microdeletion
CVA, cerebrovascular accident; STM, short-term memory; TBI, traumatic brain injury; L, left; R, right.
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specific language impairment and in learning to write in
dyslexia have been suggested to reflect impairment in pro-
cedural memory, preventing the automatization of the
complex auditory-motor and visual-motor loops involved
in the production of oral and written language, respec-
tively (Ullman and Pierpoint, 2005).
p0085 This chapter provides an overview of the main memory
disorders encountered in neuropediatric populations
(see also Table 27.1). Although we have presented the dif-
ferent disorders as separate entities, some of these can
co-occur. For example, lesions to the medial temporal
lobe often lead to both semantic and episodic memory
deficits, depending on the extent of the lesion and the in-
volvement or not of hippocampal areas. Similarly, im-
pairments in short-term memory and episodic memory
frequently co-occur in children suffering from trau-
matic brain injury. Moreover, the different memory sys-
tems interact: although semantic memories can be
learned while episodic memory is significantly impaired,
a joint intervention of both systems will lead to the fast-
est learning rate of new information. Similarly, the codes
used in short-term memory tasks are shared with long-
term memory systems: semantic information in a
short-term memory task will be stored by first activating
corresponding information in long-term semantic mem-
ory. Hence, a deficit in one memory system will also im-
pact on other memory systems. Future studies will need
to determine the precise mechanisms that allow these in-
teractions between memory systems and how these inter-
actions can be affected via brain pathology.
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Non-Print Items
Memory disorders are a frequent consequence of a variety of childhood neurological conditions. We will review the
characteristics of memory disorders as a function of the main four memory systems: short-term memory, episodic
memory, semantic memory, and procedural memory. For each system, we will identify the mos t typical cerebral and/or
genetic correlates, and we will discuss the impact of impairment of each memory system on everyda y life functioning.
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Date:7/2/13 Time:11:31:05 Page Number: 6
B978-0-444-52891-9.00027-0, 00027
HCN, 978-0-444-52891-9
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